A Vital Peak Prosperity Update!

A lot of things are now up in the air for many of us. But for all, it is now pretty clear that Chris has run into a intellectual cave when it comes to any matters involving the vaccines or their ongoing dangers. Our long time information scout has evidently caved to the pressures placed upon him and his family, or so I’m guessing. Now it’s simply an information “scout” about living a homesteading life, gardening and the such. Wow!

I’m really looking forward to meeting everyone, and being able to speak in person.
You know, the sad reality is that the western world has gone crazy. All those years of marketing fear and ignorance to ourselves has taken its toll.
I look at the effects of that on the people around me and it’s not unlike seeing someone stuck deeply in an abusive relationship; they have taken to rationalizing and even apologizing for their abuser’s behaviors and actions.
Which means logic and reason have gone out the window. For most. But not all, and that’s the good part.
The abusers in this story are your usual run-of-the-mill corporations and politicians and mid-level bureaucrats whose one and only mission in life is to advance. They want money. They want power. They want to advance in their careers.
Censorship is a very real thing. We have to account for that now and because my mission is to reach more people with the core messages of the Crash Course, I cannot afford to be deplatformed.
As well, I truly believe that there are many ways to navigate this environment, and with your help we’ll figure those out.

I respectfully disagree with you.

Very doubtful. Of course there has to be some “crash landing” material to accompany the Crash Course.
Frankly, I’m quite sick of Covid-1984. Pun intended. I appreciate those of you still working on the details and tracking the numbers, but that shouldn’t be the primary focus.
Cyber-Polygon, ET Disclosure, Toxic Populism (Intra-Elite Competition)…there’s just a ton of batshit crazy stuff on the horizon. No shortage of messages to de-code and preparations to guard against their agendas.
Chris, you have your work cut out for you. I look forward to having you back.

I look at the effects of that on the people around me and it’s not unlike seeing someone stuck deeply in an abusive relationship; they have taken to rationalizing and even apologizing for their abuser’s behaviors and actions.”
Ive been thinking about this concept of an abusive relationship ever since Chris brought it up a few months back and its the dynamic that fits best for me too.
Once when I was probably 19, I was in a fast food place and this beautiful young woman was sitting with a guy who was acting like he was just about to explode and beat the sh*t out of her. He was doing that thing where he was acting like he was just about to lose it. Swinging his fists close to her face as he pounded on objects near her.
The whole place got real quiet.
I contemplated intervening, didn’t, and then felt like a coward afterwards.
Later still, I was in a group conversation of men talking about this exact situation.
“Did you intervene? What happened?”
To the man, anyone who intervened found himself fighting not only the abusive boyfriend, but the girl as well. The girls often became particularly scary when their abuser was threatened.
It’s one of things the lessons of childhood just don’t prepare you for. Neither did our oversimplified “American history” textbooks prepare us for what restoring something that looks like personal freedom is really gonna take IMO.

"I look at the effects of that on the people around me and it's not unlike seeing someone stuck deeply in an abusive relationship; they have taken to rationalizing and even apologizing for their abuser's behaviors and actions." Ive been thinking about this concept of an abusive relationship ever since Chris brought it up a few months back and its the dynamic that fits best for me too. Once when I was probably 19, I was in a fast food place and this beautiful young woman was sitting with a guy who was acting like he was just about to explode and beat the sh*t out of her. He was doing that thing where he was acting like he was just about to lose it. Swinging his fists close to her face as he pounded on objects near her. The whole place got real quiet. I contemplated intervening, didn't, and then felt like a coward afterwards. Later still, I was in a group conversation of men talking about this exact situation. "Did you intervene? What happened?" To the man, anyone who intervened found himself fighting not only the abusive boyfriend, but the girl as well. The girls often became particularly scary when their abuser was threatened. It's one of things the lessons of childhood just don't prepare you for. Neither did our oversimplified "American history" textbooks prepare us for what restoring something that looks like personal freedom is really gonna take IMO."
Its worth pointing out that its not always so easy to differentiate the abuser from the abused. You would assume the girl is the "abused" because of the dynamics of what you are watching. But you didnt see what lead up to that. Men and women abuse in different ways. Ive seen women push a man's buttons and intentionally bring him to the point of insanity, then break down in a public display of tears for effect. Inevitably a white knight shows up or the police and the man ends up arrested or in a fight with a stranger. Alot of men dont understand this dynamic, they assume if a man is loud and angry then he must be the abuser. Women abuse just as often as men and they can be very effective at it. They just go about it in a different way. A friend of mine found himself involved with such an abusive woman, he found himself with a criminal record, an order of protection against him [ which she encouraged him to break several times, then had him re-arrested ] and his kids taken away. A man's weapons are his fists, a woman's weapons are her tears [ and they can do alot more damage ].

“A man’s weapons are his fists, a woman’s weapons are her tears [ and they can do alot more damage ].”
Yeah, by no means was I intending to make the abuse relationship exclusively about men terrorizing women. Just relating a story about that dynamic of someone defending their abuser. So many of the people going in for their jabs are cheering about how they can’t wait to get back to normal. Just has that “I love Big Brother” vibe to it.
Its hard not to wonder who will be blamed when things don’t get back to normal. We know it won’t be the abuser if we understand the social dynamic correctly.
On another subject, I too hope to get Chris thoughts on specific vaccine issues/harms/unknowns/unexpected outcomes. I’m hoping very much that he doesn’t turn out to be muzzled. But I also have found one of the main benefits of listening to him has been the sort of mental framing found in his last comment.
I think people who want him to talk about prions all day long are gonna be disappointed.

Been dismayed with the way many of my friends and colleagues have caved to getting ‘jabbed’ because they “just want this to end” or “want to get back to normal”. Many of them are young, fit outdoors people who would have been at very low risk of getting ill from Covid IMO.
Where’s the critical thinking, resilience and fortitude of people in all this.

“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

Benjamin Franklin

Im with you and Kelso on this one. I get a little bored with the covid/vaxx scientific analysis. It has its place but ultimately we need solutions not just analysis.
I like the homestead stuff because it jives with my lifestyle and my word view. Living a rural, self reliant lifestyle has been the solution for me. It worked. I dont see many other solutions. While my city friends have had their world turned upside down by riots, kneeling police, quarantines and lockdowns…I barely noticed.
Shortages? Im good. Lockdowns? No problem. Power outage? An inconvenience at most.
Like it or not folks, the solution to the unfolding breakdown of society IS self reliance, and like it or not, that is best achieved in a rural ‘back-to-the-land’ setting.
As to the abuser-victim relationship, try this one on; Former friend stopped talking to me a while back because I told him I wasnt going to wear the mask anymore. He agrees that the mask probably doesnt do anything but my noncompliance will cause the government to crack down more and ‘keep us from returning to normal’.
So here the abuser has been so psychologically worked over that he blames his fellow victim for not bending to the abuser’s will because it will only make the abuser more abusive. If only we do what master says, he wont have to whip us. Hows that for a battered wife syndrome?

I listen to Pam Popper from Make Americans Free Again | The New Normal: Citizens In Charge most every day. If you join her email alerts, on Monday she has a newsletter, Tues and Thurs she has a tame YouTube video, Weds & Friday she posts on Bitchute.
Anyway, lately she has been making comparisons with the MSM viewpoint to that of a cult (Follow the Science!! Build Back Better!) and cited Singer’s Six Conditions of Mind Control:

Singer’s Six Conditions of Mind Control

Excerpted from Cults in Our Midst, Margaret Thaler Singer, p. 64-69.

1. Keep the person unaware of what is going on and how she or he is being changed a step at a time. Potential new members are led, step by step, through a behavioral-change program without being aware of the final agenda or full content of the group. The goal may be to make them deployable agents for the leadership, to get them to buy more courses, or get them to make a deeper commitment, depending on the leader’s aim and desires. 2. Control the person’s social and/or physical environment; especially control the person’s time. Through various methods, newer members are kept busy and led to think about the group and its content during as much of their waking time as possible. 3. Systematically create a sense of powerlessness in the person. This is accomplished by getting members away from the normal social support group for a period of time and into an environment where the majority of people are already group members. The members serve as models of the attitudes and behaviors of the group and speak an in-group language. 4. Manipulate a system of rewards, punishments and experiences in such a way as to inhibit behavior that reflects the person’s former social identity. Manipulation of experiences can be accomplished through various methods of trance induction, including leaders using such techniques as paced speaking patterns, guided imagery, chanting, long prayer sessions or lectures, and lengthy meditation sessions. 5. Manipulate a system of rewards, punishments, and experiences in order to promote learning the group’s ideology or belief system and group-approved behaviors. Good behavior, demonstrating an understanding and acceptance of the group’s beliefs, and compliance are rewarded while questioning, expressing doubts or criticizing are met with disapproval, redress and possible rejection. If one expresses a question, he or she is made to feel that there is something inherently wrong with them to be questioning. 6. Put forth a closed system of logic and an authoritarian structure that permits no feedback and refuses to be modified except by leadership approval or executive order. The group has a top-down, pyramid structure. The leaders must have verbal ways of never losing. (Singer, 1995)
  It makes a lot of sense these days.


I have missed you’re updates Chris, good that you will be back providing content soon! I have been watching Dr John Campbell in your absence :slight_smile:
Looking forward seeing more details about Honey Badger Farm as well!

I hope we have name tags. Very few use their name. I gots ta know . . .

Are we going to be left out of the loop because the farm is the only place Chris can speak freely now?

In the last couple days Dr. Chris has indicated he will be back here and bangin’ within a week or so. Possibly in a couple days. Hang in there!
VIVA – Sager

I am sure having some in-person time is going to be fantastic for everyone who is able to go. At this point, such travel for us is totally out of the question.
But be assured, Jamie and I will be there in spirit.
And I look forward to hearing all about it.
Just please don’t require attendees to have a “V+” or “V-” on their name tag.
That would be in really poor taste. Nah, that probably ain’t happening …
My best to all. I hope it all goes well for everybody there !
Tell the rest all about it !
– Chuck

Maybe for half the price of the headline gig, Chris could wear a GoPro on his chest and live stream his impromptu banter to us.
We’d get to see up Mots’ nose! We’d get to read everyone’s politically incorrect T-Shirts and find out who wears a belt.

Chris stated:
“The abusers in this story are your usual run-of-the-mill corporations and politicians and mid-level bureaucrats whose one and only mission in life is to advance. They want money. They want power. They want to advance in their careers.”
Boy, you got that right.
As amply explored at Peak Prosperity (“PP”) already, the medical system is corrupt and broken. PP is a great place to learn and adapt to the useless and even dangerous new institution of “medical care.”
The same process that infected the medical system has also infected the agriculture institution, the educational institution, the legal institution, the energy industry, the water system etc.
I wonder if the new format for PP that is coming might address how to achieve prosperity in areas now dominated and controlled by other broken institutions, as separate theme topics within PP.
We have to rebuild everything at the community level.

Sounds like YouTube to me, THC.
Have you run this past their management?
(Suspicions arise that I’m being shadow banned over there. Another feather in my cap.)

Lets not forget the Polio (poliovirus) story: https://theconversation.com/the-deadly-polio-epidemic-and-why-it-matters-for-coronavirus-133976
It was the vaccine that ended it.