A Simple Way To Combat Coronavirus: Everyone Should Wear A Mask!

Jim, masks are a great idea. I just think a more measured look at the pandemic and a focus on the real problem, an impending generational depression would be of benefit.
I absolutely agree!
  • The older generation - faced with loss of pensions, reductions in Social Security and good medical care. (I know folks who tell me that can’t find a Dr. cause they don't want to take medicare) and no jobs.
  • Then there are the young. School debt ridden and no jobs for them either
The blame is not one generation over the other its a system of corporate governance where very few make the decisions for the whole and keep the profits. Our only recourse is our vote and that was bought and paid for by lobbyists many years ago. The blame does not fall on a specific generation, immigrants or the Russians. Those with wealth and power have molded the world to further empower themselves, at our expense. AKGrannyWGrit

HOAs and some local governments have rules against gardens and/or planting fruit trees. You must grow grass, or approved non-fruit bearing trees. So, given the strain on the food pipeline (nobody tending the fields), we need to allow for Victory Gardens to come back. Otherwise, we will run out of food with all the stay at home lockdowns.

How likely is your doctor to prescribe hydrochloroquine/azithromycin at symptom onset in a higher risk patient? I have no confidence that mine would be willing. So how would one get it? Or would we all be out of luck unless we had a doctor in the family?

Trump was the first to mention choroquine. It works. I will link a video below that includes the holy wrath of a biotech lawyer entrepreneur who is really, really pissed off at the deep state for their efforts to make hydroxychoroquine seem scary. You are acting like sheep. Snap out of it!

Keep the politics out, not funny either. The President has been fighting to get things done and cut red tape

Mtnhousepermi, Yes, Jan’s post was perhaps pushing the limits to PP guidelines, but she did preface her post asking as much. I’m sure she’s taken note for future reference. She also noted that the cartoon alluded to the meme of the US and the US President not having done/doing enough, which is the subject of keen debate currently.
I’m not going down that rabbit hole because it will only fuel the flames of the political discord among PP members. The PP tribe is a diverse group comprised of a funky mix of pro/anti-Trump supporters; pro/anti Bernie/Biden supporters; liberals, democrats, republicans, libertarians, democratic socialists, conservatives; carnivores, vegans, vegetarians, ovolactovegetarians; country, suburban and urban dwellers; millennials, Gen X, Z, Boomers, and more. This site and its diverse online community thrives when we engage in respectful, informed dialogue; and it will wither and self-destruct if we resort to ad hominem, personal attacks.
Your comment accusing Jan of suffering from TDS, or “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is not helpful or conducive to a productive discussion, regardless of whatever definition you ascribe to TDS. (See: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/talking-about-men/201901/is-trump-derangement-syndrome-real-mental-condition)
You could have responded that her graphic/comment was inconsistent with the PP forum posting guidelines (here) and stopped there. Instead you added your own political perspective regarding Trump’s effectiveness and accused her of suffering from TDS, a presumed mental condition characterized by “insanity” and “hysteria”.
IMO, your comment was dismissive and, quite frankly, a cheap shot.

Neighboring Mercer County Municipalities and Greenhill Pharmacy Partner to Secure Medication for COVID-19 Positive Patients
Regarding Township Services
Greenhill Pharmacy has partnered with East Windsor Township, Robbinsville Township and Hamilton Township to provide Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate, in combination with the antibiotic Zithromax, to treat COVID-19 (coronavirus) positive patients throughout Mercer County at no cost beginning Friday, April 3, 2020.
The FDA issued an emergency-use authorization for this combination of drugs for treatment and mitigation of the impacts of COVID-19. In lockstep with Governor Phil Murphy's order, only individuals who have tested positive according to the State's guidelines and have a prescription from their doctor can obtain the course of treatment. Hydroxychloroquine must be ...
1. Prescribed for the treatment of COVID-19 2. Supported by a positive test result AND documented on the hard copy prescription 3. Limited to a 14-day supply
The current supply will be allocated to local hospitals, residents of Mercer County (with or without insurance) and first-responders. Greenhill Pharmacy will coordinate contactless delivery via pharmacy staff or courier free to all patients. The prescription will be delivered via courier after prior arrangements are made with the patient and/or their caretaker. In order to best verify and expedite the process, your doctor should send the prescription to Greenhill Pharmacy electronically. The East Windsor-based pharmacy is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Doctors and hospitals can contact the pharmacy at info@wilmingtonrx.com.
"Thank you to Greenhill Pharmacy for not only helping Robbinsville, Hamilton and East Windsor, but all of Mercer County as we push forward together through this crisis," Mayor Dave Fried said. "We are doing everything we possibly can to minimize the damage in this war against a potent, invisible enemy."
As of Wednesday, April 1, 2020 a total of 333 people had tested positive for COVID-19 in Mercer County, resulting in three deaths.
"We are extremely grateful to Greenhill Pharmacy in East Windsor, always a pro- active local caring company, which once again has stepped up as our partner in this vital effort to help our communities at this critical time," East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov said.
If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider for medical advice. These symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure (based on the incubation period of MERS-CoV viruses).
Mercer County opened the testing center at Quaker Bridge Mall in Lawrence Tuesday by appointment-only for symptomatic residents age 18 or older who have a prescription from their primary health care provider (PCP). If you are symptomatic for COVID-19 and wish to be tested, contact your PCP. If you are not symptomatic (i.e. fever 100.4 or greater and without a prescription) you likely will be turned away from the test site.
"On behalf of everyone in Hamilton, I want to thank Greenhill Pharmacy as well as East Windsor and Robbinsville Townships for their partnership in our joint effort to fight COVID-19 and help the residents in our extended communities," Hamilton Mayor Jeff Martin said.