Alice Friedemann: When The Trucks Stop Running

Australian Janus Beats Even The Tesla Semi For Sheer Weight And Distance!

Tesla’s Semi just dragged 40 tons 500 miles (800 km) in ONE CHARGE! Truck drivers are required to have a half hour break on their driving shift - by law. There’s even software tracking this. They’ll plug into a Tesla Megacharger for their half hour break, which will give them another 600 km in 30 minutes.
Most countries require the half hour break about 5 to 6 hours in. At 100 km an hour, they’re at about 500 km to 600 km point in their drive. Their battery is down to 200 or 300 km. Add 600 km and they’re back to 800 km or 900 km after their break. In many countries that’s further than they’re legally ALLOWED to drive that shift!
But move over Tesla, there’s an Australian system. JANUS! Janus converts any Semi under 10 years old to be a full electric truck. (They require the wiring to be that new.) Janus will carry 100 tons where Tesla only carries 40. Australia has VAST distances with a smaller population, requiring bigger tucks that can carry more per trip. If you owned a freight company, would you want to buy 2.5 Teslas and hire 2.5 drivers to move the same freight? Or in the outback Road Train market - buy 4 Teslas and hire 4 drivers?
100 tons over thousands of km’s! How do they make the battery last so long? THEY DON’T! This huge battery only lasts 500 km. So what good is it? I personally think it’s BETTER than the Tesla model of the one battery trying to last the whole way - because when you get close to the 600 km charge length of this super-sized battery - you pull in to a warehouse and SWAP THE BATTERY! A young bloke on a forklift switches it over in less than 4 minutes.
What’s charging these batteries? In the cities - a green electric grid - as solar and wind with PHES are now the cheapest form of power in human history and only getting cheaper for a few years yet. Even recalcitrant Australia will be 92% renewables by 2030! It’s just too cheap.
What’s charging in the country - between the big cities? Or in the Outback? SOLAR ON THE WAREHOUSE ROOF! Or a nearby paddock. The extra batteries you charge during the day can get swapped out that night. One of them is probably running the warehouse itself! They’re looking at doing AUSSIE ROAD TRAINS that carry 200 TONS! Electric trucks are A THING! Deal with it. Solar is so cheap big businesses are screaming for it. Freight companies will buy it for their rooftops and nearby solar farms so they can run their own fleets for FREE after the capital investment.
Oh and the beautiful thing about Janus? Once the standard is up and running it will probably be able to take advantage of all the new battery chemistries on the way - cheaper stuff like aluminium with graphite doping.