A Vital Peak Prosperity Update!

One of the financial YTers I follow said the Fed stopped reporting money supply but I know there are different M numbers.

“FWIW, I noticed the exact same pattern after someone overthrew Ukraine’s government and then Russia moved into Crimea. There was never any discussion about whether a new Cold War, complete with nuclear arms race was in anyone’s interests and anyone who suggested it wasn’t was said to be sucking Putin off.”
I’m not sure what your point is, but to clarify, the Yanukovych gov’t in Ukraine was overthrown by by mass grassroots protests by Ukrainians, known as the Maidan revolution, that had been largely peacefully ongoing for months before the Yanukovich gov’t committed mass murder of about 100 protestors. Russian special forces rescued Yanukovych from Kyiv and a few days later spirited him out of the country into Russia, where I believe he lives under Putin’s protection to this day.
Shortly thereafter, Russia seized Crimea and there has been an ongoing low intensity war, in which 15,000 Ukrainians have dies, largely instigated by Russia in eastern Ukraine. Recently Russia massed troops on the Ukraine border, but has pulled some of them back within the past couple weeks or so.

Less than an hour’s drive from where I live, there is a stupendous place called Lamanai - which in Mayan translates to “Submerged Crocodile.” Less than half of it has been excavated. The place is awe-inspiring. Here’s a picture I took there in 2018.

We’ve taken our children there, and have been there at least 6 other times with friends and guests. The tour guides are absolutely top-notch.
Anyone who comes to Belize absolutely must make it a point to visit at least one of the great many similar places. This is the kind of thing to put on a Bucket List, IMHO.
– Chuck
Ps: If you visit, the absolute best tour guide I know is Nate. I can put you in touch with him. I believe you’ll like him, too. His wife teaches high school mathematics in Orange Walk. They’re good people.

I know I’m not supposed to feed the trolls… But geez Doug. Perhaps you could take a little time to research what happened from 2011 to 2014 in the Ukraine as far as training missions for the coup and the snipers involved. Russkys seizing Crimea. ?

Perhaps you could enlighten us. I know that Yanukovych was elected president in 2010 after some nastiness about corrupt dealings over Russian gas. He made it only three years before the Ukrainians became upset with him for leaning more and more toward Russia rather that promoting closer ties to the EU, which led to the Maidan revolution. Do you have something that would alter what happened thereafter?

Brushhog, boy did you nail it for me! Couldn’t have said it better and we’re doing the same thing here in North Central Ohio.

If this doesn’t constitute a rhyming verse in history, then I don’t know what does.
Especially the ending narrative that begins about an hour into the video.
Prior to that point – a centralization of control and power; interdiction in trade; more and more control over a people from central authority. Overstressing resources. Trying to increase production beyond limits. Natural (black swan) events.
Seriously. It’s all in this video. What happened more than a thousand years ago is right here, right now, for anybody with a set of eyes and a pair of ears.
Seriously, if you think about it in this way first, and then go watch this video,
it is unmistakable. I’m going to have to go back to Lamanai at least one more time, with all this in mind. I think I need to call my friend Nate and arrange a tour.
I think if you watch this video, while you split-screen on the news today,
you will see precisely what I am saying. We have been here. Already. It’s unfolding. Again.
History really does rhyme. And here is a verse.
Thanks again, Mike. Awesome.
– Chuck

Mike, Chuck you are absolutely right, I also watched the video.
But let`s not forget that history provides both examples AND solutions for civilization collapse.
Collapse of Rome was accompanied and followed by self-sufficient communities (generally monasteries) that kept the best part of the past alive. The rational people of the era get together and build communities away from the falling edifice.
I think that many here have already understood the problem and are working on this solution. I myself do not have any money for tour guides as I am putting all my resources into community building. I look forward to learning much from Honey Badger Farms.

I am 2/3 of the way through another reading of Michael Crichton’s novel Timeline, and of course I already know how it turns out. Yes, Monasteries were extremely important for lots of reasons, but to me mostly because they were repositories of knowledge (and only secondarily, religion). After all. These were guys that figured out how to make good beer. Leather. Ironwork. Woodwork. Clockwork. … and so on. Their books were not burned. Thank <<insert Your Favorite Deity here>> for that.
My reading of the past, and the fiction about the Future, and what we can all certainly see of the Present … tells me that, yes. We are in for some very turbulent times. Our children and our grandchildren didn’t ask for it, but … there you have it.
That’s how it is. Deal with it.
(Monty Python – BRING OUT YOUR DEAD !!! – comes to mind.)
God. That was a funny movie. You couldn’t get by with it nowadays of course.
My thinking is that if you want to catch a glimpse into the near and extended future, it would pay to study the history of the Dark Ages, the Middle ages, and finally the Renaissance. Such study gives me a certain amount of hope.
Even when everything may seem hopeless, still there is hope.
That’s what I try not to lose sight of.
My point in what I said earlier was, “We’ve seen this all before. Let’s at least try to learn from it. We can at least make NEW mistakes.”
– Chuck

For those who have an interest:
“To hear Russian officials tell it, Ukraine’s leaders since 2014 have forced Russian speakers in the country to “renounce their identity or to face violence or death.” The reality is different in Kherson, where many residents still value some common bonds with Russia, including language — but want no part of a further military intervention by Mr. Putin.”
Russkys seizing Crimea. ?
Tycer, do you think Russia’s “annexation” of Crimea is a laugh line?