38,000 Deaths! Big Pharma 'Mistakes' with Dr. Pierre Kory

I second Ordinary Men. The realization of how precarious we are on that edge is discombobulating.


Calgary Article

I have a different explanation for the Calgary news piece. We all know the media is not allowed to say anything anti-vaccine. The media knows this. The reporters in the media know this. Probably most of them know the whole vaccine thing is a scam. And I’m sure many in the media also have some shred of integrity left in them (well, maybe not in CBC). And likely many of them have had people close to them hurt by the vaccines.
So… how can they use this situation to somehow get the truth out, without actually violating the gag order rules? Well, they can make ridiculous stories about how the death rate is skyrocketing from some mysterious unknown cause in 2021, and quote some doctor bringing up the topic of vaccines so it’s in peoples’ minds, even if it’s to encourage you to get more. This makes it even more ridiculous. The fact that this is so absurd is a good thing. They are leading all the plebe horses to water, “Come on people, you can connect the dots. It’s not hard. We aren’t allowed to do this for you so it’s up to you…”
If the media really wanted to keep it out of common knowledge they simply wouldn’t report on the excess deaths. And they certainly wouldn’t leave it open to public comments below, where anyone with a shred of curiosity would be shown how A connects to B. So I think it’s very promising.


Israeli Cohort Study Involving 196,992 Unvaccinated Adults Found “No Increase In The Incidence Of Myocarditis And Pericarditis” After COVID Infection
Not sure if this is the one you were referring to?


This Whole Plan Was Put Into Motion After The Meeting March 2, 2020

The link below is the video and transcript from the meeting between President Trump, his covid-19 taskforce, and executives from the pharmaceutical industry, this meeting took place on March 2, 2020 
After this meeting President Trump emerged with the taskforce members and the pharmaceutical to address correspondents from hundreds of media outlets and proclaimed.
"We have a deal
It was a long transcript but after reading the transcript multiple times I realized there were two key components missing from the administration’s strategy.  

  1. No push for ramping up diagnostics. (Rapid at home test) This lack of vision trickled down to our own local health and school officials.
    The delays by the FDA to approve the use of rapid test. They did not become available for over the counter purchase until March of 2021.
  2. No push to find existing FDA approved drugs and supplements with excellent safety profiles. to be used off label. 
    For example: retrospective studies on the correlation of Vitamin D levels as it relates to hospitalizations and Deaths. 
    There are other treatments that appear to have been systematically suppressed by the FDA, CDC, mainstream media, social media companies,’ members of the US House and US Senate, local and state governments, Local and state health care officials and lastly let us not forget the Trump’s FDA director magickly became a Board member for Pfizer after he left the FDA. (Serious conflict of interest.) 
    President Trump along with his covid-19 taskforce put all their resources into the vaccines. A failed strategy that  caused the deaths of over one million of our fellow citizens. These policies have caused millions to leave the workforce in order to home school their children. Leaving thousands of businesses to cut their hours of operations or simply close their doors. Due to lack of staff. 
    President Biden and his Covid-19 taskforce has now taken the vaccine baton and are running with it, with the same blind vision as the Trump administration. Now after two and a half years of continuing fluster clucks tens of millions of United States Citizens are losing confidence in the country’s institutions. Local, State and Federal Government, public education, our healthcare systems, our media outlets and our financial system. I am confident that one day in the not-too-distant future there will be a true revolt that will make January 6th look like just a busy tourist day,  
    The phrase “Full Faith and Credit of the United States of America.”  No longer carries the same weight in the world as it has in the past. I doubt that either of the two major political parties will be able to restore the people’s trust and faith in the systems. 

Thank you!


Challenges And Opportunities

First a quote for Evie:
“Nothing In The World Can Take The Place Of Persistence.
Talent Will Not; Nothing Is More Common Than Unsuccessful Men With Talent.
Genius Will Not; Unrewarded Genius Is Almost A Proverb.
Education Will Not; The World Is Full Of Educated Derelicts.
Persistence And Determination Alone Are Omnipotent.
The Slogan “Press On” Has Solved And Always Will Solve The Problems Of The Human Race.” – Calvin Coolidge
I have witnessed corporate culture do unjust and immoral things throughout my career. It has been there for a long time and is not going away anytime soon. The best thing you can do is take care of yourself and protect your friends and family from being exploited.
There is a sloshing of interests, trust, and capitol. That is what is going on right now. The knot in your chest is seeing the crest of that wave in front of you. Now that you see the wave, it is time to look for insight into where the true value is. This is so you can decide how to make the most of what you have. Don’t worry too much if you miss this wave, there will be so many more as we transition between generations. The important thing is to stay standing and keep up the work of the good, we will need every bit of it.

President Trump along with his covid-19 taskforce put all their resources into the vaccines.
That's not true at all. Trump held round tables at the White house with people who had been healed with Hydroxychloroquine. His intention was to get enough hydroxychoroquine supply to treat anyone who needed it, but Rick Bright and Fauci undermined him and made it such that HCQ could only be used for in-hospital treatment, which of course meant that it was not early treatment. Trump was supporting all options... he just didn't understand what he was up against. https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/the-chloroquine-wars-part-xii
At a White House press conference addressing the pandemic, held on March 19, 2020, President Trump spoke optimistically about a pair of drugs for which the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave emergency approval:

So you have remdesivir and you have hydroxychloroquine. So those are two that are out now, essentially approved for prescribed use. And I think it’s going to be very exciting. I think it could be a game changer, and maybe not and maybe not, but I think it could be, based on what I see, it could be a game changer. Very powerful. They’re very powerful.

Trump also made the very reasonable observation that HCQ has “been around for a long time, so we know that if things don’t go as planned it’s not going to kill anybody. When you go with a brand new drug, you don’t know that that’s going to happen.” While it is always possible that a drug could conceivably interact poorly with a novel virus, the odds were extremely high that this would not be the case, and large bodies of evidence seemed then and seem now to confirm Trump’s statement.

What happened next was baffling, even in this era of politics. The American media which had been eerily and suspiciously silent about CQ and HCQ (while other nations were taking it up as standard treatment and reporting success), suddenly went into overdrive denigrating the suggestion that the drugs might work in treating the novel coronavirus and COVID-19. Their method seemed to revolve primarily around associating the drugs with Trump, while using National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Anthony Fauci as Trump’s perfect nemesis. It all seemed as if the media never wanted to find out much about the drug and the evidence developing around the world.

To their credit, a handful of mainstream media organizations ran basic, apolitical articles about hydroxychloroquine in the twenty-four hours after Trump introduced it as “could be a game changer, and maybe not”. Sai Balasubramanian’s article in Forbes stands out as one such apolitical example. He gave a brief explanation of the drug and acknowledged that the evidence was new and developing. That same day, Aristos Georgiou wrote about HCQ in Newsweek, describing the then-present state of Dr. Didier Raoult’s research in a neutral tone. However, these articles seemed to be the exception more than the norm.

In a Vox article published the day after Trump’s first mention of HCQ, the medicine was referred to as “Trump’s new favorite treatment,” establishing the association in people’s minds. Such association might (ahem) lead those who dislike or distrust Trump to reject the idea of the HCQ Hypothesis before hardly learning what it entailed, or what further evidence might unfold. The article quoted Fauci as saying, “The evidence was thin and anecdotal,” with no further explanation of what that evidence entailed. Here Fauci became elevated to the position of “anti-Trump”, a new association for many readers, and one repeated in many articles and news reports to come. The Vox article goes on to describe inaccurately the evidence of HCQ efficacy to date, with key exclusions including its then-recent usage in Costa Rica, Spain, Indonesia, Italy, and other nations.

On March 21, USA Today really set the tone declaring that “Trump peddles snake oil”, implying that “the science is settled” already. Such a hard to walk back statement suggests a commitment to a shared journey of cognitive dissonance and the rejection of future evidence---the very antithesis of the scientific method. This and other articles began using the word “contradict” to describe mundane statements made by health authorities, such as an FDA official saying that they had not yet approved any drug for COVID-19 treatment.

In the Washington Post, in an opinion piece derisively titled, “Trump’s not a doctor. He’s only playing one on TV,” chief architect of the Affordable Care Act, Zeke Emanuel, called Trump’s promotion of HCQ “irresponsible”, “sloppy science”, and “dangerous policy”. While he talks of “unpredictable harms”, he never conveys the long safety record HCQ enjoys, compares it with other ordinary medicines, or weighs the benefits of its potential success. While he writes about experiments, he never once mentions the many nations already using HCQ at that time, nearly all of which had lower fatality rates and deaths per million than does the United States (and still do a year later). The primary effect of the article was likely to further ingrain a partisan association with the subject matter, along with the subtext, “Whatever good SCIENCE exists, it can only be on our side [so you won’t need to think any more about it].”
There's more..but I think I have made my point....

We Are Winning

Europe just declared natural gas as a GREEN fuel!!! go figure We are winning!!!


And as a patient how do I find these doctors and then nurses and home health?


Go get ‘em Sand Kitty!


Excess Deaths In The Media

The Telegraph: “Excess deaths are on the rise – but not because of Covid. Office for National Statistics data leads health experts to call for urgent investigation into what is causing the excess mortality”.
The Spectator “The mystery of Britain’s surging at-home deaths… This year so far some 13,000 people more than average died at home in England and Wales”.
Many have been trying to alert people to this for some time, and were also calling for urgent investigation, but they were ridiculed, gaslit, demonized, and silenced. I guess now it is the mainstream media, it is official, and acceptable to be talking about this.
What lessons can we learn about the levels of Epistemic Injustice and Censorship in our society from this?
Also, since it is official, should we now be asking those who were
reporting on this much earlier, and found to be correct, what else they are seeing in the data?


A New Pattern; Babies And Toddlers Having Seizures

I have seen multiple reports of this… something to watch for. This tweet from an awake 9/11 operator.


There is so much evidence showing the ineffectiveness of the vaccine that I stopped cataloguing it all. Here is some that I held onto.
Although the vaccine makers claimed 95% effectiveness. They were talking about relative risk reduction, not absolute risk reduction.
Absolute risk reduction is the difference between attack rates with and without a vaccine and considers the whole population. ARR tells us about the effectiveness of that vaccine-related to an individual.
Here is some data on the absolute risk reduction of the vaccines.
The absolute risk reduction of the Pfizer vaccine is .84%, that is, less than a one percent reduction in risk.
The real world absolute risk reduction found in Israel was only .46 percent, that is, less than one half of one percent.
And that protection is only temporary, even against a single variant. 
And against the Omicron variant the vaccines literally had negative effectiveness. In other words, you were more likely to get severely ill if you had gotten the vaccine than if you had remained unvaccinated. 
Incredibly, this conclusion is backed up by data supplied by some of the nations which were supportive of the vaccines.
See Page 36-37


Excellent first comment Greg. Keep them coming!
I’ll be sure to check out Ordinary Men as I am busy trying to understand how it is that humans can be the way they are. Well, some of them at least.
One thing I cannot really resolve is how and why evolution coded in this propensity to go mad. Seems self-destructive and nature usually avoids that sort of thing.
My one ‘explanation’ is that the most recent human bottleneck about 70k years ago was brutal.

Around 70,000 years ago, humanity's global population dropped down to only a few thousand individuals, and it had major effects on our species. One theory claims that a massive supervolcano in Indonesia erupted, blackening the sky with ash, plunging earth into an ice age, and killing off all but the hardiest humans.
My hypothesis centers on answering this question; "what sort of human individuals, exactly, do you suppose were best equipped to make it through such a brutal period?" If you answered "violent sociopaths!" then maybe we have an answer of sorts. The human genome got selected down to a population that was overly represented by 'survivors' who then passed along their violent genomes... Maybe this explains things? Just a thought...

That’s okay, because hospitals somehow knew to get ready for this:


This is exactly the way that I feel about it. It is now so clear that the whole system is hopelessly corrupt and dysfunctional.


Rules for rulers - When coming in last, just change the rules.


Vaccines And Autism?

I’m asking because I don’t know but i’m curious. Has there ever been a connection regarding these two?

…shinzo Abe And Muhammed Barkindo …

“…so…anybody else unclear about the science…?”


Here is a link to a video that my Dr. made. He is a natural nutritionist that I’ve been seeing for the past 18 years. He saved my life. I have not watched this video.

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