38,000 Deaths! Big Pharma 'Mistakes' with Dr. Pierre Kory

The Merck List Reminds Me Of Wake Up By Rage Against The Machine

Near the end of the song “Wake Up”, lead singer Zach de la Rocha reads from a March 1968 FBI Memo, “Counterintelligence Program – Black Nationalist-Hate Groups – Racial Intelligence”:
“He [King] could be a real contender for this position [ of ‘black messiah’] should he abandon his supposed ‘obedience’ to ‘white liberal doctrines’ (non-violence) and embrace black nationalism.

Through counter-intelligence it should be possible to
pinpoint potential trouble-makers and neutralize them…”
Sadly many people are slow to wake up.
Huge hat tip to Pierre, Paul, Peter, Chris and all the others who have the courage to stand their ground and to speak out. Big respect.


Alternative Wellness Universe

I finally listened to last night’s podcast. I’m sorry I missed it live, since I have a LOT to say about this subject. I was getting fertile chicken eggs to put under my broody hen. Very good for the happiness factor. If you don’t have chicks, get some!!
Anyway, I have been out of the mainstream medical system for a long time. I’ve dealt with medical injuries, and spent the last 18 years fixing them. After much hard work, I am pretty healthy now.
One of the 1st things we realized when this “virus” traveled around he world and landed in the US, was fear was being used as a BIG propaganda weapon. I think this bio engineered virus is attracted to fear. If you aren’t afraid of it, it won’t infect you.
Here’s a little story about my father, who would have been 100 yr old this year!
In 1942, he got TB. (there’s a whole other story attached to why I think he got it, that I’ll save for another time). He lived in Brooklyn, NY. My sister only found an essay he wrote about it last year in some of my mother’s belongings.
The family collected enough money to send him upstate to the sanitarium. I believe it was in Yonkers. When he was admitted, there were 3 levels, and depending on which level you had, depended on your care.
He was categorized as the middle level of illness. This meant he had to stay in bed for a week. If he improved, he could progress to bed rest along with some exercise. If he didn’t, they would send him to Colorado to a clinic. There, the dr.s would collapse his lung and re-inflate it. There was a 95%! failure rate.
As the week wore on and he didn’t improve, he realized that he only had enough money to get out to CO and pay for the treatment. If he lived, he wouldn’t have enough money to recuperate or get back to NY.
While he was trying to figure out what to do, someone he met, in the more advanced ward, stormed out of the clinic, cursing out the dr.s, that were trying to convince him to stay. He said he was going to a real dr. My dad asked him for the real dr.'s name and info. The guy wrote Dr. Max Gerson and an address on a scrap of paper, and left.
My dad packed his bag, left the sanitarium, and went to Max Gerson’s office, which was in Brooklyn. Dr. Gerson examined my father and gave him the “medicine” which was 3 weeks of a therapeutic diet.
Fresh and cooked vegetables, mostly but not limited to celery, carrots, parsley, onions, baked potato, camomile tea, calves liver, chicken soup. Oatmeal with fruit, nuts and seeds for breakfast. Fresh milk. No caffein. Some dark chocolate. I have original this diet somewhere.
Dr. Gerson also said to get plenty of sunshine, fresh air, walking exercise, and good sleep every day. After the 3 weeks, my father was to go back for a follow up visit.
When he went home, his mother and the rest of the family all pitched in to help make the meals, etc. His aunt and uncle owned a grocery store in Lower Manhattan, so they had access to good food. He followed the diet and regimen to the letter, and went back for his follow up visit. Dr. Gerson said he was well and can go back too his normal life.
When my father went to pay him, Dr. Gerson realized he didn’t have much money, and had not worked for a month. He told my father to get back on his feet and pay him when he had the money, which he did.
My father couldn’t believe it was that simple. So he went back to the original clinic and the dr. that originally diagnosed him, to get a 2nd opinion. The dr. examined him and couldn’t believe it. There was no sign that he ever even had TB. He was so surprised, that he called in all the clinic dr.s to show them. They were shocked.
When my father asked why they didn’t do Dr. Gerson’s diet and therapy instead of the sanitarium and the lung collapse treatment, they said they would all be out of business if they did that.
progress to today…


Sadly, the all cause mortality tack isn’t always effective. I’ve had people tell me that’s just the trial data, now we have real world data showing it works. ?‍♀️


Thank you for sharing that family story.



If the media really wanted to keep it out of common knowledge they simply wouldn’t report on the excess deaths. 
Hmmmm...okay. That's an interesting thesis. If this is 'the best they can do under trying circumstances' - the media equivalent of flying an upside-down flag or displaying an extended middle finger subtly by one's leg for the look-he's-on-our-side-now photo - my question becomes; who is applying the pressure? I like your thesis, but it now requires me to consider that there's someone actively telling the journalists and editors what not to do. It's more than just them divining the political winds and writing accordingly. But I'm sure there are more than a few that fit the bill of 'internal seditionist.'


Countdown to youtube taking this video down

It’s more about compliance and group cohesiveness were more important to survival than understanding the truth, in caveman times. E.g. believing in the geocentric model won’t get you killed by your failure to correctly predict Mars’ epicycles but non-compliance with the socially enforced edict will get you killed.


My credit union has been offering cheap insurance policies with a matching benefit for the last 2 years. Right after they “restructured” to be on civid panic time.

Pharma And The Medical Regulators

As a Canadian MD, I have experienced 3 decades of pharma shenanigans including the Vioxx fiasco and many others (Avandia, Oxycontin). I think many MD’s don’t even know why Vioxx isn’t still available. I still hear comments like “Vioxx was the best anti inflammatory out there”. Forget the fact that it killed and injured many and took years to pull. With blinders on, it’s surprisingly very easy to keep doctors blue pilled even as the bodies pile up and injuries mount, with respect to the Covid “vaccines”.
I learned to treat Covid with Dr. Kory and Marik as mentors of brilliance as well as learning an incredible amount from Chris who I have been following since February 2020 (as well as numerous others (Dr. Zelenko, Fareed, Malone, McCullough, Urso and more).
Collaboration allowed “best practices” in medicine, all to help our patients. There’s nothing else in it for the practitioner. No conflicts of interests.
Not toeing the party line in Canada has brought the wrath of the mainstream media (Toronto Star, Global News) and the medical regulator (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario) who have flexed its grip and restricted my license and many others while they continue to “investigate” and plan to discipline. Canada is unrecognizable for what it used to be. The dark days appear far from over here as government here continues to double down on the vaccine push even as the narrative crumbles.
The medical profession has a great deal of atoning to do. The public has good reason for loss of trust. Can this ever be regained?


Can you post the link to that?

Great interview. There indeed seems to be an evolutionary angle to this:
In the mentioned post, there is an hyperlink to a paper.

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This sounds very disheartening, kudos for not giving up on your colleagues, and us their potential patients!
From their posts it’s clear their minds are “captured” by “Mass Formation”.


A tribe member recently shared this video (speaks to ALL childhood vaccines), but autism = 4x more likely for anyone vaccinated (~2’00" ; 2’44"; 4’46"): https://www.bitchute.com/video/Yi185dGYBz6p/
Also, Dr. Christina Parks shared that when Afro American males were given their vaccines on time, the MMR vaccine caused an uptick of autism in this population, which came to light via a whistleblower in 2012 (~7’26"): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCCOoT3XtJQ
I wish I’d had this information before my children were born.

It’s crystal clear that these excess deaths are caused by “the juice”. Within 30 years or so, this will be an accepted fact. That MSM is reporting on it is meaningless imo. It is still not allowed to just whisper that is can be caused by the jabs.
I think that we are witnessing a condensed version of “science in action”. “Science progresses one funeral at a time” Max Planck said. Thanks to the Mass, many funerals at a time…
There will be an evolutionary consequence from this horror show: that what makes us too obedient and submissive will be selected out. I wish it was otherwise, but this is the path our species is on imo…


Try to find some info about Robert F. Kennedy, and why he opted for ruining his former career. It will answer your question, and some you didn’t ask yourself yet…

I’ve no idea what facts sit behind the unexpected deaths of these 2 leaders. In case of doubt my comment wasn’t meant as a cruel joke, the point I was trying to make is that the “system” maintains the narrative by whatever means necessary. We often scratch our heads wondering why our elected leaders support the narrative as strongly as they do (despite everything)… Maybe some really are evil and others are trying to avoid an unnatural death just like the rest of us.

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“information Scouts” Are Now Being Blocked From All Non-public Content?

Website administrators seem to be currently unresponsive.

The Jabbed Are Waking Up

the jabbed are waking up to what the jabs truly are, and they’re getting angry. and the people who assisted in the genocide; doctors and politicians; will continue to state that the jabs are safe and effective because to say otherwise will be an admission that they’re guilty of murder/manslaughter.
famine will have to be in full effect before the anger reaches a level that directly endangers the elites and their plans; very soon.
time for me to leave again while you people continue to believe that all of this is accidental and a result of peak oil, climate change and stupid politicians; politicians who really are stupid because they believe they’re special and will be spared from the elites’ plans.

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The guy wrote Dr. Max Gerson
really encouraging to see that someone has a direct connection to Dr Gerson with a real life story. people should read more about Dr Gerson. he was a real doctor, not a Pharma salesman. Dr Gerson also helped develop/refine the hydraulic fruit press which was originally made by Norwalk Juicer and is now manufactured by Pure Juicer. the cold press process was designed specifically to retain all of the enzymes and proteins from within the vegetables/fruit without damaging the structure.