A New Way to Hold Gold

This is a cool idea. But how do you address the Constitution, Article 1, Section 8.5; which reserves to the Congress of the US the only authority to "Coin Money"? (Aside from the fact that at any number of time in this country this provision of the Constitution has been ignored.)

"Where'd that Bennie go?"  I'd sometimes ask myself on Sunday morning, late, staring into my empty wallet, back in the day…A hunnert bucks ain't what it used to be…
So, "this looks like fun" I tell myself without even listening to the podcast or watching the vid.  Sign me up for a dozen.  Opportunity cost: 2 oz. of AG.  I've done worse…Aloha, Steve.

for payment on our farm for vegetables, grain, dairy, and meat, the Aurum, esp. if its a first run and leaving the hands of one PP'r to another. robie

What a great idea! We have often thought about buying gold, or silver, but whenever we find that we have to purchase a lot more than we can afford. Today’s market does leave the normal household out, but this may just be the way in.

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10 on the way.  :-)

The Constitution does limit the states' ability to do things like this, but it leaves it open to non-governmental entities. To be more specific, only the federal government can create "coins", but that doesn't stop people from making 'rounds' or notes or whatever. It basically creates a special category for those tokens created by the U.S. Mint.

I'm not sure why junk silver coins don't already fill the bill.
John G


maybe cuz they they don't make'em any more.

10 on their way to the UK.

I just had paypal contact me regarding my transaction with Valaurum. They are investigating the vendor and asked me if I had received delivery. I have not. It has been 5 business days and there is no shipping info posted yet…and when I call Valaurum there is no actual phone contact. All numbers roll over to a fax tone.
I have emailed them for an update, but no response yet. 

Adam…do you have any follow up info on this company?

You can call me and I'll get the answers you need from Valaurum's president (Adam Trexler, the fellow I interviewed)I'll PM you my phone number.
I know the reason why they haven't shipped yet, if that helps. The batch for this PP version, which is custom, is still being set up to run. I'll get an answer from the company on when they plan to start shipping them out.

Thank for the info. I also bought 10, 4 days ago, without any more news since.

Mark -I just spoke with Valaurum. The reason you didn't receive an email back is because the email address you provided them with contained a typo (I verified this myself).
I've given them the correct email address, so you should hear from them shortly.
Here's what I learned as for timing: the PP batch (which is a custom run being made based on the order volume from the past week) is being run next week and shipment will start on Monday Feb 3.
If you have any other questions you'd like help with, just call me on the phone number I PM'd you earlier.

Everything looks on the up and up. Glad to hear of the shipping date. 
Got an email from Adam Trexler explaining things.

Thanks again


A nice idea but the exchange rate needs to come down a tad. The one offered here is $10.00 and if I'm reading it correctly it contains 1/10 of a gram. At $100.00 per gram that's a pretty stiff premium today when you consider that you can buy a 20 gram bar from Kitco and others for around $860.00 to $900.00.
I'm not trying to be negative. I think it's an excellent idea, and I know the initial costs to get this off the ground are probably not cheap, and the portability factor has some good value, but as others above have mentioned it is still more of a novelty item than anything else.  As an investment or means of exchange it is very expensive.

Just got confirmation from Adam Trexler that the first batch of PP  Aurum will be ready to ship on Feb 3.
Can't wait…

Giving Silver or Gold as a tip is a great way to leverage your Precious Metals. 
Here's a quick story. I had a delivery of metal for my greenhouse which weighed about 8000 lbs. and came on a 54' flatbed tractor trailer. There was a 40' I-Beam and 4x4 x 24' tubing and angle iron and more. And I had to get it up to my building site or it would have cost me an extra 1/2 days work and been a real pain to reload and move on my 20' trailer.  So I got the driver to come up our curvy drive and turn around and back in where I could off load with a forklift on my 40 hp tractor. The driver was awesome, he did all he could to make it go smoothly, and I knew this was his most difficult drop of the day. When we got done I decided to tip him and thought I'd give him a $20.00 bill but then decided to give him a one ounce Silver Round. 

He lit up like a kid getting a new toy. He asked me some questions about what it was. I explained the obvious stuff like spot price and purity. He said he'd never seen anything it before and thanked me profusely. 

So what were the positives of this transaction?

  1. I made a much greater impact on this man than I would have with US dollars of equal value.          

  2. There was some education and real discussion of precious metals, and I guarantee that he has passed this info on to his wife and kids.                                                                                            

  3. I put some silver "in circulation" and I will replace it next time I order a couple of rolls of rounds.       

  4. I have a friend now who might even look forward to delivering onto my ranch again.

Clearly much leverage above the $20.00 value of the ounce.

I see the same possibilities with the PP Aurum note. 





VERY cool action!  I'll remember that.  And, for the reasons you mentioned, I hope others will, too.  After all, if it is not making a positive impact on your world, what value is it?   Aloha, Steve.

It's a real eye catcher! It shines like you know gold should. I'm sure it's going to be a real conversation piece.

Got mine today.  Yeah, shiny, got it's own serial #.  Interestingly, only 1/10th of a gram, spread out over the size of about a dollar, and you still can't see any light through it.  Sticking it in my wallet to check for durability.  Maybe give it away to a deserving soul.  I might get some more… Aloha, Steve