ALERT: Coronavirus Pandemic Event Now A Serious Risk

Headlines from January 23
Just look at my previous link to see today’s 10,000 number. How do we think things will look in 8 more days? Maybe 16 or 24?

Coronavirus Costs China’s Service Sector $144 Billion in a Week

From thread on “Harsh Truth from Plejaren About SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic” published 25-FEB-2020:
“Fundamentally, Ptaah explained, that the (inter)mixing of peoples should therefore be refrained from, above all, because it usually has a negative influence on the immune system of the descendants, although in exceptions a positive influence is also possible, which however cannot be predicted. Every (inter)mixing of human beings of different peoples inevitably changes the immune system, weakens it or strengthens it, as the case may be. So the immune system of a member of a people with a stronger and more stable or much weaker immune system, can transfer this immune system stability positively or negatively. A weakening can already occur/happen through a longer or shorter stay in a country whose people have a weaker and more unstable immune system, which is why travelling to faraway countries also involves certain dangers in this respect.”

At the risk of this post being flagged, which is what I should just (justly) do to yours I’m going to say (and I don’t say very much very often), sounds like you may be an offspring of someone who has been breeding with 1st cousins or siblings. Enough said.

For you to be so offended and rude to Chris … without seeing you I can tell you’re one of those unfortunate mixed-race ‘people’. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be, to be you ?

ED ??? Never heard that one.
PS I’m new here today.
PPS It would be so easy at the start of your piece to define seldomly used terms.


Western administrations, I believe, have much less of a drift hunters hance.