America is Being Looted

Unfortunately Obama is discovered as "The new Chamberlein". All causes for a new murderous world war are now matured. * A global economical crisis. * USA on the edge of bankruptcy * Islamic/North Korea crazy and totalitarian pivot who calls to destroy Israel and Usa. * Long and tedious war in Iraq and afghanistan weakens Usa. * Islamic rise in Europe counties abuses and paralyzes its governments. * Russia and now Usa are rapidly losing its empire strength. * Legal chaos, Since countries like Spain and other international forces try to judge other coutries issues. It become a cinical legal circus when all totalitarian countries uses this weapon against USA and Israel. * Rise of the sea piracy * Independent States like Iceland and Irland which goes to bankruptcy. * Spreading of weapon of mass destruction. All these are historical processes which testify that World war III is just a matter of time. It all comes togather with chris Martsnson’s briliant analysis.

Thats all folks



Do not forget the most important point made in the analysis, i.e., about money. We are facing a $1.6 quadrillion derivatives market, and much of it is unregulated by governments. Given that, it will no longer matter who runs the U.S. government.


Now that sounds like an fun thread, on its own merit. The Economic Dream Team . . . EDT . . . Who else would we want on it?

I sure wish we had that team! But you’ve set me up perfectly for a shameless plug. There actually already is an "Economic Dream Team" thread here I posted back in February. But unfortunately it’s about Obama’s team - and believe me, the title was meant to be ironic. I tried pretty hard to put a lot of the interconnected and unseemly dope on these guys, in all it’s glorious irony, all together in one place. It was a pain in the @ss to do. (which is why I’m still trying to plug it!) So if you feel like adding to your disillusion, feel free.


PS: To answer your question, I like Mish (if Chris is not too mad at him for his gratuitous and tasteless attack on Peter Schiff)


You are exactly spot on! It has amazed me to watch people (on this site as well as others) look past the real issues and poo poo the facts that are right in front of their faces. The Money Masters are in full stride and about to hit the finish line. If we don’t put our feet out to trip them soon, we’ll be the slaves of evil like never seen on earth before. Conspiracy Theory meet REALITY! Keep you voice loud and as said above…GET ANGRY!

Redshift posted an excellent video on the 7th April that attempts to show the deception behind Obama and that the root issues are not one of government but one of who’s pulling the strings behind it all.

I’ll repeat the link here. It’s worth viewing perhaps not so much for it’s complete accuracy but at least to get people thinking about what could be behind what most take as face value - much like what Chris does on this site and the Crash Course.

The video is 1 hr 54 mins long, so I would recommend using firefox to access it with the downloadhelper plugin, that way you can just download it and watch it later offline.

My own awakening for want of a better description started with the Crash Course but has expanded to cover Money and it’s creation and flawed basis, to now attempting to search for a possible root cause issue to it all. The Bilderberg Group may be unpalletable to many here (as it was to me about 4 years ago when someone mentioned them to me and I dismissed them quick smart!) and in the rhelm of the tin hat advocates but I maintain that it’s still a valid perspective - especally considering many of the things that seem to be pushing a NWO (or One World Government in the old school) ever closer. If it’s not a reality, then one has to ask why push such policies that eventually end in that conclusion then? Perhaps it’s just a natural outcome maybe? Just be warned - don’t compare Obama to Hitler, the video discredits that comparison (and someone flammed me here for making such a comparison actually but they strangley didn’t include any feedback on the video, which is what I posted on) - he’s (Obama) actually apprently closer to Stalin and the tactics he employed (I have only studied Hitler so I can’t compare his tactics to Stalin - someone else who’s so educated may be able to shed some light here?). Thevideo covers the tactics used fairly well.

Just as the Crash Course attempts to explain why things are rapidly coming to a focal head - perhaps concepts like the Bilderberg Group and other NWO theories are just part of the exploration as we search further/deeper for a root cause to it all? I’m not totally convinced about the Bilderberg Group but I am convinced that the actions by governments lately have done nothing more than transfer more power to governments and ripped wealth from the middle class and is sending it upwards - is that process by accident or by design? I will forever question and search until I get a conclusive answer (or die first, or get enslaved then I will now for sure!).


I for one am looking forward to the site redesign. It should make it easier for the vaious types and levels of discussions to be seperated a little more? At least that’s what I’m hoping for. At the moment topics can go of course by a large margin - such as this post :slight_smile:

Four Step Action Plan:

  1. Get YOUR money out of their bank IMMEDIATELY. Leave enough to pay the electric bill.

  2. Tell you family to get their money out of their banks. Call them right now.

  3. Tell your friends, your coworkers, your neighbors the same.

  4. Instruct them all to tell their friends the same.

If only 5% of people follow these instructions, the banking and finance industries

will be neutralized within days, if not hours, and this "looting of America" will cease peacefully and quietly.

The real assets are in the hands of us real Americans, and we will NOT surrender those, but will rebuild anew.


Semper Fi.

Economic survivalists take root
By Judy Keen, USA TODAY
When the economy started to squeeze the Wojtowicz family, they gave up vacation cruises, restaurant meals, new clothes and high-tech toys to become 21st-century homesteaders.

Now Patrick Wojtowicz, 36, his wife Melissa, 37, and daughter Gabrielle, 15, raise pigs and chickens for food on 40 acres near Alma, Mich. They're planning a garden and installing a wood furnace. They disconnected the satellite TV and radio, ditched their dishwasher and a big truck and started buying clothes at resale shops.


PHOTO GALLERY: A survivalist family

"As long as we can keep decreasing our bills, we can keep making less money," Patrick says. "We're not saying this is right for everybody, but it's right for us."

Hard times are creating economic survivalists such as the Wojtowicz family who are paring expenses by becoming more self-sufficient.

Reviving "almost lost" skills and preparing for tough days make people feel more in control, says Charlotte Richert, consumer sciences educator for Oklahoma State University's Extension Service in Tulsa County.

Karen Gulliver, MBA program chair at Argosy University in Eagan, Minn., expects the movement to grow as the sour economy forces people to reassess priorities. People are asking, "Do I really want to be 100% vulnerable with no self-sufficiency skills if something happens?" she says.

Some signs of the trend:

Stockpiling. When the stock market drops, orders surge for freeze-dried food, survival kits and emergency supplies, says Nitro-Pak president Harry Weyandt. One best seller: a $3,375 food reserve that feeds four people for three months.

Gardening. Sales of vegetable seeds and transplants are up 30% from 2008 at W. Atlee Burpee, the USA's largest seed company. The National Gardening Association says 7 million more households will grow food this year than in 2008 — a 19% rise. A book on building root cellars is the top seller at Johnny's Selected Seeds in Winslow, Maine, supervisor Joann Matuzas says.

Canning. Jarden Corp. says sales of its Ball and Kerr canning and preserving products are up more than 30% from 2008. Sonya Staffan, owner of The Jam and Jelly Lady commercial cannery in Lebanon, Ohio, is offering twice as many classes this year.

Sewing. More people are learning to sew so they can mend clothes and make home décor, says Rachel Cohen, spokeswoman for SVP Worldwide, owner of sewing-products makers Singer and Husqvarna Viking.

Relocating. Steve Saltman, general manager of, a national real estate company, says more customers want to "live simply in a less-expensive place." Jonathan Rawles of says more people moving to rural areas "are specifically worried about economic and social instability."

Patrick Wojtowicz's family decided to transform their lives when his paycheck began to shrink last year. A truck driver, he was spending more time on the road, paying his own expenses while waiting for loads. He disliked being away from home for weeks at a time and worried about losing his job. Melissa Wojtowicz is self-employed and works from home.

Their dual paychecks allowed them to live comfortably, but they weren't satisfied, Patrick says. "We would basically buy stuff to feel good," he says. "When that stuff stopped filling the voids we had, we started analyzing what it was that we were really missing. We were missing being around each other."

The Wojtowiczes made a list of the things they could give up if Patrick quit his job and they relied on Melissa's income. They already lived in a house on property Patrick inherited from his father a few years ago.

Gabrielle "put up enough resistance to qualify as being a teenager," Patrick says, but soon she was reminding her parents to turn off lights to save electricity.

Steps such as that, and keeping the thermostat set on 63 degrees this winter, cut monthly electric bills from $300 to $150, Patrick says. He hunts deer and turkeys. Instead of buying books and going to movies, they visit the library weekly. For Christmas, they got canning gear so they can preserve the food they grow.

"The earn, spend, earn era has come to an end for us," he says on, their blog. "The idea of living a fuller, more satisfying life seems simple to us now. ... Money, cash, credit, maybe they don't matter. Maybe, just maybe, it is those things that impede our ability to be truly happy."

Whatever happens to the economy, the Wojtowicz family hopes to remain self-sufficient. Instead of spending their tax refund, as they usually did, they used it to pay down debt. They stopped using credit cards and they're trying to build up savings. "I'm working harder than ever," Patrick says, "but it's more satisfying work and ... it's much easier to sleep at night."

Strabes, et all

A movement to ensure the public servants in the military, police, veterans and other public servants understand that their oath is to the US Constitution.



Thanks, Greg, I hadn’t run across that forum, yet. Indeed, it was a well-put-together piece, and you are justified in plugging it! As to adding to my disillusionment, it’s hard to imagine that’s possible . . . .

As before, the question is still - what’s the point?
The bankers or whatever we want to call them, used their wealth to buy the US government. Once the bankers felt firmly enough in control, they used that control to transfer the remaining wealth of the American population into their personal pockets. Predictably, the more power and wealth the bankers seized the more comfortable they were to openly transfer the remainder of America’s wealth to themselves in front of everyone in broad daylight.
It’s not that complicated. Weeds will do this in your garden if you don’t pull them in time.
The last time something vaguely similar to this occurred in the US was just before the civil war. The 3/5 clause had been passed to appease the slave owners. The 3/5 clause allowed slaveowners to count their slaves as 3/5 of a person. So even though the North had vastly more "white" voters, many of whom wanted slavery abolished, the South was able to control Congress. By purchasing more human beings the slaveowners purchased more votes. The more slaves they bought the more votes they had, the more votes they had the more their institution of slavery was insured. We know how that conflict ended. And we know that in fact it has not ended after all these years. I’ll bet some Southerners reading this are already getting testy with my recounting of the history.
Buy more slaves, get more votes, controls the American government. Do what the hell you want and screw those bleeding heart abolitionists.
Buy more politicians, have those politicians put you in charge of the financial system. Steel obscene amounts of money and use it to buy even more politicians and use those lackeys to rest even more control over the American government. Takeover. Screw the entire American population if they don’t like it. You’ve all been robbed and we have the guns. Game over. Shut up and get back to groveling.
It’s a banker coup d’état in the 21st century and not a shot has been fired. Yet.
The only point I can think of is that we live in interesting times. And that point is hardly worth mentioning.

A point that I think is well worth mentioning. I feel that one of the silver linings to this crisis is that the perennial shenanigans are so obvious now that the times are indeed interesting, and we have the opportunity for a genuine awakening. At any rate, I find the switch to crisis mode a welcome relief, in an ironic sort of way, to the shallow, zombie-like existance that most Americans have been living for the past umpteen years. "Viva la crisis!" would be an over-the-top sentiment, but there are silver linings, nevertheless. . . .None of which is intended to undermine the other valid points you were trying to make.

"four sugars please, to remove the tartness of sea water and a handful of Gandhi salt…" (editTongue out)


I don’t know about you all, but I’m getting dang tired of having to spend a chunk of my day keeping an eye on the thieves in Washington. With the integrity of the world’s population deteriorating for many years now, I’ve reluctantly developed pretty reliable radar for liars. But it’s one thing to detect a liar (which is really pretty easy, once you’ve got the knack), and another thing altogether to divine exactly which parts are lies, and what the truth is . . . although even that task has gotten easier, as, with rare exception, when they open their mouths, only lies spill out. Nonetheless, I’m tired of straining my eyes trying to follow the pea in the shell game. But, I don’t dare take my eyes off the game, as I have no doubt those son-of-guns will slip my pea into their collective pockets.

There, now . . . I feel [a little] better already.

for a lot of people in this country crymoney the most important thing is that things be interesting.

you know this financial stuff has dosplaced lindsey, paris , and britney …lord what have they been up to lately and even phil spector is little more than a r&r footnote. we wait with baited breath for the next big madoff or the next stimulus, or the next bear rally or the next crash. the sheeple have always had a morbid fascination with bad news.

ancient rome…bread and games

modern americal …food stamps and football

the more things change the more they stay the same

the medium is the massage

marshall mcluhan

this is entertainment. it is a huge industry. the news media are having a field day, the blogs are all lit up. why even the prof is now getting much wider circulation to the cheers of the brigade. interest is all that matters…oh did i make a pun

ps money the south got screwed by the north with tariffs the war of aggression had nothing to do with slavery it was an economic war. and the wrong side won

I agree the shenanigans are very obvious. However, it is abundantly clear to me that the average American remains uninfomed, mallable and complacent in swallowing the bilge water spewed by the MSM and government officials. I maintain that we are doomed as the current society. Now, maybe, the real silver lining in all of this is the "current society" NEEDS to be doomed, as it has become so twisted and corrupt that a NWO is the only way out.

Cheers, Jim

I’m amused to read all the advice on how 1) not paying your taxes, and/or 2) pulling your money from the banks, will solve the problem.

Um. Nice try, but no.

The looting in question is happening at the macro level. The oligarchs are taking control of the entire infrastructure, including national governements and the printing presses at the US Fed (as many have warned for 60 years that they would do.) They are closing in on a position where they will be able to move the entire national (maybe global) economy in ay direction they please. We are in zero position to alter this or change that particular future. It’s finished, stick a fork in it.

That settled, we can move on.

A useful question however is this: Why would they bother? What can they possibly gain?

Couple obvious answers (which are all probably in play, but the best is last):

  1. It’s nice to have all the power in the world;

  2. It’s nice to be able to print and amass all the money you can possibly desire;

  3. It’s fun to wake up in the morning and wonder what will be the biggest and most outlandish deal you will close today;

  4. It’s critical to be among the top 10% of the heap when the bottom 90% is set to be lost.

My operating theory right now is that the Smart Guys have at least as much information access as the rest of us (probably more) and anyone with an ounce of sense is starting to worry about the fundamental question of what is going to happen to Humanity once a couple of critical issues are raised due to climate change, peak energy and probably the collapse of "modern agriculture", all of which appear poised to fall on us mostly at the same time.

Critical issues are access to reliable water and food, access to a safe place, continuity of energy resources, and not being in the way of any leaderless mob looking for someone to lynch.

Other than moving to another planet (unlikely) one needs to carve out their own planetoid right here on earth. That takes money. Lots of money. Money that can buy you laws, and armies, and vast stretches of arable land, and influence lesser people to die for you. You will need those to keep that doomed 90% out of your way until they become fertilizer and no longer a concern.

I imagine this is what it was like at the time of the fall of Rome. Lots of Smart Guys, all padding their risk, increasing their hieght above the other strata. Those guys survived. They went on to found the emerging merchant class during the Dark Ages, they were there when the Crusades were needed, they helped found our country.

Smart Guys like that never die. They are the only ones that can successfully reproduce, much of the time, and they teach their sons to be Smart Guys too. They create laws and institutions that promote Smart Guy ideals.

And then they blow up the world. But it’s OK because they are Smart Guys.

Need to put an end to this cycle. But given that it’s a 900 year turn of the wheel each time, we forget in the meanwhile. But you gotta wonder what will happen this time when it’s 90% of 7 billion.



[quote=strabes]Golly gee. Chris quoted a professor who used the term "financial oligarchy." Why aren’t all of you who accused me of being a conspirator for using the same phrase attacking Chris right now? … Now Chris has finally looked into and identified what many of us have known since Regan (ex CEO of Merrill) was Treasury Sec back in the friggin 80s. And he’s incredulous/angry about it…AWESOME! … This isn’t intended as a slap. It’s intended as a rallying cry. … Stop going on jogs to get rid of your emotional energy. Feel the righteous anger. Channel it into productive action. Again, demand a fix!
You seem to me like one of the smartest people on this site (maybe it’s just that I tend to agree with you a lot!), but I find it amazing that you can’t see the tightrope act Chris has to walk. The great paradox is that we’re all here with our diverse, conflicting views, and our often passionate differences, precisely because Chris did such a fantastic job of presenting his Crash Course material in a completely neutral and objective way. Without that, he would have ended up with a bunch of people all agreeing with each other, saying "amen."
I also doubt you really believe Chris has just had some recent epiphany, and is only now becoming aware that there may be other hidden forces at work, behind the scenes. I don’t see how anyone could know all the things Chris obviously does, and not be aware of this. But there’s a fine line. I think he’s right to be conservative on this - to stick with what’s knowable and quantifiable. Remember, you and I can afford to be outrageous, but as the owner and author of the site, Chris has to be an ambassador, too. Look at it this way. If you want to catch the big fish, you have to reel them in slowly!

I gave up joining in these discussions a couple weeks ago because it was clear people here weren’t serious about identifying and understanding the real problem…
Strabes, if you can’t get through to people on this site, who are you going to get through to? I hate to get all maudlin, but we certainly could use you around here. So, as frustrating as you may find it at times, I really hope you’ll stick around.

I appreciate Chris’ mention of Simon Johnson, the former Chief Economist at the IMF. I have read and heard articles and podcasts featuring him many times, and he has always seemed to be a voice of reason. He is a frequent guest on NPR’s Planet Money podcasts and website, in case anyone is interested.

He’s still a stoog for the NWO. NPR? = MSM