Aaron Day: "This Is The Hill To Die On"

Obeying laws that are just constitutes civilized behavior. I think the privileged elites who would be kings are now beyond caring about our laws and the Constitution. They define what “civilized behavior” means, and theirs is different than ours.


Then perhaps it’s time the masses rise up with pitch forks and torches?

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I fully agree. And the laws that you propose would be great. None of which makes CBDC a good thing as far as I can see.

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No doubt the masses need to: 1) wake up and 2) rise up. The Declaration of Independence positions the throwing off of this tyrannical government as being our duty. At this point, I think the only thing that might make a dent is what we might call a HARD NO. It remains to be seen what form that might take.

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Terrific interview (more like terrorific). Quite possibly one your most important videos, Chris, and I do not say that lightly.

It should be of no surprise to people that the big name cultural mediators of this transition like Elon Musk are advocates of “carbon tax” and all of the technologies that encompass this bullshit. These people will throw you a bone and make you believe that they’re Libertarians on the side of freedom, but in reality they have a vested stake in building and running this future dystopian control grid that was eloquently highlighted in this discussion. They are simply hustling you. If anyone still doesn’t believe me when I say these people are not our allies, then enjoy your 15 minutes of “free speech” on X. You have about 10 of that 15 minutes left.

We should neither support nor tolerate anyone or anything that has something to do with this, period. Tell everyone you know what is happening, who is involved, and the seriousness of the predicament that will arise if we ALLOW these people to implement any of it. If you’re not pissed off, then put your Starbucks latte down and get your head in the fight. This IS without question the hill to die on, don’t do it on your knees.


The problems isn’t that the laws are out of date. The problem is the lack of integrity within the hearts of the people. There is a moral decay within society. That’s our problem. New laws won’t constrain a Godless people.


Yes, there is moral decay in our society. We have several generations now that were born into an energy utopia, most of our transactions are done anonymously, and we are disconnected from nature. Good luck fixing those without breaking a few eggs to make that omelet.

But as for our banking system, we could at least establish the fundamental rights that I proposed.


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Who’s “we”?

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here you go 2 minute video . UN plan from 1976…" for the Amish and farmers out in the country" basically the same now… but called 15 minute cites and net zero



We the people.

If you are actually serious and just trolling, then think you have a lot to learn about how the world really works. First off, those retail banks aren’t ours - they are theirs (save for some credit unions), and they have no incentives to offer their services to everyone.

The second thing that you clearly misunderstand is that We the People endure taxation without representation in the establishment Do you really think the banking class and their puppet governments are just going to cave to a fringe minority who are on their knees begging for a “right” to use their retail banking services? Not happening. The banks are only going to do what they tell their puppet government to make them do.

The last thing that you should understand is that We the People do not have free liberty in forming a rally point to stand as a single voice of opposition. They control the messaging, the communication channels / mediums, and the media industrial complex. So how exactly do you think We the People could ever organize at the scale that would be necessary to be taken seriously? The gov has task forces dedicated to identifying organic grass roots movements and co-opting them if and when they become powerful enough to make a dent in anything.

If you think orange man will fly in to the rescue of We the People and force the retail banks to allow anyone to use their services, think again. Orange man is just part of the establishment. When you inevitably realize that the establishment IS the problem, you’ll find that the We the People have very limited prospects for making any sort of dent in banking or any governmental policy. All that we (and should) do at this point is find and believe strongly in God so that goverment doesn’t automatically assume that role in our lives.


Yes, I’m quite aware of all that. I seek solutions and try not to contribute to the problems.

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Very glad to hear someone is working on an open source, multi-token interface to facilitate using crypto for actual transaction. I’ve been thinking about something similar for months now, but have not had the time to make app development a priority. Would love to know how far along his project is.

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Aaron is a speaker at the Summit. Don’t miss it! Early Bird Tickets are still on sale today.