A.I. is Going to Kill Us

That’s a bombshell story. Dr Sachs is about as “establishment” as you can get.
I’m not ready to believe it quite yet, but maybe, just maybe, The Narrative is in real trouble.

Global Walkout Targets Farming

for those who haven’t followed the “Global Walkout”, we can sure get with their step 2 FARMS. https://globalwalkout.com/step-2/

It always amazes me that the West wants to get rid of Putin.
Suppose they succeeded. Who would take over?
It could very well be Medvedev who is a loose cannon and a hothead.
Does the West really want that?
Of course, it is like everything else in the West. In the West, they act recklessly and assume that everything will work out just fine. Then come the consequences. And then - after that - the citizens of the West are told that the price that the citizens are paying is “worth it.”


I actually paused the video once it became apparent that there was going to be a video of Trudeau. I have to brace myself before listening to anything that that empty headed man-child says.


As Martin Armstrong has been saying and warning about. If you get rid of Putin and oh btw, he posted an assassination attempt on his life.
What you will get in return are Russian Neocons who despise the West. They have Warhawks and Neocons as well. Putin, at least seems to be a moderate but the West sees him as weak. What they will get in return are those who felt Putin was too soft with Ukraine and the West. They are hardliners who would protect their Homeland at all costs. That includes going Nuclear!

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Stop panicking!!! It’s ok everyone, the paedo cabal has it all covered, the next dose of the depopulation poison is being jabbed into people, the one which was tested on 8 mice. There still was a huge queue at ? centres though here in the UK, the Darwin test failed multiple times by many people, and those won’t need food or fossil fuels much longer. ??


and now the rest of the story. sachs was an economist involved in the “saching” of russia after the fall of the soviet union. he is a neoliberal. the study calls for more cooperation with the u.n./who and giving more control globally to thos institututions. no thanks i’ll eat it here.


While a nuclear holocaust is a possibly due to “THEIR” incompetence and playing with fire… I don’t think that is their intended end game… The underlaying point of the Great Reset to to save earths limited resources “oil and nitrogen” nuking the planet and making everything glow in the dark doesn’t really help that aim… a targeted nuke on a capital or 2 to scare people into giving up control in another story though…

My brief moment of hope and optimism is now ended. Thanks joe2. ? Now back to my normal state of doom & gloom-ism.


here is an idea… lets just let them extradite the criminals “anybody that participated in event 201, anybody in big pharma or NIH, anybody in government mandating or locking down” over to any country that asks and let them serve justice as they see fit…We can even pull their citizenship 1st so we don’t feel bad if the “justice” isn’t perfectly aligned to American laws.

unfortunately i don’t think the research went awry, I think it went exactly as planned… I also thin the vaccine did too… but time will tell “I hope” good to have someone like Sachs digging into though.

Carrying Capacity Of Martha’s Vineyard

I got such a kick out of this discussion of the population capacity of Martha’s vineyard.
Not that I think people should be used as political footballs, but just for the sake of the hypocrisy.
I feel like we will all be singing cyndi Laupers song soon.
“I see your true colors shining through, I see your true colors, and that’s why I can’t elect you…”
Peace out,


The only way to get through all this wahnsinn is just to laugh…
From great tragedy comes great comedy…


Thank you for sharing this link

The ‘overton window’ has been shifting further and further to the left such that unless you are totally down with the latest craziness, you are going to find yourself described as ‘right wing’ or even ‘far right’.
Just look at the apostate J.K. Rowling … pretty much as left as they come until the point where she didn’t follow the hivemind ‘thinking’ on transgender ‘women’. Immediately turned upon and recast as some sort of right-leaning demagogue by the rest of the left.
This tendancy to rapidly go further and further to the left and turn upon those acolytes who don’t move quickly enough is where the phrase ‘The Left always eats itself’ comes from. It’s not a new phenomena.


Not long ago I was a registered Democrat. I de-registered as a Democrat when Hilary Clinton was nominated to run for President. She is a warmonger and I am staunchly opposed to America’s wars of choice.
Since I de-registered, the Democrats have gotten worse. They supported vaccine mandates and their “identity politics” has gotten to the point that it looks like some form of psychosis to me.
I don’t have much faith in elections changing anything but I am finished with the Democratic Party.


True. I wouldn’t vote for a democrat for town dog catcher at this point.


I’ve gotten to the point of making sure I read and vote in the credit union and electric coop board elections when they send me the ballots.


Are They This Stupid? No, Just Uneducated

The useful idiot puppets in politics, governments and media are definitely not too bright. It makes it easier for the psychopaths pulling the strings to manipulate. They are B-movie actors reading scripts they don’t need to understand.
When Franklin and Jefferson talked about liberal education, they required serious students to fully understand the science AND technology of the day. Somehow, we lost that point and since the 70’s few liberal arts students understand any science and technology.
When I got my PBK key, my science and engineering friends and I noticed that most of them were NOT eligible because they hadn’t taken enough “liberal arts” classes. Well, duh in those days we had advanced history, literature . . . in High School and we tested out of the introductory liberal arts requirements. By pure chance, I’d taken a couple of advanced electives that got me past the non-science/math bar.
We then discovered that few PBK’s could balance a checkbook or explain what happens when they flick a light switch or turn their car key. This was supposedly educated baby boomers, who then raised kids and grandkids who were also totally ignorant in science and technology. After 3 generations of affluent families with no clue as to how the real world works, we’ve gone beyond willful ignorance to total dysfunction. People believe Trudeau because they haven’t been taught better.
Any Rand complained that universities turned student’s brains to mush. In her day, much of science and engineering were hold outs. Now, I hear all the time from younger faculty that even the hard sciences and engineering schools have been overrun with woke. Rand was right, you can’t teach nonsense in required social science classes and then expect the poor kids turn rational when they enter the lab. If there is NO integrity in your education, it’s not surprising that we’ve turned out three generations of scientific hitmen for hire. Since the tobacco fiasco, you’ve been able to hire a “scientist” who will prove anything, as long as you pay enough, as we now see in covid “research”. If you’re willing to fake the experiment, you can “prove” any hypothesis wrong. If you can’t fake, you can simply NOT analyze the data - CDC.
I think willful ignorance leads to fuzzy thinking AND to total lack of integrity. You have to keep fooling yourself in order to believe this crap, which means you have to censor those who demand we just look. Unfortunately, shouting that the world if full of naked emperors doesn’t appear to have any impact. Just ask the truckers and farmers. Just remember, it’s not about proving the truth. It’s about knowing I can be wrong, YOU can be wrong, we could all be wrong - but I don’t think so.



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