A Crisis Within A Crisis

Santa Cruz county, CA
I dont have a picture, but those you showed are exactly what we have here, that is what I mentioned here yesterday. I am sure they are being rolled out all over California, funds freed up when emergency declarations are made

This is a very well reasoned, competent look at potential homeopathic remedies that may turn out to be useful. It is based on case reports from mostly China, but other countries as well. It includes characteristics symptoms as presented by patients. It does not cover what homeopaths call strange, rare and peculiar symptoms that help individualize a prescription to a patient, but this is an excellent explanation of the pool of remedies a homeopath will likely be choosing from.

The European Committee for Homeopathy defines genus epidemicus as the 'combined symptoms of a large group of people afflicted with a disease or epidemic, or a remedy that covers all the symptoms which that particular epidemic is capable of producing.”


FYI: I am a N.D. with 30 years experience using homeopathy (although for more chronic conditions, not global pandemics! although the same principles of prescribing apply. ). My advice is to have already had a working relationship with a homeopath, as homeopaths likely will direct their attention to prescribing for established patients. OF course, I realize that it is impossible for most people out there, largely as so few homeopaths compared to the population and too late to become a new patient at this point. The time for that was years ago. But it cannot hurt to try to find a homeopath, lay or professional, who might help in pinch if you or a loved one gets a severe case and the hospitals are overwhelmed. Many self taught people successfully prescribe for large variety of acute situations. WE have a very long tradition of that all over the world. Mostly mothers prescribing for their families.

  • In Little Women, Louisa May Alcott the author, who was also a nurse by training, uses Belladonna for scarlet fever and Arnica for injuries
  • The first woman EVER granted a medical degree was the second wife of Samuel Hahnemann, Melanie d’Hervilly (1800-1878.) The degree was awarded in 1840 by Allentown Homeopathic Academy, America’s first Homeopathic Medical School.

I wanted to post the above to the appropriate mega thread to save Drtrammel the trouble, but not in any of the various sidebars and article boxes. The search function is not working well to find things either. Frustrating. I know it is expensive to get IT to rearrange things and keep fixing glitches, but the design of this site is not conducive to organized information sharing. The same questions keep getting asked that have already been answered elsewhere. I am sure you are aware of this, but just having a link on your home page to the megathreads would be a big improvement. Thank you.

I wanted to post the above to the appropriate mega thread to save Dtrammel the trouble, but not in any of the various sidebars and article boxes.
I've spoke to Adam about the problem. We're working something out. The system just isn't set up for huge posts like what I've been doing. What ever they come up with, I need to be able to update them, and I'm not officially PP, just a commenter like all of you. I am currently updating the threads to within the last few days and will post new updates this weekend. Once I do, I'm going to start collecting some of the subjects, like the information on the various vitamins and supplements by category as well as some suggestions for preventative regimes, and treatment suggestions (just re-read sand puppy's great post on what to take when you have it here: https://peakprosperity.com/coronavirus-containment-has-failed/#comment-379300 I have the three threads updated to the 24th and posted on a back page of my site for now. I can also email anyone who wants copies or links. PM me here and let me know.



We are being bombarded with so much information… it remains so important to be able to filter that information. From today’s Daily Stoic email:

Courage. Temperance. Justice. These are the critical virtues of life. But what situations call for courage? What is the right amount? What is the right thing? This is where the final and essential virtue comes in: Wisdom. The knowing. The learning. The experience required to navigate the world. Wisdom has always been prized by the Stoics. Zeno said that we were given two ears and one mouth for a reason: to listen more than we talk. And since we have two eyes, we are obligated to read and observe more than we talk as well. It is key today, as it was in the ancient world, to be able to distinguish between the vast aggregations of information that lay out there at your disposal—and the actual wisdom that you need to live a good life. It’s key that we study, that we keep our minds open always. You cannot learn that which you think you already know, Epictetus said. It’s true. Which is why we need to not only be humble students but also seek out great teachers. It’s why we should always be reading. It’s why we cannot stop training. It’s why we have to be diligent in filtering out the signal from the noise. Our goal is not just to acquire information, but the right kind of information. It’s the lessons found in Meditations, in everything from the actual Epictetus to James Stockdale entering the world of Epictetus. It’s the key facts, standing out from the background noise, that you need to absorb. Thousands of years of blazing insight are available to the world. It is likely that you have the power to learn anything you want at your fingertips. So today, honor the Stoic virtue of wisdom by slowing down, being deliberate, and finding the wisdom you need. Two eyes, two ears, one mouth. Remain a student. Act accordingly—and wisely.
Stay well and also wise folks. Trust your gut and instincts, and do not let the naysayers dissuade you from taking whatever actions you feel are necessary to protect yourself and loved ones. This is no time for ego and vanity to have priority over health and well being. Jan  

I know this is probably inappropriate, and doubt very many will remember the old racist, juvenile and scatological joke, but I can’t help voting for “Hu flung flu.”

Thanks BonnieB2A! That’s a list worth saving and referencing for buying and stocking-up on disinfecting products. Great find! I’m reposting here in case others missed it.

Claire, thank you so much for posting this! It’s what I have been waiting for, short of more actual field experience by the homeopathy community which will better define the genus epidemicus. The two reports I have been following most closely, of people who appear to have COVID-19, both mentioned having a great deal of chest pain, which Bhatia takes into account. What is vitally important is having a good remedy kit on hand. Bhatia mentions a few potencies. 30C appears to be an acceptable compromise. Places like Whole Foods often carry 6C and 30C individual vials. I always make up wet doses and then succuss (a particular kind of agitation) before each additional dose. That means that 1 or 2 of the tiny pills can take care of the entire period of illness. It also means that a vial or bottle of pills could easily be divided up among quite a number of people. I’m not sharing my Buhner herbs, but homeopathy is almost infinitely expandable. A great approach to an endemic condition.

Soo I am trying to wrap my thinking around what out country and society will look like in the future, given the lack of testing, and lack of obtaining info on disease progression.
If we are not testing, doesn’t that mean the disease will run rampant. If we are not doing contact tracing to assist in limiting its progression then the disease will run rampant. If, the poor, and we the middle class who have nose bleed deductibles do not get minimal health services the disease will run rampant. If the progression continues to deteriorate those very businesses who have made life difficult for middle class will suffer and die too I would think.
The only way to navigate this crisis is for government and business to pull out all the stops, and spare no expense to help “we the people” or we will, (like beavers eating the foundation poles of a raised house) decimate the structure. Have TPTB considered the blowback carefully enough?
Where will we be in 6 months?
Best case and worst case? Anybody?

Seeing is believing. But also, believing is seeing. Sometimes you have to open your mind to see what has been right in front of you all along.
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
Always be a beginner. Only a child can enter heaven.

Two UofMN students returned to the US after having contact with a known case. They were asked to quarantine without testing. WTF?

Well, I cancelled my life insurance and took the pay out amount. I was thinking these insurance companies may not survive. Then Chris’ monitoring of their stock values, going down, makes me think I am not alone. I already have my quick and dirty cremation plan in place. No funeral, etc. I need to buy more bullets.

I’m actually began to wonder about picking up fresh fruits and vegetables. Probably nearly as bad as restaurants. I’m not even sure that packaged fresh foods are safe. Who packaged them? When?
Unfortunately, I don’t have enough freezer room to simply buy a month’s supply of frozen packaged food, although I have added some. I’m at the point where I think I should clean everything I bring in from the store and then wash or discard the bags. I normally use cloth bags and I’m throwing them in the wash with the jackets I wear when I’m out.
2nd order effects -
I may go to plastic bags that I can discard instead of worrying about cleaning reusable bags
My careful diet that avoids SAD foods may need to be expanded and I’ll loose all the health gains over the past 6 months.
No idea what will happen with work? Starting a new project, maybe work at home, maybe relocation, maybe layoffs. Uncertainty’s a bummer
We still have no identified cases (over a dozen in testing), but as soon as we do, I’ll have to up the level of cleaning again.
Will need to get a garden in early so I can get some fresh stuff. On my way to get seed starter today. I normally just buy sets from a quality local grower, but may not be the best plan now. I’m also ready to set up my cold frame so the ground warms more quickly. Unfortunately we’re getting windstorms already so will have to do extra tie downs.

Donna Powers, one of my homeopathy teachers is offering a course on using homeopathy for the coronavirus. She will be discussing remedies to use once you have symptoms, as well, she will discuss Homeoprophalaxis (preventative). The genus epidemicus (single remedy for the major of people) has not been determined yet.
Homeopathy and coronavirus
In this 2-hour practical session, we get real with the “How-To” of Coronavirus and using your Homoeopathy kit for healing support.
There will be some basics on the virus with the major focus on symptoms - and how you would use the characteristic symptoms of remedies for individualised homeopathic healing support…naturally.
Did you know? 82% of people have only mild symptoms of this virus. You will never know, when you use your homeopathic remedy kit, what you have prevented.
Quick details:
March 10th and March 12th - in tele seminar and webinar - all recorded - transcript available for purchase. This is a 2-hour course with a big focus on the remedies you will need; suggestions for prevention and self-healing support. $14.95 USD. Please feel free to share far and wide! Thank you…thank you.
Finer details and to register here
Yours in health and healing,
Donna Powers

but it’s not A mask is it? protocol is to dispose of the mask after single use, and while this site has explored multi using, it seems quite inconclusive as to wether that’s a good idea or not, So, it’s a lot of masks, which, at this point, don’t seem to be available anyway.


The work-from-home guidance from Seattle’s largest employers in response to the coronavirus outbreak is already affecting the city’s normally treacherous morning traffic. Amazon, Microsoft, and a flurry of other companies are asking employees who can work from home to do so throughout March as the number of COVID-19 cases increases in the Seattle region.

Hopefully, this means our best and brightest are on the case…

When DARPA launched its Pandemic Preparedness Platform (P3) program two years ago, the pandemic was theoretical. It seemed like a prudent idea to develop a quick response to emerging infectious diseases. Researchers working under the program sought ways to confer instant (but short-term) protection from a dangerous virus or bacteria. Today, as the novel coronavirus causes a skyrocketing number of COVID-19 cases around the world, the researchers are racing to apply their experimental techniques to a true pandemic playing out in real time. “Right now, they have one shot on goal,” says DARPA program manager Amy Jenkins. “We’re really hoping it works.” The P3 program’s plan was to start with a new pathogen and to “develop technology to deliver medical countermeasures in under 60 days—which was crazy, unheard of,” says Jenkins. The teams have proven they can meet this ambitious timeline in previous trials using the influenza and Zika viruses. Now they’re being asked to pull off the same feat with the new coronavirus, which more formally goes by the name SARS-CoV-2 and causes the illness known as COVID-19.

This is disgusting. They don’t have support, testing or separation of the sick from the healthy.