ALERT: Coronavirus Pandemic Event Now A Serious Risk

Hong Kong authorities have identified 2 confirmed cases of new coronavirus and 7 suspected.
They’ve set-up two “quarantine camps” in anticipation of additional cases. Source
Hong Kong “Health Secretary Sophia Chan said on Wednesday that close contacts of patients will be sent to these camps, and once inside families would be kept apart from each other.
She said the government would meet on Thursday to decide whether further such camps should be made available.” Source

Sparky1 question: China’s only BSL-4 facility is located in Wuhan–“ground zero” for an estimated 70% or more of the confirmed/suspected new coronavirus cases. Why are the health authorities/hospitals not sending the tests to that facility for processing? Throughout this epidemic the Chinese authorities consistently do not mention the existence or function of the Wuhan BSL-4 facility. Very curious.
Note that only 6,000 of the 30,000 planned test kits have been distributed to hospitals as of 1/23/2020. I read from excerpt below that tests are currently being processed from 10 hospitals in batches of 200, with plans to ramp up to batches of 2,000 when full distribution and capacity is reached sometime in the future. The number of cases are sure to increase with more widespread and timely testing.
“Reply of Wuhan Municipal Health and Health Committee on Several Issues Concerned by Citizens. Published by: Wuhan Municipal Health Commission | Published: 2020-01-23 17:22:11” [edit, bold added]
Question 3. “Many hospitals report that there are no results within a few days after the specimens are submitted for inspection, which affects the rapid diagnosis. What is the reason? How to improve the detection speed next?”
“Answer: As the country has incorporated pneumonitis of the new type of coronavirus into a Class B infectious disease and adopted Class A management, the detection of samples of this type of pathogen is managed in accordance with highly pathogenic microorganisms (Class 2), and the relevant samples are tested and transported. It must meet the relevant requirements of biosafety management, and pathogen-related experimental activities should be carried out in a biosafety laboratory with the corresponding protection level.”
“In the early stage, the sample detection process for suspected cases was as follows: The first-patient hospital passed a standardized pre-test and triage, combined with clinical examination, laboratory inspection and chest imaging examination, confirmed the suspected case after sampling by the expert group, and sampled the disease. The control center will transfer the samples to the city’s disease control center, and the city’s disease control center will transfer to the provincial disease control center for nucleic acid detection. More than 200 samples can be detected every day. (Before January 16th, there is no kit in our province, and it needs to be sent to the national designated testing institution for virus isolation and nucleic acid detection.) It is estimated that it will take about 2 days from the start of sampling to the return of results (January 16th) Before, the samples had to be sent to the testing institution designated by the state of Beijing, and the results would take about 3-5 days to return).
In order to meet the needs of the current prevention and control situation and increase the speed of testing, upon requesting the consent of the relevant higher authorities, since January 22, the city has designated various designated treatment hospitals, counterpart assistance hospitals for fever fixed diagnosis and treatment hospitals, and the city’s disease control center. Waiting for biosafety laboratories with corresponding protection levels to carry out the detection of pathogenic nucleic acids of related samples (the first batch of a total of 10 institutions), it is estimated that nearly 2,000 samples can be detected every day when all are run. To this end, the city plans to urgently transport 30,000 kits to the designated testing institutions, and has so far issued 6,000 copies.” Source

some infected patients aren’t showing a fever, a symptom governments around the world have been using to screen for the pathogen.

Just wanted to say thanks for this alert. I had been reading the news reports, but not really registering the risk until I read your report. I live in London, so I’m getting into prep mode. Thanks so much for flagging this and also making it a public alert.
Regards, E

Why are people buying bats at a market? Ugh.

Chris, could you speak to the issue of sugar consumption and the immune system in relation to viral infections? In my clinical practice as an RN (currently going on 51 years) what I have consistently seen is that those who have a high sugar intake are more likely to become sick and to take longer to recover. While strategies such as handwashing and masks may help with disease spread, a strong immune system is at least as important. Thanks.

Hi Beth,
Here’s an excerpt from Stephen Harrod Buhner’s book Herbal Antivirals. Although he doesn’t speak to the issue of sugar, he does offer suggestions about how to strengthen the immune system through diet. On his Facebook page is also offering an extensive herbal protocol for the Corona virus…

One of the great lessons from the AIDS epidemic is the realization, among the medical establishment, of the necessity for a healthy immune system. Among those with infections such as tick-borne encephalitis, influenza, Lyme, mycoplasma, and bartonella (as examples) researchers have constantly noted that the healthier the immune system, the less likely one is to be infected and, if infected, the less severe the course of the disease. The immune system is an “organ” just as our lungs and livers are and there are things you can do to keep the immune system healthy. Regular touching is one of them, such as receiving Swedish massage on a weekly or monthly basis. Certain foods do help immune health as well. Some of the best foods that support immune health are: • Yogurt. Regular intake does result in fewer sick days. The body’s white blood cell count increases substantially and the GI tract bacterial community remains very healthy, which also helps. Kefir can also be used. • Oats and barley. Farm animals given a mix of the two have many fewer infections, including those from influenza. (And yes, in spite of rumors to the contrary, we actually are animals, too.) Garlic. Although not as strong an antibiotic as I had formerly thought, regular garlic intake does boost immune function — in one study, those taking garlic were much less likely to catch colds and flu. • Selenium-rich foods have been found to help clear influenza infections from the body. Selenium is found highest (in descending order) in Brazil nuts, fish (tuna, cod, halibut, sardines, flounder, salmon), poultry (chicken and turkey), sunflower seeds, shellfish (oysters, mussels, shrimp, clams, scallops), meat (liver, beef, lamb, pork), eggs, mushrooms, whole grains, wheat germ, onions, garlic, asparagus, broccoli, tomatoes. One ounce of Brazil nuts (usually just called “nuts” in Brazil) will supply 544 mcg of selenium — you don’t need many; one Brazil nut can supply a whole day’s supply of selenium. To give a comparison, tuna fish contains 68 mcg per ounce, cod 32 mcg per ounce, turkey 27 mcg, sunflower seeds 23, oysters 22, and so on. • Chicken soup. Yes, it does work. • Black tea. It significantly increases the immune system’s interferon levels. Green tea will also be of benefit. • Zinc-containing foods. Zinc is an essential mineral, especially in immune function. It enhances the actions of many of the immune system’s actors, including T cells. Zinc is highest in oysters, wheat germ, liver, seeds (highest in sesame, tahini, pumpkin, squash, and watermelon seeds), roast beef, dark chocolate and cocoa, lamb, peanuts, garlic, chickpeas. To give you an idea of levels: Oysters concentrate zinc (and copper as well). One medium oyster contains about 13 mg of zinc, 3 ounces of wheat germ contains 17 mg, calf liver has about 12 mg per 3 ounces, sesame seeds contain about 8 mg per 3 ounces, and so on. • Mushrooms. But not the usual store-bought variety. Shiitake and maitake can both be used in cooking, and they are both very good for raising immune function, primarily due to their high levels of polysaccharides. Their polysaccharides raise immune function considerably when taken as a regular part of the diet.
  • At least one person with no mask.
  • Hallway converted into a very crowded waiting room
  • Makeshift furniture including office chairs, children's plastic chairs and an outdoor lounge chair (like at a swimming pool).
  • Not enough blankets - a few people have blankets from home. Some have their jackets over the sheet as a blanket.
All signs of total overwhelm.

Of all the things we talk about here on, I’m convinced the rapidly declining levels of trust everywhere is the most important for when The Collapse is going to “start” and how bad it’s going to get. Too bad we don’t have charts that measure trust. One of these days a critical mass will be reached and then it’ll be Mad Max.
“Happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor.”

Outside of the internet not seeing or hearing much about this at all. Even at work all I got was blank stares. From what I gathered people aren’t taking this serious due to the previous scares like sars, swine flu and Ebola which amounted to nothing for us here in the US.

Given that twitter video and your comment on it, Chris, perhaps it’s time to move at least some of the discussion outside the paywall. The evidence in the video combined with the totally inadequate containment policy points to a significant risk of global pandemic. Maybe it’s important to get this to a wider audience?

Quercus wrote: Chris, perhaps it’s time to move at least some of the discussion outside the paywall.
This article and all the Comments to date ARE outside the paywall. Everything we've published on the Wuhan coronavirus since the start of the outbreak has been publicly available. That said, we are about to release a follow-up report for our premium subscribers.

Thank you, Adam and Chris and all PP staff.
I lurk mostly on the forums and read and learn and am very grateful for you pushing this thread to everyone.
Double checking physical preps now. Mental/emotional/spiritual state will be interesting if things progress.
Anyone in the Ft Lauderdale area can reach out to me on locally produced Elderberry and other herbal meds. A Permie herbalist brother is local.

This is simply information sharing. No claims on efficacy.

If no free copy exists at Pubmed, type the title into to see if a free pdf exists online somewhere

SARS and MERS: recent insights into emerging coronaviruses

Overview of Acute respiratory distress syndrome

Everyone, even healthy young people, have immune gaps.

Our results raise the interesting idea that there might be person-to-person variation in how viral mutations affect our immune system’s ability to combat flu, which means that the same viral mutation might have different effects for different people,” said Dr. Jesse Bloom, the computational biologist at Fred Hutch who led the study.

Elderberry may be useful! Yeah!

Sambucus nigra extracts inhibit infectious bronchitis virus at an early point during replication

CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that S. nigra extract can inhibit IBV at an early point in infection, probably by rendering the virus non-infectious. They also suggest that future studies using S. nigra extract to treat or prevent IBV or other coronaviruses are warranted.

In vitro antiviral activity of fifteen plant extracts against avian infectious bronchitis virus (coronavirus).

Conclusions: Many extracts of plants acted against IBV prior to and during infection, but the most effective were those of M. piperita (mint), T. vulgaris (thyme) and D. canadense/ Desmodium canadense/showy tick trefoil . Lemon balm, sage, catnip, several others helpful)

Herbs with some action (in vitro….lab Petri dishes) to coronavirus (curated list by Stephen Buhner)

Scutellaria baicalensis/ Chinese skullcap

Houttuynia cordata/Chamelean plant

Isatis indigotica/tinctoria/Woad

Glycyrrhizin: constituent from Licorice species

Most research focused on SARS using herbs/formulations based on TCM/traditional Chinese medicine

An in vivo study:

An evaluation of the additive effect of natural herbal medicine on SARS or SARS-like infectious diseases in 2003: a randomized, double-blind, and controlled pilot study Free PMC link

Antiviral compositions for the treatment of infections linked to coronaviruses

The invention is also concerned with a pharmaceutical or veterinary composition for its use in preventing and/or treating a MERS-CoV (Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome) coronavirus infection, characterised in that it comprises, in a suitable pharmaceutical vehicle, at least one compound chosen from apigenin, berberine and monensin, or a combination of at least two of these compounds. Developed by : Institut National de la Sante Et de la Recherche Medicale (inserm} Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL) Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale INSERM

Oral Ribavirin for the Treatment of Noninfluenza Respiratory Viral Infections: A Systematic Review.

Do not expect Vitamin C to save the day

Effect of Vitamin C Infusion on Organ Failure and Biomarkers of Inflammation and Vascular Injury in Patients With Sepsis and Severe Acute Respiratory Failure: The CITRIS-ALI Randomized Clinical Trial.

In this preliminary study of 167 patients with sepsis and ARDS/acute respiratory distress syndrome, a 96-hour infusion of vitamin C compared with placebo did not significantly improve organ dysfunction scores or alter markers of inflammation and vascular injury. Further research is needed to evaluate the potential role of vitamin C for other outcomes in sepsis and ARDS.

Nebulized reduced glutathione to reduce oxidative damage to lung tissue

The Treatment of Pulmonary Diseases and Respiratory-Related Conditions with Inhaled (Nebulized or Aerosolized) Glutathione

Not studied in RCT yet, though.

What decreases Immune compétence?

Immunodeficiency: immunosuppressive meds, cancers, pre-exisitng chronic bacterial or viral infection: Lyme, mono/EBV, hepatitis.

Underlying inflammation: due to elevated blood sugars, sedentary habits, obesity, poor diet, pre-exisiting disease (lung, kidney, liver, etc)

Vit A, D, E, Selenium, zinc, B vitamins: riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, pyridoxine pantothenic acid, B12 deficiency

Sleep deficient

Natural killer cell suppression from folic acid, processed foods with added synthetic acid.

Sucrose, high fructose corn syrup suppresses white blood cell activity (immune cells)

Imbalance in hormones (thyroid, cortisol, sex hormones, etc)

Diet high in saturated fats

Home treatment of febrile Influenza Like Illnesses/Respiratory Infection
[This is a very educated group and most are well versed in this.]
During outbreaks of viral illness, the ED will be a mad house. Stay away if possible. Recommend strong attempts at self-treatment at home. Stay out of the hospital unless truly needed.

  • Tylenol 650-975 mg [edited to remove ibuprofen. also called acetaminophen, paracetamol and APAP] for fever, body aches, headache, chest wall soreness. This is a miraculous drug for the misery of ILI. It also helps to sort out the miserable from the seriously sick (see below).
  • If not vomiting repeatedly, you can drink water. “Drink until you pee.” Lots.
  • Electrolytes in water if diarrhea is a part of fluid losses.
  • If incessant coughing, Nyquil, [Delsym] or equivalent.
The hospital ED will be a miserable place during a flu epidemic. Long waits, no pillows or blankets. No snacks. No sympathy from the staff!! Sleeping on the floor of the hallways. Remember that the ED staff is probably sick also. A few situations where hospital care IS needed.
  1. Intractable vomiting (>6-8 times) or vomiting with diarrhea. IV fluids and anti-emetics will help when not able to hydrate by mouth.
  2. Chest pain and shortness of breath with fever, IF associated with fast pulse and low oxygen saturation. Might be pneumonia. Chest x-ray. Supplemental oxygen if oxygen is actually low. Measure pulse rate an oxygen saturation (see below). In children, fast breathing at rest, even after good fever control, points towards pneumonia.
  3. Severe headache even after big doses of Tylenol and hydration. Might be meningitis. Spinal tap needed. IV antibiotics might help. Don’t even think about spinal tap until tylenol dose has been in body for 2 hours—everyone with the flu has a terrible headache.
  4. Urinary symptoms. UTI can give a ILI, especially in children and women.
  5. Wheezing with cough. May have an asthma-like response to the infection. Albuterol (and maybe steroids) may help. Uncommon.
Equipment list for home treatment of ILI:
  • Costco sized bottle of Tylenol (Use the big dose)
  • Watch with second hand to measure pulse rate and respiratory rate.
  • Pulse oximeter, $29 from Walmart or Amazon. This device will save you an ED trip. Recommended! Pic below.
  • Big tumbler for water. Drink and refill often.
  • Electrolyte powder (mag and K) in water if have diarrhea.
  • Disinfectant wipes.
General Immune system support as outlined by many above (vita c, vita D3, plant antioxidants, Zn, Se, N-Acetyl cysteine, etc). Q: What is the etiology of my ILI/URI? A: It doesn’t matter. Treatment approach is the same. ----------------- Lots of bugs cause ILI/URI. Most treated the same way. One example.

what a great summation of possible home remedies and references. since dehydration seems to be an issue for some people with this bug I am going to keep sugar on hand for oral rehydation solution.
this UVA has several different recipes for different tastes/ages
Does anyone know if this things causes and over reaction of the immune system, aka cytokine storm? I have read that it was part of the problem with bird flu, the immune system overreacted to the infection. Obviously this is not the flu but would like to know and will keep searching.

I saw “alert” and just assumed it was inside.

Out in the middle of nowhere in a small college town in SW WI students returning from China have been monitored; not quarantined. Not promising.
Here in the midwest we are getting local reports on TV/radio news about things like this possible contamination. I haven’t heard much talk about it however. Unfortunately this location is 20 mi from my “bolt hole”. On my way out to get the face masks. Thanks for telling us what to ask for. Will look for the elderberry also.

‘They’ve got it…and pretty much chirping crickets as far as I am concerned. The sham “fever checking” on arriving planes? That’s criminally insufficient. It’s anti-science. Might as well hand out flat earth pamphlets with every forehead scan.’
Indeed. And, what about the airports that are not even tracking arrivals? They mention major airports like SFO, ORD, ATL, etc. What about others that have direct flights from China? Here in Silicon Valley, even our quaint SJC has multiple direct China arrival flights every day.