ALERT: Coronavirus Pandemic Event Now A Serious Risk

There appears to be a concerted effort by Chinese authorities to crack-down on anyone not towing the official narrative of unity in fighting the “epidemic war”. Once investigated and found to be spreading “rumors” and “disrupting public order”, they are subject to fine and/or imprisonment. This video of the nurse appears to be legit and she even gives her name and location. I fear she is in danger of being “punished” by the authorities for doing so as it runs contrary to the official counts and narrative.
A recent example (translated): Mianyang, January 26 (Yang Yong, Lu Jie) Recently, in the fight against the pneumonia epidemic of new coronavirus infections in the country, some netizens were eyeballs of bloggers, spreading “a Beichuan woman died of SB250 virus infection” in WeChat The rumors were widely reposted, causing bad effects. The Public Security Bureau of Beichuan County, Mianyang County, Sichuan Province and the Mianzhu City Public Security Bureau of Deyang City investigated and punished Zhou Moumou (male, 48 years old, Mianzhu people) who spread rumors according to law on January 26.
The police reiterated that the Internet is not a place outside the law. Public security organs will investigate and deal with illegal acts that fabricate and spread rumors and disrupt public order. It is hoped that the majority of netizens will not believe or spread rumors, jointly maintain a good network environment, unite as one, and fight the epidemic together. (Finish)” (Source)
In this and other reports, the method of investigation and subsequent punishment are not specified.

Yes Sparky, I can confirm this. I live and work within this system, this “law” has been used before and was just sent out this morning again to all WeChat users. Here is the English version:
WeChat Announces Actions to Crack Down on Misinformation
We’ll end today’s update with a timely reminder regarding the penalties for spreading false information. CCTV reported yesterday on WeChat’s “Announcement on the Special Control of Rumors Related to New Coronavirus Pneumonia” which specifically calls out rumors and misinformation that is instilling panic in the public. They point out that the “Criminal Law Amendment (9)” clearly stipulates: "Those who seriously disrupt the social order through the fabrication of false dangers, epidemics, disasters, and police information, or by spreading knowingly false information online or in other media, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment, detention or control of less than 3 years. If they cause serious consequences, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of 3 to 7 years. WeChat has vowed to crack down on rumor-like information and has hired third-party rumor removal agencies on the platform to manage content removal and step up punishment of violating accounts according to the degree of violation: including, but not limited to, limiting or permanently blocking accounts or account functions.
Source: 封号!对散布疫情谣言的账号进行限期或永久封禁处理
Must Protect Social Harmony and Great Leaders!

China Virus: Chilling videos from Wuhan show coronavirus infected men, women collapsing in streets

Several videos have emerged from Wuhan, the epicenter of a new coronavirus outbreak that is threatening to turn into a global epidemic, if not contained soon. Videos that are claiming to be from Wuhan depict a scary scene with infected men and women literally 'dropping like flies' in streets, shops and some even inside long hospital queues. ================================== This one sums up most of the videos (with the user adding in the eerie music). There are others showing the bodies of people in the hallway at a hospital. As usual always be sceptical of anything put together like this on youtube.    

Wow, Agent700, I didn’t realize that the law and repercussions were that severe! It seems quite subjective in terms of process and application.
I really appreciate the “boots-on-the-ground” reports and perspective provided by you, Mike from NJ, and other PP members. Thank you for keeping us informed, but please, not if it places you or your loved ones at risk. Please stay alert, healthy and safe during this rapidly deteriorating situation.
h/t, FluTrackers,

[edit, bold added]
"Jing’s parents in Wuhan have been quarantined. And her aunt and uncle there have tested positive for coronavirus. She hasn’t heard from them in three days.
“My auntie says everyday hospital is packed and doctors cannot accept any more patients,” Jing said. The Wetzels say photos they’ve seen of Wuhan are so surprising.
There’s absolutely no food on the shelves,” Greg said. “We’re seeing lots of photos coming streets completely empty. It’s strange to see that. Wuhan is a huge city.”’

CDC is monitoring 110 possible coronavirus cases across 26 states in US

In December, I traveled to LA for Christmas with my mom. After a week after I got home (first week of January), I came exceedingly close to getting sick for the first time since the swine flu ('08?). When I could feel the virus trying to take over, I did all my usual preventatives and got a mammoth night’s sleep. I was definitely off for another 5-6 days, but I nipped it in the bud before I had to take to bed and ride it out.
Sore throat (bad!), fatigue, cough (still lingering a couple weeks later).
A woman I am dating also got it, but she had been burning the candle at both ends with a home renovation and was worn down and got knocked on her behind for 4-5 days. Her throat and lungs became so raw from cough that when she gargled salt water, the water came out light pink (at the worst of it). Concurrently, my son’s mother and my son (3 years old) both had sinus/chest/flu bouts – his lasted a 5-6 days and required antibiotics when he developed a sinus infection, and his mother (as indomitable a human as I know) near about ended up in the ER with throat pain and lung tightness.
Yesterday, the woman I’m dating reminded me of all this. It had slipped my mind (I had semi-major surgery about 10 days ago and am in the process of moving; my 2020 is crowded, noisy and intense so far). She and I wondered if we’d had an early meetup with CoV. I live on Maui (air travel crossroads, LOTS of Chinese tourists), and had been to LA (while there I visited the gym twice, a perfect place to swap coronaviruses with strangers) in the timeframe we now know the virus was active.
Just posting this for anecdotal purposes. Probably wasn’t CoV. Wouldn’t mind if it was, since I (and my fam and ladyfriend) would have immunity to the next wave.
VIVA – Sager

In December, I traveled to LA for Christmas with my mom. After a week after I got home (first week of January), I came exceedingly close to getting sick for the first time since the swine flu ('08?). When I could feel the virus trying to take over, I did all my usual preventatives and got a mammoth night’s sleep. I was definitely off for another 5-6 days, but I nipped it in the bud before I had to take to bed and ride it out.
Sore throat (bad!), fatigue, cough (still lingering a couple weeks later).
A woman I am dating also got it, but she had been burning the candle at both ends with a home renovation and was worn down and got knocked on her behind for 4-5 days. Her throat and lungs became so raw from cough that when she gargled salt water, the water came out light pink (at the worst of it). Concurrently, my son’s mother and my son (3 years old) both had sinus/chest/flu bouts – his lasted a 5-6 days and required antibiotics when he developed a sinus infection, and his mother (as indomitable a human as I know) near about ended up in the ER with throat pain and lung tightness.
Yesterday, the woman I’m dating reminded me of all this. It had slipped my mind (I had semi-major surgery about 10 days ago and am in the process of moving; my 2020 is crowded, noisy and intense so far). She and I wondered if we’d had an early meetup with CoV. I live on Maui (air travel crossroads, LOTS of Chinese tourists), and had been to LA (while there I visited the gym twice, a perfect place to swap coronaviruses with strangers) in the timeframe we now know the virus was active.
Just posting this for anecdotal purposes. Probably wasn’t CoV. Wouldn’t mind if it was, since I (and my fam and ladyfriend) would have immunity to the next wave.
VIVA – Sager

Chris has pointed out that the most likely way you will become infected is to touch your hand to a contaminated surface like a door handle, and then touch your faces, eyes or nose. Its easy to unconsciously do just that, especially if you are like me and wear glasses.
What you could do now is practice the habit of only touching a common surface with one hand, and only touching your face with the other. My thought is to put a big bandage on the back of one hand, and use that as a reminder as you go through the day. No one will question you if you say you cut your hand. Develop muscle memory now before a mistake could cost you.

(Look at my post #101 to see how quickly the confirmed cases are growing)
Here is what we know so far:

  • Confirmed cases: 4,275 in China, 44 abroad
  • Deaths: 106 (all in China)
  • Human-to-human transmission confirmed
  • Health experts say the virus has the potential to mutate
  • 30 cities and provinces have launched Level I emergency response, while Hong Kong declared its “highest” emergency response.

China coronavirus death toll climbs to 106 as confirmed cases near 4,500

2019-nCov Confirmed Case List by Country - Total cases = 4,576 Total deaths = 106 (as of 9:40 ET, January 27, 2020) - Disclaimer: We do not endorse any of these numbers
Australia: 5 cases
Canada: 2 cases
China: 4,515 “confirmed” cases & 106 “confirmed” deaths (from the report dated 28/1/20)
France: 3 cases
Hong Kong: 8 cases
Japan: 3 cases
Macau: 6 cases
Malaysia: 4 cases
Nepal: 1 case
Singapore: 5 cases
South Korea: 4 cases
Taiwan: 5 cases
Thailand: 8 cases
United States: 5 cases
Vietnam: 2 cases
FluTrackers, posted by Sharon Shanders (Source)

Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Global Cases (by Johns Hopkins CSSE)

This is regarding an earlier with flu symptoms – not discounting the novel corona virus !
The “regular” flu that has been going around this year has been much worse than normal. I had it in November and I dont remember ever being that ill. So, what you describe just sounds like the real bad flu that has been making the rounds this winter.
Hopefully we wont experience the new corona

Coronavirus: Germany confirms first human transmission in Europe – live updates

  Taiwan has reported its first case of domestic transmission of the new coronavirus. Taiwan’s central epidemic command centre said the latest patient, the eighth, was the first case of transmission on the island as in all the previous cases the people had been infected first in China.  

Hundreds abandoned at Ground Zero, a celebrity hotel on lockdown and families rushed to a Sydney hospital: The true scale of the growing coronavirus crisis in Australia - as it's declared a potential PANDEMIC

  The coronavirus has the potential to become a pandemic in Australia, health officials have warned. On Tuesday, paramedics completely covered in decontamination gear were called to a luxury Gold Coast hotel after receiving reports a guest had been exhibiting symptoms of the potential fatal disease


“Guardhouses and checkpoints are being put up by communities desperate to stop the virus reaching their area.”
“Small villages in China are barricading themselves in against the coronavirus. They are not acting on government orders but taking matters into their own hands.”