ALERT: Coronavirus Pandemic Event Now A Serious Risk

See item 16 at link:
I trust the Daily Mail’s clickbait about as much as I trust the Chinese gov.

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WHO officials say coronavirus spread outside of China is of ‘grave concern’

  WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the “continued increase in cases and the evidence of human-to-human transmission outside of China are, of course, most deeply disturbing.” The illness produces a range of symptoms with about 20% of the patients becoming severely ill, including pneumonia and respiratory failure, he said.

A curated list of reputable Coronavirus experts on Twitter.

Coronavirus outbreak: Over 7,700 cases confirmed in China, 170 dead

The National Health Commission said in its daily report that 1,370 patients remained in critical conditions, and 12,167 people were suspected of being infected with the virus as of the end of Wednesday.

A total of 124 people had been discharged from hospital after recovery.

Wednesday saw 1,737 new confirmed cases, including the first confirmed case in Tibet Autonomous Region, 4,148 new suspected cases, and 38 deaths -- 37 in Hubei Province and one in Sichuan Province.

Also on Wednesday, 131 patients became seriously ill, and 21 people were discharged from hospital after recovery.

A total of 88,693 close contacts had been traced, the commission said, adding that among them, 2,364 were discharged from medical observation on Wednesday, with 81,947 others still under medical observation.

The link doesn’t work. It is a Chinese site.
Saxplayer, can you re-find that link and try again please?

It was working when I just tried it, but this should work for you.

Coronavirus: Epidemic or Pandemic?

According to Bianco Research in Chicago, based on official China National Health Commission data, the geometric rate of transmission where every infected person can infect 2 to 2.5 people, we could be looking at 88,000 sick by February 3 and 315,000 ill by Feb 6.

You must be new around here?

Ex-Obama health advisor: US needs to ‘stop panicking and being hysterical’ about coronavirus

  • Americans are too worried about the new coronavirus that’s spreading rapidly across China, former White House health advisor Ezekiel Emanuel told CNBC on Thursday
  • “Everyone in America should take a very big breath, slow down and stop panicking and being hysterical,” said Dr. Emanuel.
  • “I think we need to put it into context, the death rate is much lower than for SARS,” he added.

Coronavirus cases top 8,200 — surpassing 2003 SARS outbreak in than a month

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday it was monitoring 165 individuals for possible exposure to the virus in the U.S. So far, five people had tested positive, 68 individuals tested negative and the CDC was awaiting results for 92 individuals. U.S. health officials say the threat to the U.S. public still remains low.  

Coronavirus Has Now Spread To All Regions Of Mainland China

"Ben Cowling, a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Hong Kong, says that in the last few days the trajectory of this outbreak has grown much clearer," NPR's Jason Beaubien reports from Hong Kong. He adds, "Cowling says the outbreak is just getting started and he expects to see increased levels of transmission globally including in the United States." "I think it's quite likely that you will see human-to-human transmission in U.S. cities within the next two or three weeks," Cowling says............................Nearly 82,000 people were under medical observation in China out of concern that they might have the virus, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention says. Huanggang's director of health commission removed amid coronavirus outbreak The Director of the health commission of Huanggang in central China's Hubei Province Tang Zhihong has been removed from her post for dereliction of duty amid a fast-spreading coronavirus outbreak. The Huanggang municipal committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) made the announcement on Thursday.    

CDC confirms first human-to-human transmission of coronavirus in US

The World Health Organization is reconvening an emergency meeting Thursday at 1:30 p.m. ET where the organization will decide whether the new virus constitutes a global health emergency.  

This article describes what the conditions on the ground.
I found this interesting in light of Chris’ point about China under reporting the cases of infection:
"The truth about the virus also came too late for other patients in Wuhan’s hospitals.

By January 26, Shi began to have a fever -- one of the symptoms of the novel coronavirus. She went to the hospital's fever clinic where she found over 20 patients, all waiting to be tested by one doctor.
She says she was given three tests -- a nasal swipe to rule out the flu, a CT scan to compare her lungs against those of infected patients, and a blood test. After nine hours of tests and waiting for results she says the doctor told her that she had coronavirus, but because he could not give her the fourth and most definitive test, she could only be considered a suspected patient. Her 67-year-old father is in the same situation.
Shi called hospitals all over Wuhan, trying in vain to find one with the confirmation test -- a reagent test which chemically tests for the virus.
For now, Shi and her father are not counted in the official statistics of people infected."

This is HUGE

China reports 9,692 confirmed cases of new virus, death toll rises to 213

In Chinese
Use this to translate

At 04:00 on January 30, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 1982 new confirmed cases, 157 severe cases, and 43 new deaths (42 cases in Hubei Province, Heilongjiang Province). 1 case in the province), 47 new cases were cured and discharged, 4812 new cases were suspected.
As of 2400 on January 30, the National Health and Health Commission has received a total of 9692 confirmed cases (31 cases in Sichuan Province have been confirmed), and 1,527 severe cases have been reported. A total of 213 deaths and 171 cases were cured and discharged, with a total of 15,238 suspected cases.
At present, 113579 close contacts have been traced (21 cases of Beijing nuclear reduction), 4201 people were released from medical observation on the same day, and a total of 102427 people were receiving medical observation.
A total of 28 confirmed cases were reported from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan: 12 in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 7 in the Macao Special Administrative Region, and 9 in Taiwan.

There is so much useful information and Chris has been fantastic. Does living in hot and humid condition reduces the probability of spreading the Corona virus?

Wuhan Virus Latest: Nearly 10,000 Cases as More Nations Shut their Borders