A Journey of Energy Efficiency and Resilience

Today we want to bring you the story of a five-member family living in San Francisco that awakened to the energy issues we all face (rising costs and levels of usage) and took incremental steps over the last decade to produce results that can give us all hope for a more efficient and resilient life.

In the following linked article, Karen Lynn Allen, an author and mother of three teens, describes the many projects, home investments, and lifestyle changes that helped produce such phenomenal results.  Many of the home energy investments undertaken by Karen and her family are continuously recommended here at Peak Prosperity. Some of these include:

  • Upgraded insulation in attics and walls
  • Replacement of old windows to modern energy efficient versions
  • Grid-tied PV System
  • Solar hot water Hhater
  • Lighting upgrades and phantom load removal
  • Frugal use of heating and cooling energy

Chock-full of hard data and the associated costs for these improvements, this story gives us the information and insight into why we need to take similar steps and how these investments into energy efficiency and savings are the prudent course of action for these interesting times.  

Read the full story here >>>

Those inspired by this story should read through PeakProsperity.com's extremely useful Home Energy wiki for guidance on how to get started.

What have you done in your journey towards energy efficiency and resilience?  What simple steps and experience can you share to help motivate and inspire others to take steps? Use the comments sections below to share and learn. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/a-journey-of-energy-efficiency-and-resilience/