A Vital Peak Prosperity Update!

Driving. Jim H, show us your MD PhD immunologists explanation of his immunity from low grade ongoing work exposure.

The lack of adoption of Ivermectin proves that; in most places anyway.

Dave, the cult leader for the early lockdowns was Donald J. Trump. I think you are going a bit nuts here, but that is just me. Luckily, I put my account status on do not renew!

One of the big ones for purposes of this forum…

Vaccines (as a generic statement) are safe and effective.

They have NEVER been safe, and often are not very effective.

But the public was brainwashed into believing this mantra.  So when Covid came along and an entirely different kind of vaccine was proposed, the public largely fell back on the comfort that vaccines had always been safe and effective before this, so maybe this time too!

As an example - anyone who says, I’m skeptical about the C19 vaccines, but I’m not anti-vax, why all my children are up to date on their shots!  Phooey.  

Even Chris believed, at least a year ago, that there were solid protocols in how vaccines had traditionally been developed.  Phooey.

We have a lot of awakening left to do.

All this talk of lies reminds me of this “Reality Based Community” rant from back in the day:
As I said, this has all been going on a long time. Its just that Covid is the big, worldwide event that focused all of our minds at the same time. And it happened at a moment when communication technology was sufficient to allow all of the “follower” types and all of the “independent thinker” types to regard each other on a worldwide basis in real time.
The followers have never felt more secure in their numbers. The independents have never had more opportunity to learn from their fellows. Lets hope the independents feel enough solidarity and courage to keep the flames of reason and empathy alive.

The Covid 19 vaccines were finished about a years ago and tested for most of that year. The skipped animal testing and Phase lll because we’re in a pandemic and lots of people died. Cov 19 is really hitting India now where according to Chris and Dave, they are using HCQ and ivermectin.
Based on our experience and data on Worldometer.com, vaccines seem to be workin very well. Some people are allergic, some people have gotten blood clots but those numbers are small. To say people are lying about it, is very dishonest IMO.

Until we get the deep dive in the data no one can say how effective these jabs are. In a simple correlation review the start of jabbing in India coincides with the start of their second wave. The decline in cases in the UK in March of this year (with jab) matches the decline in cases last year (without jab). Even the UK’s own modellers are now saying 60 - 70 % of new cases in the next wave will come from the jabbed. My take, this really is a complex situation with many variables, and pinning hopes on a wonder jab saving us all is just naive.

I keep being told that India is being hit hard. But what I see is deaths in the 1000’s per day for a short time in a country of 1.3 billion. They have a 179 per million population death rate.
This in a country where 1 million die from diarrhoea every year.
No, this doesn’t warrant me being forced to take a “vaccine”.

I have been convinced for a while that there likely exists a fairly extensive cocktail of supplements and therapeutics, even beyond the FLCCC list, that would achieve near 100% efficacy as early treatment… I think most of us can see that this would be so. I hope that we can explore this territory together in the coming weeks and months.
It would have been so logical to start more multi-therapy, or cocktail studies early on - if our healthcare was guided by rational people and not Pharma-fascism we would have been doing this. Instead we got what we got; lots of underpowered, mono-therapy (how many times did we yell in the HCQ studies; Where’s the Zinc?) purposeful overdoses of HQC, and even completely fake studies. It’s clear to me now that the right combination of cheap and safe off-patent drugs, and synergistic cheap and safe supplements were not wanted in the arena because if tested, they would have thrown off efficacy and decreased morbidity numbers in excess of what is claimed for the mRNA vaccines (95%).
The mRNA vaccines were always the intended endpoint for this operation against humanity. The pro-Vax propaganda is so thick as to feel suffocating. We have the science to fight it, and we need to each learn how to wield it effectively.
One interesting commentator that Sandpuppy is asking me to point to is Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, an MD, PhD Immunologist living in Pennsylvania. He has a bunch of kids and he is very triggered of late by the call by many colleges and other organizations like the US military that everyone (of this young and mostly healthy cohort) get vaccinated. He argues vehemently that no young person with prior immunity should be vaccinated. While this is not my position - my 20 year old son will be vaccinated over my dead body, period, whether infected prior or not… it is an interesting argument in as much as it frames the benefits of natural immunity vs vaccinal immunity. He also explains how these vaccines are likely particularly harmful to those who have experienced prior infection. He has published a series of blogs and letters to institutions on Medium;

https://noorchashm.medium.com/the-safest-way-to-get-your-covid-19-vaccine-screenb4vaccine-d8a9b0bb7cbd My very specific concern stems from the fact that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is known to accumulate in the inner lining of blood vessels — the so-called endothelium. So if a person with a recent or active COVID-19 infection is vaccinated, the highly effective and antigen specific immune response incited by the vaccine will, very likely, attack the inner lining of the blood vessel and cause damage, leading to blood clot formation. This could result in major serious problems like strokes and heart attacks, at least in some people. I project that this risk will be highest in the elderly, the infirm and those with cardiovascular disease. Of course, it’s not just the inner lining of blood vessels that the virus goes to in infected persons. Many tissues are invaded by the virus SARS-CoV-2 in infected persons. So a variety of tissues in the recently infected person will carry viral antigens that could be targeted and damaged by the immune system. This principle of antigenic persistence following infection is not a new one. In fact it is quite well established in the basic immunology field. HERE is one paper demonstrating the fact in the case of the Influenza virus and vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). There is no reason to believe that SARS-CoV-2 or any other virus is any different: Viral antigens persist in the body of the infected for quite some time after clinical signs of infection have resolved. So, using this nearly certain scientific prognostication, I will state that any anatomic location in the body where the viral antigens may be present, is also likely to be targeted and damaged by the vaccine immune response.
This then is yet another unique and science-backed argument against indiscriminate use of the mRNA vaccines. This Doctor is trying to fight the system from within, by making a very technical argument that doesn't completely rock the vax boat, and for us it's another dot to connect. He states openly that he is in favor of young people who do not have evidence of prior infection getting the vax.. a point I disagree on... but I do respect his fighting for this particular point that giving the vax. to those with prior infection increases the chances of harm;
https://noorchashm.medium.com/are-you-the-concerned-parent-of-a-college-student-whos-had-covid-19-already-and-are-worried-about-7be5cda24bc8 I am writing this letter to you because I know that if you have a child in college who has already had a COVID-19 infection, like myself, you are worried about the necessity and safety of the vaccine mandates being imposed by many colleges. I will start by stating, as a physician and immunologist, that indiscriminate vaccination of persons who are already naturally immune or recently infected is potentially dangerous to at least a minority subset of such persons. I have been warning the FDA, CDC and vaccine manufacturers of this likely hazard since January 2021. And though they have acknowledged my concern, no steps have been taken to avoid unnecessary and potentially dangerous vaccinations in the naturally immune or recently infected. I believe that this is a severe public health blunder on the part of FDA and CDC that has and will continue to result in unjustifiable “minority harm”. But, as a citizen of the United States and a physician/immunologist, I will not allow even the possibility of totally avoidable harm to my family. And I believe that you won’t either.
But don't worry, because this is just anecdotal; https://twitter.com/AlexBerenson/status/1391051032680140800    

It’s interesting how these adverse events are leaking into the MSM now.
Dr Peter McCullough claims the reported vaccine deaths are being “scrubbed” from the data. I have no knowledge of whether this is true or not but he is an extensively published physician with front-line covid experience so his view is at least worthy of discussion.

Let’s change the rules so we get the results we’re after department…

DF hit a raw nerve for me, and now I need to unload.
We are currently engaged in the modern day Crusades against the Knights Templar of the Branch Covidians. And they are riding their high horses straight at us with the Holy Jab to take us out of our mere human existence into the higher realm of GMO splendor.
With unrivaled mustering in the history of the world, it seems Pope Fauchi the First has divided us amongst the heathens (scientific method believers) and the righteous (narrative chanters and purposeful sufferers).
Logic won’t prevail. Science that isn’t vaccine-centric is voodoo. Reasoned discussion is now internet medicine and conspiracy theory.
I’m a very spiritual personal, and I truly believe we are all energy bundles vibrating together temporarily as corporeal entities with a metaphysical center none of us can control or understand fully.
But in the same sense that my verbiage EXACTLY explains my relationship with the universe as my Baptist deacon neighbor holds with his beliefs in his god, he still considers my existence unworthy of the rapture he will receive because I don’t attend the same building at 8AM every Sunday that he does and repeat the same chants and perform the same synchronous kneeling he does with all his clubhouse pals.
I see no difference in the Branch Covidians.
This (similar) narrative has been played out since humans gathered together and spoke. And a few wanted control and money.
The mRNA indoctrination is the new baptism of the approaching 8,000,000,000 population.
And alas, the great priest Fauci spoke - “The devil called corona will engulf your world and destroy those you hold most dear if you breathe on them. You must humble yourself with mouth coverings and limited times in groups. Communion of the mRNA will absolve you of your guilty breathing, but remain meek as only true, repeat communion consumptions will keep you pure and righteous in the halls of the Branch Covidians!
The promise of a return to normalcy will only happen if the heathens can be converted to see the spike. Those who refuse shall be smitten and disavowed from attending our churches of commerce and coronal worship.”

Fucking moron assholes, each and every one of them Covidiots. And yes, I am explicitly implying the same for ANY fundamentalist religioous or otherwise beliefs.
Faith without reasoning is for the unevolved and lazy brained humans. And although over 80% of my immediate family has been “vaccinated”, I say screw them all for their ignorance. They deserve what they get for signing the consent forms without reading them and still rolling up the sleeve.
I am saddened, but my genetic offspring are what I now fight for. My parents and siblings hold nothing over my kids and their future.
If need be, for the successful survival of my children, I will cut my Branch off the family tree and float down stream alone. Don’t want to, but won’t hesitate one bit to.
Peace all. Happy Mother’s Day.

Thought this might be of interest:

source The state Department of Public Health said Friday that Connecticut has recorded 242 breakthrough COVID-19 infections among the 1.47 million people who have been fully vaccinated against the virus, meaning they caught the disease after receiving both doses of an mRNA vaccine or a single-dose Johnson & Johnson shot. That means 0.02% of those fully vaccinated in Connecticut have contracted COVID-19. Of the 242 people, 159, or 65.7%, were women, and 58 were residents of congregate settings such as nursing homes or assisted living facilities. One hundred and nine, or 45%, were asymptomatic carriers. Thirty-two of those people have been hospitalized and three have died.

Nice touch.

Fucking moron assholes, each and every one of them Covidiots. And yes, I am explicitly implying the same for ANY fundamentalist religioous or otherwise beliefs.
At least you ended on a positive note.
Peace all. Happy Mother’s Day.
Peace on you too.

… it helps me to listen to my CD collection of Georg Philipp Telemann.
I find it calms my nerves, and reminds me that well over two hundred years ago, unappreciated musical genius was there for everyone to see – yet so few did.
They just failed to look.
I fully understand how in times like these emotions can run away with you, and may even, in the heat of a passionate moment, cause a person to say things they might come to regret later, or at least to go back and try to edit.
Believe me. I have done my share of that, myself.
Right now, I will listen to Telemann. Since the power is up, and the electronics are working. I recommend this to anyone of similar mindset.
It helped me, back when I was writing embedded microcomputer software for autopilots, and I find that it helps me now, too.
Peace to you all, from Belize.
– Chuck

While I’m now more educated and civil, I grew up the child of a blue collar Navy veteran, electrician and machinist. The things he and his coworkers have said in my presence might make your head explode if what I said made you comment.
Vulgarity, when used properly, is the purest form of emotional communication I have ever understood. And your typical under-educated folk uses it more often than the more learned people.
No manner of civility, eloquence or multi-syllabic word usage will ever convey the emotion of what a couple of well used four letter words can.
I at least hope that my very carefully typed message above the two swear words I used made headway thru to you before it became your need to point out I cussed and will possibly be judged by that alone.
Thanks for reading my words though. I hope to add something here if at the very least it is just my perspective and emotional state.

It is interesting what one says when taken by complete surprise. In my case it was “Holy S**t” when getting zapped by a radar capacitor bank. Not an expression I recall using otherwise, and still can not figure out where it came from!

That’s nothing.
When I was 17 I worked in a TV repair shop and the shop dunce was David.
It gave the rest of us intense pleasure to riff through a set of automotive feeler gauges onto a metal plate near but right behind him … just as he had put his head into the back of a TV set to disconnect the anode lead from the CRT …
David actually fell for that quite a few times. He wised up after a while, and learned to look behind him whenever he was changing a picture tube.
He too, said some really choice words that us younger guys hadn’t learned yet.
yes … I was somewhat of a naughty boy … I confess …

Thanks Jim H–
This cardiologist, James Marcum, has a youtube channel on health topics aimed at a Christian audience. #BiblicalPrescriptionsForLife.

He emphasizes the role of supporting his own immune system, weighs the risk-benefit ratio of the vaccine.

"Take this question to God in prayer. Ask Him for guidance if this vaccine is right for you."
He then explains his own way of looking at the topic and why he is not getting vaccinated at this time. His focus:
1. strengthening his own immune system (including Vitamin D3) 2. immediate antivirals at the onset of infection (does not mention any by name) 3. evaluating his personal risk strata (age, co-morbidities....)
The most surprising thing is that he documents that he has antibodies agains SC2 and they are rising with time due to his ongoing exposure to infected patients, even though he was never clinically "sick" with COVID. He was tested in December, then again 3-4 months later and showed that low levels of antibodies were present in December, and much higher levels 3-4 months later. His high antibody level would classify him as "immune." He had his wife's blood tested and she also had antibodies, presumably due to her indirect exposure to the virus through him. He attributes that development of his antibodies to his healthcare provider work caring for Covid patients and the ongoing low level exposure to the virus at work. Dr Marcum clearly has a handle on the complexity of the immune response and understands that T-Memory Cells are the first line responders when a known pathogen is encountered again. He located a commercial test for T-Memory Cells called "T-Direct." (I am not familiar with this test, but have heard that they are in development.) He cites a paper on T-Memory Cells against SARS-Classic and MERS (two other coronaviruses) where T-Memory cells were found to be present 12 years after the clinical infection. He also voices his misgivings about receiving a vaccine for a condition for which he already has a rich immune response established. The chance of over activation and including other tissues in an auto-immune response exists. (Not proven, but a potential.) He recommends that people pray for guidance, but finds no fault with those who choose to vaccinate.

There are fundamentalist religious scientists and engineers who are packing IQ power you could only dream of having and possess eloquence that doesn’t necessitate the simple mindedness of four letter words.  And they possess far more emotional control than you apparently do.  Try thinking before blurting out foolishness and painting people you don’t even know with a broad (and inaccurate) brush.