A Crisis Within A Crisis

Just some thoughts from a nondietician: look into the foods you can eat on a ketogenic diet. Try to stay away from refined carbs and sugar and vegetable oils. Coconut and virgin olive oil can replace a lot of carbohydrate calories. Coconut oil is also anti viral and shelf stable. Also look into growing sprouts. Much less labor.

Alex Horsman, the marketing manager at Ammo.com, said of the surge, "We know certain things impact ammo sales, mostly political events or economic instability when people feel their rights may end up infringed, but this is our first experience with a virus leading to such a boost in sales." Horsman continued, "But it makes sense. A lot of our customers like to be prepared. And for many of them, it's not just facemasks and TheraFlu. It's knowing that no matter what happens, they can keep themselves and their families safe."

When it comes to actual sales, Ammo.com's increase varied among calibers and brands. Calibers that saw the largest increase include:

I agree. I and other PP members have requested via PMs and public posts to Adam and Chris to please, please upgrade and/or fix the PP site as follows:

  1. Please make the megathreads “sticky” on the forums so they are always at the top of the forums. This should be done for all current and future megathreads so new and existing PP members can quickly reference prior discussions on critical coronavirus topics, saving time and frustration for all concerned.
  2. Please fix the “thumbs-up” button to allow for up-votes and identifying the PP members who have voted for a particular comment. Chris mentioned that he uses this (paraphrasing here) as a barometer of sorts to gauge the level of interest or perspective for a topic. I tend to use this the same way, as well as to support PP comments/commenters.
  3. Please fix/update the “Daily Digest” which appears to be “frozen” since the last upgrade. Note that the “thumbs-up” button works only in this area. The DD is now essentially another thread for posts of different content no longer relating to daily articles of interest. The “Good News Friday” articles are also no longer available, and are missed. I used to contribute articles but no longer do so as the DD is no longer updated.
  4. Please fix/upgrade the search function on the site. The search function is pretty useless in that it misses many articles and posts, and pulls content years old but misses more current content. An advanced search function would also be useful to allow for searches by date, commenter, general (e.g., “PPE”) or specific (e.g., “masks”) words.
  5. Please enhance the search function for PP premium members with a searchable member directory. (Maybe this already exists, but if so, I haven’t found it.)
    IMO, these fixes and upgrades are overdue and critical to PP members’ experience and ability to communicate and function as a vibrant on-line community.
    I know the PP team is aware of and attempting to address these concerns. And I also appreciate that the coronavirus is a fast-moving, all-consuming beast that requires concerted time, effort and expertise to keep all informed on a variety of communication platforms. This in addition to the business side of the PP operation, including planning for the 2020 PP Summit which may need to be modified due to pandemic concerns.
    However, I personally would be willing to temporarily forego frequency of video or article content if it allows the PP team to concentrate on and dedicate resources to the PP site fixes and upgrades. If so, please just give us a “heads-up” beforehand so no one freaks out thinking our fearless PP leaders have been abducted by aliens (or by the WHO, CDC, MSM). :wink:
    If there’s some behind-the-scenes progress being made, or obstacles that prevent these fixes or enhancements being made, please let us know. Maybe there are ways in which the PP tribe can help.
    Chris, Adam and the entire PP team: thank you a bazillion times over for all you do to keep this site and community moving forward, and the larger public informed during this pandemic. I provide these suggestions not to complain or detract from your extraordinarily valuable service, but to provide constructive feedback that will help PP manage the explosive growth and popularity it so richly deserves.

As there is no cure for the Honey Badger virus then those that are now recovered, have beaten the disease.
Therefore the immune system can do its job and those that die either have a poor immune system or succumb to symptoms before they can kill the virus
Does this explain why HIV drugs have some effect ?
Could perhaps this also explain why as a respiratory disease the co morbidities that result in death are greater for cardiovascular problems or diabetes.

Cardiovascular disease 13.2% 10.5%
Diabetes 9.2% 7.3%
Chronic respiratory disease 8.0% 6.3%
Hypertension 8.4% 6.0%
Cancer 7.6% 5.6%
no pre-existing conditions 0.9%
  If so, then maybe there is a clue here as to how best fend off the disease

When in the city I usually go to the open salad bar at a more upscale grocery store to fix my meal. I have decided this is no longer the safe way to go and will be purchasing only pre-packaged salad greens. These I wash anyway just as I do other fresh fruits and veggies.
As to the packaging. If these are sourced and packaged within the USA, the standards by the federal and state USDA organization for the growing and packaging of produce err on the side of cleanliness, mostly due to the dangers of passing on e-coli and/or salmonella. These facilities, be they large or at the level of the individual farmer, may be inspected at any time, no appointment required.
Produce is cleaned with a specialized soap or bleach solution prior to packaging. Those doing the packaging wear gloves. This is what I know from attending a workshop to become a growler of produce to potentially sell on a CSA or at farmers market. That said, always go the extra step to wash your own prior to consuming.
Edited to add links for fresh produce cleaning tips.

Personally, I would rather have consistent, current updates rather than have the housekeeping nuances fixed.
It would be great to have a large complex website work efficiently in a manner that is easily navigable but thats all secondary to the “information”.
Plus there are thousands of people who await Chris’s updates, daily. How would that sound to say, sorry I am working on website housekeeping today. He would lose credibility and respect.
Stephen Covey - “The main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing”!

Well i would like to see fixed posts concerning for example :

  • Supplements to enhance immune system
  • Medications to prepare for
  • Hygiene protocols
    How to give this form is up to PP if and if they want to.

Or, could it be in the expectation of violent Bernie Bros following thorough on their threats and the potential of civil unrest becoming greater both as a result of the the nearing convention and elections as well as the legs propping up our economy getting kicked out.
Correlation isn’t necessarily causation. It would be interesting to see this graph going back over several years. Sometimes people buy guns and ammo when they get their early filed tax return $$ back.

Also the number of states with gun control legislation coming out like Virginia.

North Carolina’s second presumptive positive is a twofer: he travelled to Italy AND is a known contact of a coronavirus case in Georgia, which is how he was detected and tested. Otherwise, he may still be circulating in public. Thank you, Georgia, for tracing this individual!
Chatham County is near Chapel Hill, home of UNC. Isn’t that where the epidemiology lab involved in dubious virus research is?

I would think that anything cooked would be safe. Handle packaging as you would anything else, which means wash your hands before and after, and don’t touch your face during handling. If you really want to have fresh, raw greens, you can always grow sprouts or microgreens in a jar. Johnny’s Selected Seeds will sell you a wide variety of seeds for those by the pound. I’m sure there are a lot of other sources, but I have experience with them and they deliver very fast.

Exactly. Gun-grabber Bloomberg may be out of the 2020 DNC race; however, his money is hard at work behind the scenes, paying lobbyists to to write and paying legislators to put forward anti-gun owner legislation.

Hey Granny, I certainly appreciate what you’re saying. I would expect that Chris and the PP team would prioritize site fixes and upgrades relative to the extensive demands on their limited time and other resources. For example, they may make the megagthreads “sticky” or provide some other very visible, easily accessible place on the site vs. developing a searchable member directory for premium members. The magathreads fix/enhancement will benefit more people than the searchable member directory.
Another thing to consider is that this coronavirus is apparently a longer-term emergency, lasting at least months if not longer. As more people become aware and impacted, more people will gravitate to the videos and PP site seeking trustworthy and accurate information, as well as community. So the site problems will only become more pronounced with the increased traffic. Some longer-term PP members, or even those who have joined in the past few months since this crisis became apparent, have expressed frustration in either not finding or getting answers or information to their pressing coronavirus concerns, or conversely, frustration in having to answer, explain or try to locate and refer members to information and content that has already been discussed extensively.
In his videos, Chris has stated that YT viewers and others have asked how they can donate or contribute to support PP. Each time, Chris has noted that the PP paying member community enables him and the PP team to work full-time on these important issues. As more people visit the site and this pandemic continues to spread, the site deficiencies will become more pronounced, possibly acutely so. This can deteriorate into a negative feedback loop, where PP experiences its own crisis due to bumping up against its limits of growth.
I’m not technically oriented, so I really don’t know what it would take to implement some or all of the requested fixes or enhancements; or what the obstacles are that prevent the PP from making those changes. That’s why I asked for an update from the PP team so we have a better sense of what is happening behind the scenes.
Maybe dtrammel or select other trusted PP member-volunteers can be given limited “permissions” to upload select content to the site. Maybe additional technical expertise or assistance is needed that could be provided by some of our incredibly talented PP members. Maybe additional funds are needed, so we might consider different contribution levels or straight-up donations to fund additional PP initiatives.
I don’t think this needs to be an “either/or” proposition where the PP team abandons its growing YT/social media audiences to tend to mundane PP site housekeeping chores. I suspect that Chris, Adam and the team are already constantly weighing the costs/benefits of these options. I’m sure these and many other matters unknown to the larger PP community weigh heavily upon their shoulders.
From the PP member’s perspective, I still think it is helpful for them to know how this effects our PP experience. I would also like an update and to know how we can help, if possible.

For years I have been buying surgical masks,( and dust masks by the box)
I traveled to India and Thailand in Jan/Feb. Wore my masks religiously when around people, on the planes etc.( we were the only ones wearing masks on the planes and in the airports in India, Mumbai airport Feb 14th.) in contrast I would estimate 70% of the people in the Bangkok airport were wearing masks. That was on Jan. 25th.
The irony is I took most of my masks to India and left them there since we go every year. I got home mid Feb and No masks anywhere. I use them in my shop everyday and now have just a few for work. More irony is I went to the medical supply store (wholesale) to buy some more. They had sold out in mid Jan. One customer bought all they had to send to of all places CHINA. He had family there on a mission trip and they couldn’t get them.
More irony the masks I buy are made in CHINA. I am not sure but would be willing to bet that most of the surgical masks in the US come from CHINA. There are about 1.35 billion people in CHINA. I don’t think the US will be getting surgical masks anytime soon.
Yes the virus is a problem, maybe a predicament but the bigger issue is globalization. Damn Walmart and the other corporations that have put not only their eggs in one basket but they put mine and every other Amerikans eggs there as well. Now those chickens are coming home to roost.

Copper surfaces are antimicrobial. I think I’m going to dig out my old copper containers this weekend.
Plastic, on the other hand is easily contaminated and very hard to clean. Remembering to use my glass storage containers.

History may well give this a different name but surely we’re all about communication, right now? Even the commenters here mostly use the name Covid-19, or something very similar. To use a different name just because Chris doesn’t like what WHO is doing just seems petty.

I am considering Vitamin C and Glutathione chelation therapy to battle CV which has arrived in my Ontario city. I would be interested to hear any comments on going this route. Its a very effective way to load up on Vitamin C which seems to be a good defense for the virus

Sums up the state of US incompetence.
USG+CDC = No test for thee…

The Strongest Evidence Yet That America Is Botching Coronavirus Testing

On Monday, Stephen Hahn, the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, estimated that “by the end of this week, close to a million tests will be able to be performed” in the United States. On Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence promised that “roughly 1.5 million tests” would be available this week.
But the number of tests performed across the country has fallen far short of those projections, despite extraordinarily high demand, The Atlantic has found. “The CDC got this right with H1N1 and Zika, and produced huge quantities of test kits that went around the country,” Thomas Frieden, the director of the CDC from 2009 to 2017, told us. “I don’t know what went wrong this time.” Through interviews with dozens of public-health officials and a survey of local data from across the country, The Atlantic could only verify that 1,895 people have been tested for the coronavirus in the United States, about 10 percent of whom have tested positive.

China is running empty factories, faking worker attendance records, etc. https://theweek.com/speedreads/900488/chinas-coronavirus-recovery-all-fake-whistleblowers-residents-claim

I’ve always wondered, if we took all the money spent on lobbying for a particular political solution, and just used it to actually solve problems, if the country would be better off.