A Vital Peak Prosperity Update!

"I don't think this is new. It has been going on for centuries. Only now it is becoming apparent because the internet has broken the oligarch's total control of the narrative. As I have stated previously; before the internet, the people only knew what they were told via newspapers, radio and television."
I think this is a valid argument, the only problem with it is it doesnt completely jive with the past. There seems to have always been a strong thread of rebellion in this country...its almost what makes us Americans. In the 20's when prohibition came out, the entire country basically told the government to go fuck itself. There were 'speak easys' and more alcohol flowed during prohibition than before or after. It became cool to drink BECAUSE the government said not to. Can you imagine a speak easy in today's country of Karen's and mask Nazis? In the 60's and 70's a generation emerged that rebelled against war, marijuana prohibitions, and etc.. Those "hippys" of yesterday have more in common with modern day right wing libertarians, the party has moved FAR from those roots and into totalitarian leftism. Now I see 20 year old kids outside, by themselves, nobody around for a mile, and they're wearing masks....they're not the same people. I see the effects of a millennial generation that never experienced independent play....they are the product of supervised 'helicopter mom' parents who have grown up to become Karens and "inform on your neighbor" neighbors.

Excuse my little game here, but they’re just fucking words and they mean something. Get over it and don’t let yourself be triggered by shit like that.
At the same time, that some people are triggered by those words based on deep conditioning. So you might want to refrain from using them if you want to reach those folks.

What do you all think of this idea?:
From my understanding that is how small-scale cultures operate, including those at and below the Dunbar # of 150 individuals. They had/have common myths and stories that they take to be “true”. This serves to maintain group unity. Of course, in a small-scale society where everyone knows and depends on everyone else, this usually (often?) works out quite well.
Larger scale societies operate this way too. Sometimes there is good group cohesion and everyone has common interests. In this case, things tend to work out for the common good at least in the short-term. Big societies have big complexity and cause lots of unintended consequences. Addressing these consequences with more complexity leads to more unintended consequences and more complexity to address them and so on. At some point due to the diminishing returns of complexity or maybe other factors, the interests of those at the top diverge from everyone else’s. They then tend to use their access to large-scale communication (media) to manipulate the myth making to work in their favor, usually at the expense of everyone else.
That is where we are today.

My 15 and 18 year old daughters and I call each other all sorts of names (idiot is their current favorite). We are also ruthless in pointing out each others (and our own) character flaws. We do this all with smiles on our faces and a good laugh. And we take the criticism to heart and make changes base on it.

It demonstrates that, contrary to what you think and your time invested, you don’t know what you don’t know.  Consider taking your own advice and statements about others and applying them to yourself.  It’s interesting how the irony of your statements seems to escape you.  And consider working on that emotional control.  If you don’t improve it, it’s likely to get you into trouble, especially with what’s coming down the pike.  You may have the last word as it’s apparent that any further interaction with you is likely to be unproductive.  Much too much anger there.  Good day.  

P.S. People can say they’re just words but words can cut and wound like a sword and sometimes leave scars that never heal.

It has been going on for centuries. Only now it is becoming apparent because the internet has broken the oligarch's total control of the narrative. As I have stated previously; before the internet, the people only knew what they were told via newspapers, radio and television. The few who knew the truth had no means to communicate it to the rest of us. Only recently have we (the people) had the means to share information to a widespread audience.
I think all of that is true. Regarding the part in italics: on the other side of the equation, the development of big tech/ social media / 24/7 "news" / personal handheld devices has allowed far greater social control/programming opportunities for the billionaire control freaks than they had before. Both sides have been empowered. Perhaps leading to a deeper dichotomy.

What you suggest is to me a good “first approximation” but it’s missing some things.
My thinking is that it’s not simply a matter of Number Of Members that defines what happens as groups become larger.
Consider : Actuaries can tell their insurance company employers how many people of certain age groups, with certain characteristics, will be around to pay their premium next year. Yet they have no clue whatsoever what specific individuals will be.
But (as we all know) insurance companies make money because actuaries get it bang-on, or at least mighty close.
But … suppose one of the policyholders is a person deeply entrenched in halls of power. Suppose whether that person lives another year, or does not, makes a huge difference in the Legislature. Suppose the Legislature moves one way – as the person is alive – but a completely different way – because, well, he’s not.
I’m talking about “chaos” here as a substantive factor. I believe it to be more important than almost anything else, in describing a system when that system contains feedback.
As engineers and geeks know … once you have feedback (both positive reinforcing, and negative suppressing) feedback, and on top of that, you have Time Lags between a “cause” and its “effect” you have oscillation. You have a system which does not remain in a steady state. It goes one way, then it goes another way.
I think this bears very greatly on Howe’s work on “Turnings.”
Time Constants are apparently getting shorter, as well. One factor is dramatic increases in speed of communication between individuals, and larger groups.
So what used to take a while is likely to take a lot less time than it did before.
Put that together, and then add “chaos” – and, well, to put it bluntly, you have a mess.
As I said a while ago, on another topic, science is pretty good at telling us how many Atlantic hurricanes we might get this year. Or where a line of thunderstorms is likely to produce tornadoes. What they cannot predict is, who will be killed? What buildings will be destroyed? Who will be in them? What difference is that going to make?
You see my point? Maybe I’m just full of it, I dunno.
But there’s at least some further food for thought.
– Chuck

You wrote: “In the 20’s when prohibition came out, the entire country basically told the government to go fuck itself. There were ‘speak easys’ and more alcohol flowed during prohibition than before or after. It became cool to drink BECAUSE the government said not to.”

That may be true, but it isn't the same thing as the oligarchs controlling the narrative. In the example you give, the people were reacting, after the fact, to a situation imposed upon them by the government.

I'm talking about the government (or whoever it is who writes the news) being able, before the advent of the internet, to tell the general public almost any story they wanted with very little fear of contradiction.

Prior to the internet, anyone who wanted to contradict the propaganda being pushed by the-powers-that-be could only hold a public meeting or write a book. When Thomas Paine published his broadsheet 'Common Sense' it had the largest sale and circulation of any book published in American history at a time when the population of America was only 2.5 million. To achieve a similar distribution today, without the internet, would be impossible.

You and I have the theoretical possibility to establish virtually instant bi-directional communication with more people than Thomas Paine ever dreamed possible. More than ten YouTube channels have in excess of one hundred million subscribers. https://socialblade.com/youtube/top/100/mostsubscribed

This is really 'people power' and I believe that it has the oligarchs seriously worried. There is no other explanation for the aggressive censorship and de-platforming of voices which oppose their narrative.

Seriously. How do you know so much about me? More so than myself it seems.
I don’t get what you’re problem with me is. I swear. Like the son of a sailor. It offends you. OK. You said that. What else?
Is it my belief that organized religions are control pieces for those looking for answers but can’t find it themselves?
Is it that I do have anger, rightly so after the last year? Am I supposed to be in denial of my very human emotions?
Should I join a church, replace shit in my vocabulary with amen?
Would you like to tell me how to properly raise my kids or make love to my wife?
What “should” I do to appease you?
As if I asked for help from anyone (I didn’t) and you decided it was up to you to run to my rescue.
Do you want an apology for my one sentence which offended you and started this whole debate? Keep holding your breath
I have no clue what would make you happy with me, and I don’t care.
If you think my vulgarity in a single post is a statement of my potential survival in times to come, and it is so offensive compared to the shit this world is presently spewing everywhere every day, perhaps you won’t survive what’s coming.
I attacked a movement of herd mentality that is consuming people faster than anything in human history with my words, and I equated it to one of the oldest herd mentalities in existence.
I don’t remember verbally attacking you or any single individual specifically.
I love my Baptist Fundamentalist neighbors dearly, I truly do. But their ability to discern reality from their “anointed and promised place in heaven” where I’m not to be allowed is something I can do without.
Sorry you and I can’t be friends. It would be so much fun if you came over for a BBQ and chastised me repeatedly for making noises out of my mouth you have been indoctrinated to react to.
Would you also like to tell me to refrain from butt noises to whenever I feel the need to fart?
To get to the root of the matter, is my swearing all you retained from my post?
I made quite the overarching parody against Fauchi and the pharma industry and those getting the jab. It was downright blasphemous if I do say so myself.
Could we discuss the propaganda that is encompassing the world presently and making me so mad?
Chuck from Belize is currently out $1,000’s of dollars because he won’t take the jab. Should we abstain from anger for his monetary loss to a cruise line that already spent his money and wants him to participate in a massive global genetic experiment?
How about the legal costs it takes to not die in an ICU when asking for a $2 pill of IVM?
Methinks you’re looking to be righteous and save me. Don’t bother. I’m a dirty boy, I cuss and I think any herd mentality behavior is disgusting. Be it religion, self-proclaimed naughty word police and judgement bringers or the current jab-crazy percentage of the populace that will also soon judge me.
This country was built on angry men and women fighting for their right to swear and be happy or angry. It’s the first freaking amendment to the bill of rights.
Also included in there is the freedom of AND from religion.
I don’t think the freedom from swearing is a god given inalienable right in there, but maybe I missed it the last few times I read our founding documents.
I’m willing to have a discussion of the substance of my words, but you have chosen to discuss the flavor of my words.
I wish you no ill will, and I hope your refined etiquette will save you from the coming collapse.
But I don’t think properly placed silverware, fully pressed attire and verbal eloquence will feed my children when gas is $10 a gallon and I need to supply my personal medical information or biological samples to go shopping or receive a doctor’s appointment.
Thank you for releasing my pressure valve with your full characterization of my mental status and prognosis of my future failures in a collapsing world.
I love that I know not what I don’t know. I accept it.
I don’t like that you appear to know it all and have judged me on the the use of “fucking moron assholes.”

Boomer, I agree we can TALK and share information but where is the rebellion? Where are the people burning their masks? Where are the “speak easies”? This thing has been imposed and the level of submission and conformity is unreal, I dont think any previous generation would have stood for it.

The fear of the unknown (god/virus) striking you down if you don’t comply is why.
This was the point I attempted earlier with my parody of Pope Fauchi before I was sidetracked.
This is religious dogma masquerading as science and infectious public health.
Even the Christian USA is afraid to screw with Israel, in case they really are the children of god and repercussions will occur.
Replace Israel with CDC and Christians with a large subset of the US populace.

Brushhog, I don’t know about you but I am rebelling just as hard as I can.
Immediately we were told to stay home, wear masks and distance ourselves, I loaded up on Vit.D, Quercetin and zinc and took off on a bucket list item - driving coast to coast - and, in the process, spending lots of time with my sons and grandkids. I visited eighteen states, six national parks and only wore a mask when required for politeness or entering otherwise prohibited premises. I stayed in umpteen hotels, ate in even more restaurants and had a great time. The lack of crowds was exhilarating.
No sooner back from my coast to coast trip, I went to France and defied their lockdown too.
I have made it a personal crusade to inform as many people as possible about the crimes against humanity being perpetrated by Fauci, the CDC, WHO etc… Not to mention publicizing, to the same group, the work of America’s Frontline Doctors, Dr. Peter Mc Cullough, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche and our own Dr. Chris Martenson.
This coming weekend I will be demonstrating at the Rally for Freedom in Concord NH. https://worldwidedemonstration.com/
I know it’s not much, but when the barricades go up, my pitchfork and I will be there too.
What are you doing?
Edit: Needless to say, I also refuse to be ‘vaccinated’

For all of you haranguing each other about religion, (and most of you have it, whether its a private form or a public), remember “the Last Supper” was not “the Last Food Fight.”
What’s a tad disconcerting is anybody who belongs to anything thinking they are part of an exclusive club that has all the answers and find sport in demonizing those who merely have questions. I guess they must be what you call the ‘sheeple.’
The amount of ‘truth’ one has a handle on is inversely proportional to how much they use the word. I doubt Jesus himself used it very much and I know darned well most scientists practicing actual science shy away from absolutes.
In other words, chill the f*k out.

well said.

@Chuck…we are living in an undamped, unstable system. The break will be one for the ages.

T2h, You are so right. Any engineer, looking at the graph below, will tell you something is about to blow - real soon.

Thanks for the chuckle.
I beg to differ. This food fight is as old as Abrahamism.
They have been at war with the Dharmic religions ever since Abraham struck a deal with an apparition in the desert.
The Dharmic Manifesto has a lot to recommend it.
Do you know why it is considered an ill omen to set sail on Friday? Because our beautiful and wise Freya asked us to keep Her day for feasting and friendship.
It’s in our (Saxon) Oera Linda.
What we need to do is to elect from our wisest maidens, an Overmother.
She must have the power of veto over any government laws.
She may advise, but not command.
(It is the natural proclivity of females towards the Humanities, and of males to defence and “Things”. Let us make use of this fact)
Yes Gladys; religion is not an optional extra. Ref: Dr. Dutton, evolutionary psychologist, “The Jolly Heretic”, YouTube.
Choose your mountain wisely. You don’t want to find an angry old man with a beard at the summit.

Sure, Chuck, it’s complex, chaotic and unpredictable. We can outline a general trend that will be followed, but the details and timing are difficult or impossible to predict.

As if on cue, The Fall of Civilizations on youtube, very good imho:

Excellent Boomer41, excellent.