A Vital Peak Prosperity Update!

Dave, the cult leader for the early lockdowns was Donald J. Trump. I think you are going a bit nuts here, but that is just me.
Hmm, did I mis-remember him saying, just two weeks after he went along with Pope Fauci (to shut things down in order to "slow the spread"), that we needed to reopen again, because we can't let the cure be worse than the disease? https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/488965-trump-hints-at-changes-to-restrictions-we-cant-let-the-cure-be-worse


Yes. Much as I'd like to blame Bad Orange Man for literally everything that has ever gone wrong, anywhere, I do not think we can blame him for perpetuating the lockdowns. It is fascinating to see how the Oligarchy is able to rewrite history. "We have always been at war with Eastasia." Eddie its unfortunate you are going, but - I think I understand why. Its easier to think that Dave is going nuts, rather than actually sorting through whether what I've laid out is true or not. If I'm right - even 1/2 right - acknowledging it will cause massive cognitive dissonance, and it will upend your life in some really disagreeable ways. "Whoa. You mean there were no WMD in Iraq? There were no Babies in Incubators? No Missile Gap? No Bomber Gap? The War in Vietnam really was unwinnable - and they knew all along? And the NSA really was spying on Americans - which meant that Old Jim Clapper lied under oath to Congress. And - you tell me now that 3 buildings fell, but only 2 were hit by planes on 9-11?"
And now you're telling me that Old Doc Fauci really doesn't care if we live or die? But he's so charming!
"No Treatments For You!" - because, Pope Fauci says so! Its Science! Come back to the hospital when you can't breathe anymore.
Fourth Turning.

I have contemplated if perhaps Covid is simply a new common cold. You get it as a kid when it doesn’t effect you much and then bump into it again every year or so and remount a minor immune response. Of course if that is the case, we need to keep it floating around in the herd and the last thing we’d want to do is vaccinate kids.

"Yes. Much as I'd like to blame Bad Orange Man for literally everything that has ever gone wrong, anywhere, I do not think we can blame him for perpetuating the lockdowns. It is fascinating to see how the Oligarchy is able to rewrite history"
Whats really fascinating to me is not so much the rewriting of history, but that people who were there will re-remember reality whichever way CNN tells them. EL was there last year when Trump ordered states to reopen a year ago and the democratic governors refused.....he listened while the CNN talking heads told him that "Trump doesnt have the authority to order the states to open". He applauded the democrat governors for defying the president. He was told that Trump was irresponsible for wanting to reopen, and he feverishly nodded his head at every word. Now CNN told him that Trump is responsible for the shutdown, so he deleted his previous memory and downloaded the new reality. NO internal contradiction, no little voice that says to him "wait it didnt happen that way", no crisis of conscience, just seamless conformity to the new narrative. Its got to be a different species, I truly believe I am incapable of thosekinds of mental gymnastics.

Sand_Puppy wrote: (how do I do the blue copy thing?)
“Dr Marcum clearly has a handle on the complexity of the immune response and understands that T-Memory Cells are the first line responders when a known pathogen is encountered again. He located a commercial test for T-Memory Cells called “T-Direct.” (I am not familiar with this test, but have heard that they are in development.)”
Canuck21 writes: The doctor said T-detect, not T-direct, see t-detect.com It is the first approved T-cell test in the States and is now commercially available. In this followup video he describes the test and the results: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZBXA0JjKpg
OMG I want one!!! It would change my life to get one! But they are not available in Canada yet. All we have is Red Rose Tea (old Canuck insider joke). I may have to stick my arm across the Windsor-Detroit border and get someone to draw blood for me.

I think there is something else going on here. In the past, CAF has talked about “entrainment technology”, without going into detail as to what it was. I’m going through her information now to try and sort out what it consists of, technically.
EL is a smart guy. How did his brain get rewired? I’m guessing it was media, but I’m guessing he had “help” of some sort - perhaps there is some sort of signal that makes people a bit more suggestible.
I mean, if there was an Oligarchy, and they needed to pacify & dumb-down the public, and also harvest them at the same time, and turn them into soft-slaves, such technology would be a really useful tool. First, for just calming people down, especially after (say) a decade of anti-war protests (1980s). Then, for selling products (1990-2010s). And finally up to today (2020) - as a help in imposing the (much needed) Great Reset.
“You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy!”
Heaven only knows what Facebook does. I’m guessing the dopamine shots are just a part of the whole game they’re playing. Most of society is totally phone-addicted. That didn’t happen by accident either: another sort of “entrainment” technology.
Do we really think facebook is the only organization to have ever gone down this path successfully? Coke sure sells a lot of sugar water. And - what ever happened to those WMD in Iraq?
I’ll post more when I have some sort of conclusion.

Thank you Canuck21. The T-Detect.com website offers this test to see if you have previously had a COVID infection. Price $150.
From their website:

T cells are the first responders of the adaptive immune system and activate the antibody response. While antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) naturally wane and are detectable in the shorter term, T cell responses can persist in the blood long after antibody responses wane.1,2,4 The T-Detect COVID test can detect T cells in a blood sample that can remain for up to several months after symptoms appear.1,2,3
  1. Zuo J, et al. Robust SARS-CoV-2-specific T-cell immunity is maintained at six months following primary infection. bioRxiv. 2020.
  2. Adaptive data on file.
  3. Ng, O, et al. Memory T cell responses targeting the SARS coronavirus persist up to 11 years post-infection. Vaccine. 2016.
  4. Dalai, S, et al. Clinical Validation of a Novel T-Cell Receptor Sequencing Assay for Identification of Recent or Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection. medRxiv. 2020.

Thanks, Sand_Puppy. I have been browsing more and found a different T cell test is now available in the UK for anyone there. See https://www.tspotcovid.com
and here is one place in London doing it
Now all I need to do is wait three years for Health Canada to wake up…

I think you’re on to something very critical. There is SOMETING going on, its just too ridiculous to be organic. Another question would be why it doesnt seem to work on some of us? Are we operating on a different frequency? One that is more difficult to adjust externally?
Ten years ago this conversation would have seemed crazy to me, but what I have witnessed over the past few years in this country is mind blowing. There is something very strange happening to people.

I have heard CAF talk about this tech for years. I never chased it down. But - our conversation got me to thinking.
This is CIA standard fare. They live breathe and die on subversion, corruption, whatever it takes to fight for “the national interest.” No way they didn’t go down this rabbit hole.
Can we imagine they might have repurposed this tech for use in advertising? To make a few more bucks for the Oligarchy? And then it moved into the political arena. And now its all throughout “news” broadcasts. Step by step.
Think the CCP doesn’t have this too? I’m sure they have it, for use domestically.
It doesn’t feel like a “sure thing”, but when you combine it (like one of those multi-drug cocktails) with other techniques, getting people to get all tribal about stuff is quite doable, because that’s how we tend to operate anyway.
I really think that a whole lot of “operational technology” that was used on the Third World over the past 30-50 years (because - colonialism, only without all the sunk costs that the UK had to pay) is now appearing here domestically.
The tech leaked from the CIA, into the hands of the Oligarchy. Who are now using it for their own ends.
Its a theory anyway.
This is why I said “our problems aren’t about tech.” Its something else. Tech-related, certainly. But we got dumbed down. And I don’t think it was an accident.

Brushhog, I think a small percentage of the population is simply hardwired differently. I exited the womb with eyes wide open, questioning everything. I continually slough off societal norms/conditioning as it is easy to see the hierachy and programming behind it. The conditioning today is as blatant as the “Stepford Wives” and is terrifying to witness.

Please refrain from giving unsolicited advice to me. You don’t know me, my intellectual capacity or IQ, my ability to discern the truth behind religion and spirituality or my relationship to the universe and/or God.
I swore on a post for effect. Get over it.
I’ve navigated almost five decades of fundamentalist BS (religious and otherwise) and I have thought longer and deeper about the words I’ve chosen to share with the world here than you know or purport to have calculated and then decided to decry that I haven’t done my due diligence.
My opinion based upon decades of past worshipping, reading and personal study - religions are controlling entities who believe in a book or books written by humans and retranslated hundreds of times by humans as perfect manuscripts from God. All with tax incentives to boot.
Jesus would be livid if he saw what has been done in 2000 years in his name since his passing, if he ever existed at all.
Fundamentalism inhibits free thought. Predetermined beliefs affect thought patterns. Indoctrination is control.
My unsolicited advice to you regarding your impressions of me and how I should live my life (cover your ears children) is to piss off.
Argue the merits of my words I spoke in full, not just two of them I used for emphasis of a single emotion.

I don’t think this is new. It has been going on for centuries. Only now it is becoming apparent because the internet has broken the oligarch’s total control of the narrative.
As I have stated previously; before the internet, the people only knew what they were told via newspapers, radio and television. The few who knew the truth had no means to communicate it to the rest of us. Only recently have we (the people) had the means to share information to a widespread audience.
I believe the oligarchs know this and are cracking down in the blatant and obvious way we are seeing. Their control of the narrative is in danger and they are reacting in the only way they know how.

“Ten years ago this conversation would have seemed crazy to me, but what I have witnessed over the past few years in this country is mind blowing. There is something very strange happening to people.”
I have the same experience. I used to hear about the guy with cancer laughing that he may as well eat the shark fin since he’s gonna die anyway and think, “Yeah at least with medicine I don’t have to waste a lot of time researching alternatives”.
Nope. Turns out HCQ, Ivm and even Vitamin D need to be kept from the public so that they don’t injure themselves with “unproven remedies” as an experimental gene therapy is rolled out. If I handn’t watched it with my own eyes, you’d never get me to believe what’s going on there.
Everybody is clearly watching the same channels on TV, reading the same facebook fact checks etc. I still struggle with whether things are getting worse as behavioral psychology types exert the full power of their discoveries on us or whether its always been this way and the existence of the internet has allowed the minority to start looking out for themselves.

So happy to hear that Chris will be joining the tribe at Polyface. I sure hope Evie is well enough to make it too…our prayers will be with her. Also really looking forward to meeting up with Motts and friends the day before the event to learn some technical wizardry in both PV and uncensorable ham radio/internet communications so we are not so dependent on centralized providers. Can’t wait to see where this PP site goes in the future now that Chris will be back in control and 100% unmuzzled. REALLY looking forward to reconnecting with the tribe…its been WAY too long.
PS…Chris, the pasture seems to be coming along very nicely…didn’t see the TeePee and hope it is still there…great place to reconnect with nature.

I’ve been meaning to chase down “entrainment” too. Looks like the first search result here might be fruitful. Theres an mp3 and everything so I can listen to it while my dog rips my arms off as I try to teach her to ignore rabbits.
Entrainment otherwise seems to be a term CAF created on her own. Ive always wondered about it since Ive occasionally found myself in a Best Buy with some 19 year old kid working me into a horrible cell phone plan while I think, “Why the hell is this going the way it is? Its like there is a careful script at work here…”

I still struggle with whether things are getting worse as behavioral psychology types exert the full power of their discoveries on us or whether its always been this way and the existence of the internet has allowed the minority to start looking out for themselves.
Yeah. Wow. Good question. Here's a thought. There aren't many people who are "early adjusters" in terms of being able to notice and respond rapidly to some monster change in paradigm. We are 1:200, or maybe 1:1000. Maybe even fewer than that. But the Internet allows us to meet and swap ideas and reassure each other we aren't crazy - we're just early. Has it always been like this? How can we possibly know? History was written by the winners. Right? Regardless - this is where we are now. "Something is up" - a line spoken by Dr. Peter McCollough, interviewed on Tucker Carlson's new long form show, on rumble. [This - also posted by Covid19Crusher.] This is apparently TC's first experience with the "No Treatments For You" storyline. Do I believe this? Not entirely. He's smarter than that. But maybe I give him too much credit. https://rumble.com/vgqfkd-full-interview-peter-mccullough-on-covid-19-successes-and-failures.html

Knowledge of this concept has been around for a long time. My first experience with the knowledge was Vance Packards The Hidden Persuaders. Then came Wilson Bryan Key"s Subliminal Seduction, followed by 2 more follow-up books, culminating in Age of Manipulation. Persuaders is still available at Amazon. Key’s books disappeared for a long time, but Manipulation is now at Amazon. A quick mention from one of them: humans can’t resist light, color, and glass windows. First the department store windows, then TV, and, it was too early to mention, what you are looking at right now. Somewhere movement and mistakes became irresistible.
Don’t bother with Bernays’ 2 books. There is nothing there but a zillion ways of saying how wonderful the world would be from propaganda, because everyone would be happy and agreeable. Over and over and over. So I guess repetition works as well.
I highly recommend the Packard and the Key.

I swear like a trooper, when I am alone and a fair amount when I am with close friends and family. There is nothing like the F word after bumping into furniture, tripping on something or having your computer go down. It just feels right. It’s the short clipped consonants. ‘Shut Up’ is another one. I never use it but its a wonderful thing.

Something is up. When have we strived to test the world’s population for an illness that shows no symptoms, with a “test “ that wasn’t designed to confirm or diagnose the illness, using a “test” that that gives 80-90% false positive results? “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself “

Really, the worst for entrainement is any format you can’t interact with. Television is the worst offender here. I never watch them but think even CNN and FOX have a comments section, so that puts them head and shoulders above television in the past.
CAF has it completely wrong on this score, if she thinks entrainment is getting worse.
Like her a lot, followed her for years. Then she seemed to go right off the rails.
The problem with seeing anyone as a victim of entrainment, particularly while regarding yourself as having escaped the same fate is this:
The left side of the brain has been proven to be the hemisphere that de-enchants the world, due to its more utilitarian nature. If you develop the mind set that you are essentially surrounded by victims of entrainment, you are actively feeding the left hemishphere. Those regarded as entrained, are seen as mere robots responding to the world in a hypnotized or programmed way.
The left side of the brain is focused, specific and de-enchants the world. The left side of the brain hovers just above the ground and looks down. (in more ways than one) It feels it has the big picture and thinks it can break things down into tiny explainable, constituent parts. So, paranoia can set in.
A typical paranoia that people with damage to the right side of the brain experience, for example, those with paranoid schizophrenia or psychotic depression, is the sense that others are essentially animated corpses or command driven meat-robots.
Don’t set yourself up for paranoia.
Before getting into the topic of entrainment, one should read the work of Iian McGilchrist.