A Murder Story From The UK

He was the original “truther,” along with Bill Cooper. I saw “The Future” tour in NYC back in 93. I met a drunk guy before the concert who showed me a book he wrote where he quoted Cohen. He called him a “seer” and then asked me to go out with him after the concert. He was twice my age and I declined. The story gets even better…at the very end of the show he threw his book onstage and yelled “read my book!” Cohen was a seer of some kind, for sure.


The Tide Is Turning… The True Hero’s Are Starting To Get Recognition

I found this short video clip inspiring. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, an ethnic Thai living in Germany, was an early, LOUD voice in denouncing the fake science and warning about the dangers of these shots. It’s heartening to see him being recognized as one of the true hero’s of this “pandemic”.



So this data seems to suggest that Alzheimer’s and Dementia patients in England were euthanized whether or not they had Covid-19? Was there any tie-in for data on that? I kind of got lost on the testing vs not testing portion.
It does seem like they were planning on knocking off people quickly and “at least(?)” comfortably? Completely disagree with that method of thinking occurring at that high of a level. Palliative care decisions should be personal and family based. Of course in a pandemic that is going to seriously muddy the waters when they are not going to be allowed into the hospital.
My wife is an ICU RN and hearing the stories over the years about DNR/DNI patient wishes being overturned/disregarded intentionally or mistakenly … that’s worrisome by itself. Believe me, from what she has heard coming out of the mouths of other RNs, etc. at work regarding who they think should get care and who should be cut off, makes me want nothing to do with going to a hospital. Trust is gone. Morality is specious at best for a large portion of our society.
Now you have these types of clowns (the Faucis and Wallenskys of the industry) in charge medically with a potential wave of trouble incoming. Weren’t people debating the “death panels” some years ago regarding health care systems? The system of Universal Citizen care vs For Profit system. In one there are panels making these choices for you and the other your wallet/insurance coverage decides. It always seems to boil down to who gets care and who doesn’t when resources are limited. Ugh, darkness.


“because I’m Not A Dummy”

Ah, Chris. The way you put things is always great.

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Italy Too, It Would Seem…

One the most jaw-droppingly explosive presentations I’ve ever witnessed. Great work Chris - thanks as ever, for your effort in making this info possible to share!
Coincidentally, I was reading an article from the ‘Off-Guardian’ only yesterday, titled: ‘Italy 2020: Inside Covid’s Ground Zero’ by Michael Bryant. One of the things that was disclosed in it was Italy’s requisitioning of Germany’s supplies of Midazolam etc, in order to keep up with the stratospheric ‘demand’ for end-of-life palliatives Italy required in the first months of it’s ‘ground Zero’ COVID outbreak. So imagine my shock, when the fact that the UK similarly commandeered France’s Midazolam supply at the beginning of it’s initial COVID waves for the same purposes was discussed in the above presentation!
…Once is happenstance …twice is coincidence …three times - let’s wait and see!
Article Link: https://off-guardian.org/2023/03/11/italy-2020-inside-covids-ground-zero/
Thanks again Chris!


Midozalam And Palliative Care In Sweden

Just wanted to mention that Sweden also employed some, quite unethical treatment of elderly, especially in the care homes. Sweden didn’t really have a good preparedness (no PPE no testing for anyone except hospitilized patients travelling from China until quite late in the game). This caused quite a big community spread, in February 2020 up until the summer months.
Sweden didn’t go through with any school closures, lockdowns or general masking, and that has its pros and cons (mostly pros). We could’ve been a little more careful in the beginning and had masking in hospital settings or in elder homes for instance (that’s the places where it makes sense). As it where, personnel working with elders in care homes, weren’t tested, didn’t wear any protective gear and didn’t quarantine people that where sick with covid, spreading the disease throughout the care homes. In addition to this, new guidelines came out, that pretty much eliminated elderly people with comorbidities from being eligible for intensive care. Most people in these homes where instead put on palliative care, which involved treatment with midozalam and morphine - both of which affect breathing, amongst other things.
There are several horror stories, where relatively healthy older citizens were systematically denied doctors consultations before being put on these protocols. Some of these people still had many years to live, in normal circumstances. There where several stories where relatives managed to intervene as their elders where taken off their normal meds (things like blood thinners that might’ve actually helped) and put on midazolam. In some of these cases, the persons survived, but most people weren’t in luck. The only thing that went on lockdown in Sweden where the care facilities. This further isolated the old population and made it hard for people to understand what was actually happening. The mortality rates from within the care facilities in Sweden, at this time, was atrocious.
I remember following this carefully, worrying for my parents. They’re not in any facility, but both of them are in their 70-80’s with several comorbidities. I was worrying that if they got sick, they wouldn’t get any treatment at all, but rather just be put on palliative care. I can no longer find the triage / palliative care guidelines Swedish authorities put out, but there are lots of news articles in Swedish around this. The Swedish corona commission which analyzed and evaluated what Sweden did during the first pandemic year, was highly critical of the treatment of elders in care facilities. They don’t explicitly point out the usage of midazolam, but they do point to the lack of testing, lack of PPE, and lack of access to individual medical assessment (and mention that many people where put on palliative care, without being examined by a doctor). See: https://coronakommissionen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/summary.pdf.
I can link to various other news articles.
I know we see Sweden as a country that did things mostly right. I live here, and I don’t necessarily disagree with that. But when it came to our elders, we essentially threw them under the bus, in the same way as UK and other countries.


I’m so awed that you replied Chris! Thanks for taking the time to reply to one of your members. It means a lot. You’re the best!

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A Contrarian Opinion

I had happened to read this earlier and found it pretty insightful.
Didn’t really find this one to be your best work. Honestly, I find the idea that hundreds of doctors and nurses were to a person turned on a dime into knowing and willing death squads to not be so much “horrifying” as laughably implausible. People who likely had been working at these facilities for 10, 20, 30 years, apparently got the order from above to start euthanizing their patients and uniformly fell in line. And none have apparently broken ranks in 3 years. Because this essentially random and large collection of health care workers were murderers all along and no one knew. This is the most plausible explanation, really?
Like Kory pointed out, midazolam and morphine are routinely used with respiratory distress. It’s not a radical approach like you claim. The problem was more that the system was put in triage mode, and people who really belonged in the hospital were not being admitted, so the hapless care home personnel were forced to do the best they could. And no, the best most likely wasn’t really hundreds of healthcare workers who unanimously decided, “Meh, what can you do, just put 'em all down like animals.” No treatments for you was in full effect with everyone at the time afraid to use corticosteroids, etc., so people were progressing to the end stages on their own, where sedation was indicated. Just read the article, he states the whole case far better than I can.


60mg per 24h is not as bad as you think. That is 2.5mg/h. Half life estimates on midazolam seem to vary, but the NIH estimates 1.5-2.5h so it would the concentration would not get that high.