America is Being Looted

Simon J. was on Terry Gross NPR today. He seems honest but cautious in his descriptions.

I, too, have increasingly begun to see NPR as MSM. They don’t ask the hard or alternative questions and their commentators are just not sharp enough to out-think or out-know lying politicians, their stooges, or, as on one show I heard, the head of a chemical lobby.



Dear Chris,

You nailed it with this one!!!

I’m amused to read all the advice on how 1) not paying your taxes,
and/or 2) pulling your money from the banks, will solve the problem.

Um. Nice try, but no.


Luckily, cougar, you’re wrong…

TPTB are actually very fragile. They can only continue the looting as long as we allow them to. We must outnumber them a million to one… I’ve heard that half the world’s wealth is in the hands of the 500 richest people, and surely half of them can’t be in America, so if 300 are Americans, and there are 300 million of you, then the numbers are easy to work out…

Banks don’t hold a lot of cash, and a run on deposits would quickly bankrupt them… so it’s as good an idea as not servicing your credit cards debt.

We could, we can, bring them to their knees. It’s just that we have to figure out a way of keeping the peace after this occurs, and it’s something I broached in the thread I posted last year (I think?) called "what if" which you can find with the search engine at the top of this page… Anyone had a look yet?


Gosh, you'd think this would be enought to get people to come out and protest our government being in collusion with the 'financial oligarchy' .... oh wait.

nice try mike

so i take it you and everyone else has defaulted on their loans on australia ? how is life now? all the creditors are cool right?


Those teabag parties are really a joke. Even with Fixed News pumping them like cheerleaders, the turn outs are anemic. They are being seen as yet another right wing attempt to find some theme they can rally the troops with. They are truly becoming a laughing stock.


Give it a little more time and wait…Undecided

July 4th is 11 weeks tomorrow - plenty time for more of those middle-class to lose their jobs and be at or close to foreclosure. Being at the beck-and-call of the MSM and ‘bull-fed’ political paradigm has done enough to get the USA where it is today … patience…

Fingers Crossed…Wink



I’m with you on this one Paul. Independence day has a much broader and deeper meaning for Americans than Tax day. It is also perceived as a positive vs a negative, and we are all off work and school to celebrate.

The potential is there…



I think that to you and I, and most everyone on this forum, we’re very clear on the figures adding up to true forclosure and unemployment statistics. This site is lifting up toward that specific tipping point much quicker than most imagine, from a base of the last time I looked of 165,000 hits between mid February and the tail end of March. There are also other sites with a forum base that are getting the steady message out and, this is but a matter of time.

The tipping point of a crushing proof of falling import products, climbing food prices and a steady errosion of finances are becoming more and more noticeable with stores and houses becoming vacant.

Whether we view the world with our own wise eyes at this time and can see the obvious changes that others supposedly don’t is par for the course when Jane and Joe Public are too stretched to pay their monthly account. People are talking more boldly than ever and even the stubborn and ignorant are begining to get a better picture of at least the critical financial mess.

10 Million out of the US 305 million populace, generally clued up, should amount to the kick needed. I’m catching fleeting glimpses of Fox News stratergising toward the Tea Party’s in their own damning way to keep up rating figures (not so long ago I had dreams of Bill O’Reilly being chased by a mob and awoke refreshed!!!). Something is up, it won’t be good when it starts, far from it, but a damn good step in the right direction.

The build up to July 4th is going to get very noisey on the internet…



[quote]If we were able to get everyone to do this at the same time, it would certainly have an effect. I can't say how that helps us solve peak oil, but it would certainly create some sparks and action, although I am not sure what.[/quote]

Peak Oil is not solvable, IMHO. There is no way to turn this ship before it hits the iceberg. Our best hope is to make sure that we are in the lifeboats and far away befor it goes down. I liken it to the instructions that are given on a flight.

My focus is becoming one of getting as many resources that I need to survive under my control, finding some like minded people who I trust and can work with, and putting in place some long term plans. Building my own survival family and then forming a survival community with other "families".

If we as a society dodge the bullet and the worst does not happen, we can grow old joking about how silly we were thinking the world was going to end.

Mr Z.

Greg, I appreciate the compliment. Thanks.
Yes I see the tightrope Chris has to walk. I’m referring specifically to the group behavior on this site that was, before Chris’ post, mocking people who said the very same thing Chris says in this post. Now that he said it, they take a 180 degree view and there’s like a cheerleading squad screaming "yey Chris for putting together this groundbreaking data that nobody saw before!" Hero worship and clique behavior is never a good thing. Also, Chris has subtly joined the effort to marginalize people in the past who talked about the financial oligarchy / conspiracy. For example, he made a cheeky comment recently on somebody’s post implying they couldn’t backup that Bush Sr or Kissinger talked about the new world order just because they didn’t put the hyperlink to the source in it. Please. It takes 5 seconds to google these. Anybody who doesn’t know about these speeches and suggests they might be fiction is just revealing they aren’t at all serious about learning this stuff, they haven’t done even the most elementary research, they really have no basis upon which to respond to people who post such things because they are speaking from nothing but their own uninformed opinion.
Perhaps you’re right that Chris didn’t have a recent epiphany, but his post implies he did. Previous posts indicated he had trust that public officials were trying to do the right thing…he was blaming their mistakes on honest ignorance rather than ulterior motives. This post says he now understands the incestuous oligarchy that conspires to fill their own wallets at our expense.
Based on past behavior, I would expect some comments tomorrow morning suggesting I shouldn’t criticize the leader. Whatever. Chris is quite competent and this site is an impressive operation. A little criticism here and there is no problem…builds credibility with new viewers.

strabes -
Once again, the fact that a You Tube clip exists that has Kissinger or Bush or anybody saying the words "new world order" ONLY means that a clip exists that the words were said.  It does not mean that such a spooky dark collection of bad guys exists.  It doesn’t mean that we are sliding towards a life of serfdom on a mud farm.  And if you guys can’t come up with better arguments than "Kisssinger said so and so" and start proving that such an organization exists to oppress mankind then you will continue to have monumental issues getting anyone to believe in your mad world.  Anecdotal evidence doesn’t cut it.

I don’t think the words meant anything other than a new level of global cooperation - I don’t think that is a bad thing.

And go back and read Chris’ post again - he quoted someone who said "financial oligarchy".  Quoting is not an endorsement unless you are in the group that wants to see a bad guy behind every tree.  So here you have twisted what someone else wrote to serve your ends - that is a gross misrepresentation of what happened with Chris’ post.  You have yet to provide anything to support your claims that this is an effort to take over the world other than sketchy clips that have been subjected to creative interpretation to serve one’s desired conclusion and that just doesn’t work.  Did you ever think that what was meant by "financial oligarchy" is the de facto, good ole boy network?

Why now?  Prove to me that this has been a centuries long effort by an international consortium of bankers to take over the world - and the fact that Kissinger or Bush made a statement  using the words new world order frankly doesnt prove anything.

The fatal program error in this entire ‘new world order’ fire drill is fundamentalist religion.  It’s just not going to happen.

As far as criticizing Chris (or anyone else for that matter) - "You may fire when ready Gridley."  Just make sure you are criticizing based on what was actually said, not what you want other readers to think was said.

 …and Chris’ primary sidekick attacks as predicted
you portray sophistication but what’s evident in your inaccurate hyperbolic caricatures of people you’re disagreeing with is you haven’t done research and you hope people get sucked into a "yeah, you tell em dogs!" dynamic which is exactly the type of cliquish behavior I’m talking about on this site.

1 - Go argue on that old thread as you already have ad nauseum whether the clips prove anything.  I’m not referring to that.  It’s not my fault you can’t separate thread from thread and you lump everything into the lizard men or Dr Evil bucket.  

2 - Chris quoted someone using the term financial oligarchy and then wrote a great article illustrating how such a group indeed exists (for you to claim he doesn’t agree with the term means you’re the one who didn’t read his post accurately).  People have used that term (or a synonym…financial conspiracy, banksters, banking oligarchs) before on this site and been accused of conspiracy STRICTLY ON THE BASIS OF BELIEVING THE SIMPLE DEFINITION OF THAT TERM.  Maybe all caps will help you avoid your mental obsession with fighting the lizard men people. 

3 - You demand accuracy from me that you don’t exhibit yourself.  Rather than demanding I read Chris’ post again because you don’t understand my post, you should simply read both of my posts again.  I know Chris’ post quite well. All I did in my last post was point out that Chris slammed somebody else’s post (not mine) because the poster didn’t put a reference to the source for something that’s as easy to find as the sky being blue (and of course you jumped on the groupie bandwagon backing up Chris).  That’s really lame…Chris should have come back to say he was wrong to imply those quotes were fabricated, while he could still disagree that the quotes meant what the poster was implying.  As usual, you’re demonstrating lax logical analysis and using a straw man response by attacking how those quotes are used to support a conclusion you don’t agree with.  I didn’t even remotely refer to that conclusion.  Again, go to the other post where that issue was discussed if you need to keep your dog fight going.

4 - Your obsession with yelling at people who believe in the lizard men is seriously distorting your own rationality and preventing you from seeing what is blatantly obvious to anyone who pays attention…there’s no way to prove the case if people can’t see the obvious case already based on the publicly available facts.  If you need someone to hold your hand to prove the case to you, well then there’s the problem…americans won’t be able to take the country back.  If you can’t see Wall St runs the govt, not my fault, no way I can prove it to you (but it’s referenced in Chris’ post).  If you can’t see they’re the biggest criminals in history having stolen $12T from us, not my fault.  If you can’t see how the interests behind the Fed and the big Wall St firms are driving an agenda, not my fault.  If you can’t see the obvious inertia toward the end of nation-states, not my fault.  Small point, but if you can’t see how CFR members (Geithner, Daschle) don’t have to pay taxes, but you or I would get years in prison for it, not my fault (and it’s not just because they’re politicians…many congressmen have been convicted for tax evasion and I guarantee Ron Paul, Kucinich, Shelby, Sanders wouldn’t get away with it).  If you can’t see how we’re all already serfs to banks, not my fault (just because we live in houses with AC instead of mud huts doesn’t change the reality of the economic structure).  If you can’t see how derivatives claims have been given superior status in capital structures and what that means about who runs this govt, not my fault.  There are books and documentaries on this stuff…read them rather than expect others to brief you.

5 - Yes, it is the ole boys network.  So OBN is a term you can believe in whereas oligarchy and NWO are ones you can’t?  Cool.  Whatever…if you like that term, I’ll go with that one.  But you must be some lizard conspiracist for believing there’s a hidden dynamic among people in power called OBN that works against the masses, no?  OBN, NWO, financial oligarchy…all the same thing.  What the people who do the anti-NWO marketing are really trying to do is stir up resistance to this OBN that has taken over the country. They’re trying to put a face on it.  But if you just write this off as if OBN is a harmless college-boy game and not a massively criminal dynamic as they run the government of the most powerful country in the history of the world means you’re oblivious to what’s happening.  No doubt you think a lower class black kid in your neighborhood who steals a $100 ipod from best buy deserves to be arrested.  I’m sure your mind is positive about that…you don’t think it’s conspiratorial to view as criminal a kid who works with another kid to distract the cashier while he steals the ipod.  But for some reason you think a criminal clique of financial parasites who have taken over our economy and have the police/law defend them and steal $12 TRILLION from all future generations are just doing harmless ole boy networking. This OBN is the most powerful, richest OBN in history and guys like Paulson, a cause of Chris’ cynicism, are fairly small potatoes.  If he were the problem, then we would no longer have a problem now would we with him out of office?    

6 - Yes, OBN wants better global cooperation.  But you again haven’t looked into this because the type of cooperation they want requires the end of the US as defined by the constitution. The idea of autonomous nation-states is anathema to these people…read their books and CFR publications.  That’s why the constitution has been rendered pretty much irrelevant now in terms of federalism and individual/town/state power.  That’s why the elite law schools train people in how to deconstruct the constitution rather than defend it.  That’s why a couple supreme court justices have endorsed the idea of international law being used as precedent for US law.  That’s why Clinton/Bush engaged in a crapload of work to get the north american union pushed forward (just as financial interests pushed the EU against the will of the european people).  That’s why the govt could care less about sealing borders where a real terrorist could come from but they’re happy to look at americans naked at airports and setup intrusive checkpoints and police/military cooperation throughout the country to harass americans and train us to expect this in our lives. That’s why they’re stealing $12T from local folk to prop up the Wall St / DC system to prevent the power shifting back to local levels.  That’s why they’re destroying the $. That’s why we have an unconstitutional monetary system. That’s why they gave us an unconstitutional Patriot Act and Northcom.  That’s why they’re labeling freedom movements as potential terrorists.  That’s why they are slowly granting power/wealth to international institutions.  This is way bigger than just Paulson padding his buddies’ wallets.  The pieces of the puzzle are obvious.

7 - You say their desire for global cooperation isn’t a bad thing…that it’s simply the benevolent "good" they believe in.  Even though that requires ignoring how Soros, Chase, Goldman, etc. make billions off the continued progression toward globalization, let’s agree there are many people involved who really have benevolent beliefs in global integration. But like any fundamentalist believers in a "good" cause, they will engage in whatever "bad" is necessary as a means to achieve their "good" end.  This has been the case with any ideological crusade throughout history (communist or fascist movements, abortion doctor bombers, even the creation of the US where we had to nearly exterminate an entire race to establish our "good" free country). This ends justify the means mentality has likewise been in quotes from Kissinger, Rockefeller, etc…we will get a new world order through whatever means necessary.  Oh, but that means I’m a lizard believer in your mind.  ok.  


you are wasting your time. they will only GET IT when they come for them and we are all gone.

some of these folks are on big gov pensions, some have done time defending and expanding the american empire, none of them have been directly affected. they will plant their shtf gardens and still trade on wall street…

my friend save your posts for people who care


I have to say, I actually seek out your posts now. I need a good laugh, and every day, you are there to provide.

Thanks for your service to this community! I for one appreciate it! I’m still trying to figure out if you actually believe what you post or just continually try to get into scraps with all that pent up frustration about being a serf to relieve your self induced pressure. I hope to have a beer with you at some point (we’re not that far apart geographically) and sort it out!



dogs, sorry you don’t see my lucid points.  I probably should’ve left out the tone at the beginning, but I got rather weary of watching you smack people down, and when you did it to me here I responded with factual credibility you don’t want to engage.  doesn’t bother me that "we’re done."  worrying about being in the cool crowd has never been my handicap.
by the way, nothing I said is based on the things I think you are really trying to fight, like David Rockefeller is the future king of the west, or Prince William is the antichrist, or we’re all going into a FEMA holocaust, or lizard men. I’m strictly talking about the obvious financial oligarchy and the clear movement toward global monetary system, global control and the end of freedom.  It’s almost irrelevant whether the other stuff is true or not now that I see what the US govt has become…the empire govt is taking us to the same destination regardless of whether sinister beings are behind it or not.  

joe, I appreciate the support, but I’d rather stick to having superior command of the facts so people can evaluate who is right, than attacking people’s careers.  I think Dogs is a good person and had honorable intentions behind his military career, as I did (though now that I understand what the empire is all about, I try to educate as many as possible against going into the military).  I admire his attempt to move forward, engage local community and gardening. But I haven’t understood his quick trigger finger slapping people down.  Feels out of character.

anyway, I think it’s clear will only go as far into this issue as Chris takes it.  Chris has taken a big step with this post that’s titled "looted" which signals that he now knows there is a criminal (criminals loot) dimension to what’s happening in our govt.  I’m looking forward to when he takes the next step and investigates the powers behind the operating people like Geithner, Paulson, Emanuel.


Dogs and Strabes,
For what little it may be worth, I have valued many of your various posts. Some I may agree with, some I may not, and, for many, I simply don’t pretend to have enough knowledge to generate an opinion. My point is, there are a variety of good resources on this site, and not all can be correct 100% of the time. So, try not to take things personally when there is disagreement. And, more importantly, don’t stop contributing.

Hope that makes you feel better strabes.
You waived your objectivity with the very first sentence of your reply in post #112.  You were neither personally attacked or "smacked down" and I think it is clear from your response that you are being less than objective with respect to our differing opinions and have no desire to consider the possibility that neither one of us is right or that it’s not as obvious as you state and continue with the discussion framed in that context. 

We have typically been on the opposite side of the issues in here, but until you went high order have usually managed relatively polite discourse.  Your patronizing and disingenuous comments on my military service notwithstanding.

The reasoned debate is what I will miss.

i’m ready rog…no you are ready

Sam, you’re right you did it.  You’re wrong that Chris did not.  He did.  This is the post I was referring to, not yours.  In it he says, Without the sources, my answer these days is "not".

I said it was Kissinger and Bush.  On that detail I was wrong.  It was Kissinger and Ward.

Chris’ post on that thread is largely reasonable.  But when he says "not" to any source that doesn’t have backup sources he’s revealing a bias toward some sources and against others.  More importantly, it’s a logical fallacy to automatically assume something is false, i.e. "not", just because it hasn’t been documented true by source material backing the article.  Rather than axiomatically saying "not," the prudent response should be "hmm…I’m curious" and then start researching or at least waiting to pass judgment until someone else does the research and proves it one way or the other.