About Livestock Guardian Dogs

A quick look and background information about owning and using a LGD (Livestock Guardian Dog) to protect your herd or flock. 


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/about-livestock-guardian-dogs/

Last summer we visited a nascent ecovillage in the Northwest and the founder swore by his Great Pyrenees and his Maremma. He said that they run lead and sweep on trails when he and other people walk around the property and they also do a great job guarding the alpacas.  There are black and grizzly bears in that area, and once he ran into a grizzly at the edge of his garden.  One of the dogs faced off with the bear while the other one went back with the alpacas.  He called the dog off, and the bear left too.
Freya, the Great Pyrenees in this photo, was mauled on the head and left flank by some predator.  Her owner said he thought it was a mountain lion, but it could have been a bear as well.  It doesn't seem to have dampened her enthusiasm for being a guard dog.

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Hi there,
I’m wondering, I’ve posted about my daughter’s Lifestock Guardian Dogs here and can’t find the post. Can you see my post coming from my user name ‘Cornhill’
Would be great to figure out what I’ve done wrong.

Thanks everybody

just figured, that this posts are 8 yrs. old already.
Well, maybe you could get back to me if you can see my post.



The link you’ve sent, I can’t open.
Obviously my post was not made public since I’m not signed up for the Peak P. membership, I just learned.
I’m a bit puzzled now that you seem to see it though.

Yes. 17 days ago you posted it under “homestead” section. It is behind paywall.

If you are not able to see it now, check to see if your membership has expired.

Edit to add:
If you did not sign up before and could post behind the paywall, then maybe check with admin. if there’s a glitch or was it a trial membership?