America is Being Looted

do you have this on your clipboard, it gets posted about once a week mike IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN. any other ideas?

i would check my auto responder

son if you think getting flagged for being honestly politically uncorrect on this site is punishment fasten your seat belt you aint seen nuttin yet.

the society we are headed for is brilliantly displayed in jupiters dance.


I accredit to being silenced on several occasions and, I’d broadcast that the illiterate are something in regard to Falatinarainio, which from memory was an Italian racing driver…Wink

Sometimes I feel modelled on this Khajuraho sculpture… A kind of, "One size fits all…"




I used to think you were off the wall w your "STOP servicing your debts…" comments.

It now seems like an idea worthy of consideration.

Are there any threads that get into the details and ramifications?


you know i have been a cipherin on this all day and i spent a fair amount of time serfin the net and i think i found the solution and in the most esteemed memory of larry aka drkrbyluv who is no longer with us i will post the first part of what i found some of it might sound kinda familiar, certainly it is somewhat quaint, migh teven be out dated. and certainly in this day and age it is really POLITICALLY INCORRECT.

but it was written before the time we became a eunuch nation. when crimes against an entire populace would not be countenanced. when people like patrick henry told it as it was. god it must have been grand to be alive then. they wrote the words then they acted on them. well i certainly hope i dont get flagged for this one

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to
dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and
to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station
to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent
respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare
the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted
among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
— That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these
ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to
institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely
to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate
that Governments long established should not be changed for light and
transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that
mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to
right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably
the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute
Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such
Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such
has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the
necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of
Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a
history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct
object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To
prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

read america is being looted for the facts read a history of the revolutionary war for the remedy. maybe just maybe we wil be doomed to repeat it.

disclaimer i am not now advocating a revolution just sharing a little history. anyone care for a spot of tea?


Hi Denny,

this is the defining thread you want :-

What if…?




As stated in the Declaration - IT IS OUR DUTY TO THROW OFF SUCH GOVERNMENT. What could be more clear than that?

America, and Americans, have become fat, lazy and brainwashed. As Joe has posted the Declaration, there is no doubt about what SHOULD be done…what MUST happen. But, alas, here we all sit, wringing our collective hands. The founding fathers would puke if they could see us now. I will state what most have thought from time to time. We are doomed indeed.


You need to read my work a little more carefully.

  1. I did not write about who picked Mr Allison for the CEO position of FNM, I wrote about who picked him to run TARP.
  2. According to you, Mudd and Raines must ahve shared an office or something? Their dates seem to overlap a bit. Wink

Rambling stuff:

I am well aware of the cast of characters at FNM over the years, with Franklin Raines one of my top choices for criminal of the decade.

Since September of 2008, when Allison began running FNM, the FNM balance sheet has expanded dramatically as "more of the same" has been applied. FNM has been round-tripping mortgages from the open market to their balance sheet to the Fed.

This is an egregious misuse of public money and it will be wasted. This forms the basis of my opinion that he should be defending himself in court. I didn’t say which one. It could be a criminal court, a civil court, or the court of public opinion. I left that vague on purpose.

Certainly it is my opinion that FNM has sunk deeper into the mire and has wasted vast new amounts of public money since September of 2008. When does the ability to blame the prior guy end and personal accountability begin?

Lastly Mr. Allison spent over 25 years at Merrill Lynch including a stint as CEO and I, for one, am tired of the revolving door between big banks and the public coffers. Time for an outsider to step in and clean up.

But that’s the entire point of the article. Mr Allison was most probably picked because he is an insider to the club of folks that have driven this ship up onto the rocks.


  1. I don’t owe anybody an apology at this time. Maybe later for something else.


Chris…well stated.

Hi James,

With Margaret Thatcher in your signature (most Americans under 30 think she was a figure skater!), you must be from the UK like me?

We’re not doomed - well, not all of us - sort of, well, most of us…

The grass outside will still be growing on the lawn if you don’t dig it up and grow veg, or you’ll most likely (if you’re lucky) be under that lawn because some nice kind neighbour found the time to use you for fertilizer; everything has a good use when you’re permaculturing…

No matter the outcome, the dollar is dead as a dodo. As Red said in The shawshank Redemption, "…all it needs is time and presure…", western economies are also already gone and your money value in your pocket doesn’t exist anymore. Here, let me help to explain :-

Newstopia explains the Reserve Bank

…it’s the eye of the storm and Americans are watching ‘American Gladiator’.

Bill Hicks quote :- "Watch these pituary retards bang their f#@%ing skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom. Here you go America, you are FREE to do as we tell you!!"


…don’t get angry, get even?? Go out and do something positive - Today…

Try this :-

Pay it Forward - The Power of Three

…am I joking…



Rosemary Sims was unable to post this link due to technical difficulties and she asked me to do so on her behalf. It is my pleasure. Due to time pressure I have not had the opportunity to review this link closely. Rosemary is a thoughtful and resourceful person who has done much to prepare for what may be in our future.


Friday, April 10, 2009

The Significance of Cable-Cutting

An event of particular interest has been the cutting of fiber cables near San Francisco. Two observations. First, this writer proposes that the cuts were made by someone who wanted to test the network. I agree. Remember the rash of undersea cable cuts last year? Although official explanations discounted any purposeful cuttings, those disruptions too could well have been done to test networks. Cutting a cable and then observing the extent of communication disruptions provides valuable strategic information to someone who might use it to cripple an opponent’s communications in a future conflict. It is the same as when one country flies aircraft into another country’s airspace: watching the reaction can likewise provide useful information about the other country’s air defenses. For example, how long did it take scrambled aircraft to get into the air? What types of aircraft were scrambled, and how many? What bases did they come from? Even if the undersea cables were not cut on purpose, you can bet that all the major players on the global chessboard were watching carefully and taking notes. Hence there is no doubt that many parties — even parties not involved — were carefully observing the results these recent fiber cable cuttings. Second, it is interesting to speculate who might be behind this act. The US government has relentlessly spooked us with the “terrorist threat,” and we are constantly told that the “terrorists” are out to get us. My view is different. Terrorists out to victimize innocent Americans could have done it easily, and long ago, as this incident shows. Therefore I suspect that this is either an inside job — meaning it was done by Americans for some purpose, or the work of a foreign state actor. Needless to say, we might very well see the arrest of some suspects said to be connected with an “Islamic radical” group, or an announcement that some such organization is responsible, which would be quite handy for those promoting the “war on terror.” But real terrorists, who would want to do as much damage as possible and not care if they themselves are killed, would certainly not have stopped at something on such a small “science fair” scale, especially considering the gross vulnerability of urban infrastructure everywhere.
Permanent Link posted by Rice Farmer @ 9:22 PM

Thank you Chris for your usual astute interpretation of fast moving crap today. I really do appreciate that very much. I know this must have been a difficult post.

For anybody who questions that weird stuff has happened in our past history (like Pearl Harbor or 9/11), I t hink it would be wise to examine all of it a bit more closely. On this site, I’ve often been dubbed a "conspiratist" , but here we have our leader on the outer edge proclaiming much of the same. Have you not thought that some of the "outer edge" stuff you have read may actually be reality?

For example, one of my favorite blogs is that of Rice Farmer (although I have no idea where that sucker is!) Most reasonable, very up to date, always on top of things is he. But also broad minded and philosophical about what ails us. And I do like that, that he connects us to what has passed before us and reminds us of our errors.

So here is Rice Farmer telling us about something me might never have thought possible, but probably is: Do be sure to click on every link he provides to get the full picture. He is really good at allowing mulithoughts. :slight_smile:

I’ve never liked being guffawed off of a forum as a "conspiratist" (I presume that means anti-mainstream), but things are certainly changing fast. Our very master on this site has told us that it’s really true - we don’t have a lot to trust, and there is certainly a lot to question. I doubt any of it will make a lot of difference in our everyday lives but it should make a lot of folks who kept trying to warn everybody a bit more credible.

It’s time to really think guys, really hard, about what’s happening. And it’s time to prepare. In my heart, I’m hoping that those of us who survive have gone the crash course.


BSV, thank you for posting that - computer guru got over here, and swept through allowing access again.


the good news is that life is a game, literally! Your infinite, multi-dimensional self chose to have this experience so sit back and enjoy the ride! You simply cannot lose if you really understand this reality and can live from it. Jesus, Ghandi, Neo, the list goes on and on…youre next on that list!

There is really no good or bad, its all relative, or Maya as the Hindu say. Everything is as it should be, the financial oligarchs are stepping on stage exactly as was planned.

From Federal Court Qualified Conspiracy Expert Mike Levine, to Mike Ruppert, Chomsky, Chopra, Zinn, EO Wilson, Howard Bloom to my current gf from Zimbabwe, the webs we weave when we try to perceive on the grandest scale, leave us awe inspired.

Stay in spired, "…in spiritus sancti, amen! "

Hey Paul,


Not born in England…in fact, born in the heartland of the USA. But certainly old enough to remember Thatcher and many others. I haven’t had the opportunity to browse your links, but I certainly will. Thanks for the posting!

Cheers, Jim





i feel much better now

[quote=Doug]I have my doubts about whether these "tea bag" protests can be considered serious collective resistance to anything. They may or may not have started out as non-partisan, but now have been co-opted by the Republican right in the personages of Newt Gingrich and Phil Gramm.
I have a hard time envisioning Phil Gramn protesting anything, right about now. But it’s certainly ironic that all his old partners in crime are now running the show - Larry Summers and a bunch of Summers/ Robert Rubin acolytes.

[quote=Doug]You can pick your politics, but you might want to think about who your name is likely to be associated with.

[/quote] I'm an independent libertarian type. I've got this problem all day long!

[quote=titanic]There MUST be change but waiting for it to happen via protest and peaceful uprising won’t do a damn thing. If it could, the first bailout that over 90% of Americans were against AND voiced their protest wouldn’t have happened.
So, what’s the answer? Anyone?
I certainly don’t have "the answer," but I do have a couple of thoughts. Yes, the political leadership is grossly unaccountable. And yes, most of us were against the bailouts. But let’s be honest. Most people did and said nothing. And then a few weeks later 95% of us went out and re-elected the same scoundrels. It’s going to take a lot more than that to bring about change.
I never had any illusions about Barack Obama. As much as we’d love to believe he’s different, he’s like every other politician. Ultimately, the constituents he answers to are the rich and powerful. And no Obama, or anyone else, is going to come along and save us. It’s up to us. We need to to start from the ground up. We need to reestablish our foundation.
On suburban Long Island where I live, local government is corrupt, inept, and unresponsive at every level. Newsday, our local paper does a pretty good job running exposes on all sorts of stuff - the schools, police, volunteer fire, etc. It’s beyond belief. Even at the local level, the taxpayers are being looted. - Pension double-dipping, overtime scams, anything you can think of. True, we’ve got an overcrowded bedroom community (if that word is even appropriate) car culture that I’m sure adds to our alienation, but I imagine these problems are all too common.
So in my view, what we need to do is exactly what people on this site are doing - prepare to take care of ourselves, reach out to our neighbors, and build real community ties. Even if Peak Oil does not assert itself as rapidly or as devastatingly as many people here expect, if we don’t do this, we should expect to live in an increasingly unaccountable and authoritarian world. They say "charity begins at home." I’m willing to posit, so does real change.