A New Way to Hold Gold

Got mine yesterday as well. And gave some away already. A client with a "prepper" mentality gave me a great bonus last year, so this was a way to give them something in return. They really appreciated the uniqueness of the valaurum.  
And they look cool. One is going in my wallet also. They seem kind of stiff and I'm curious to see how they perform.

I have a few of these now, and while it does require some high tech equipment to produce, it does seem like they would be very hard to counterfeit. I basically have no concern about fakes.

I got my order about 2-3 weeks after ordering. But in the interval Valaurum emailed me to say that they were bogged down with orders and there would be a delay.

my order of 10 here in the UK. No import duty implications for a change.
Very impressed with the product. Heres hoping that it gets universal approval.

… that is still waiting on my Aurum order? I ordered back in January when this article came out. Are people still receiving them? 

Interesting idea but more expensive than buying a gram of gold in the log-run. The average price for one of the 1/10 gram wafers (As of this date.) is btw. $11 and $13 each (Not including any shipping and or Insurance fee's.). So if you need ten of these to make 1 gram you are spending at minimum $110 for 1 gram worth of gold. It just doesn't seem worth it when a 1 gram gold bar right now is trending at about $45 (In an assay card.). Some might argue that it cost extra to do that fine poly layering and designing, but it cost just as much to put a 1 gram gold bar in hard plastic with a paper assay card. Think about it. I will stick with the cheaper option. A gram of gold is just as portable as 1/10 of a gram in "Bill and/or wafer" form. 

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