An Act of War

“On to Russia, then China; and a good spanking afterward to India to teach her to stay in her place”
I think you can add Saudia Arabia to that list… and many more will join once the tide turns.
The thing is these countries know that they are either in it together… or they will be picked off one by one.
If they support one another… they have the strength to make the transition stick.

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Who Are The Terrorists Now?

The Crimea bridge was blown up by a truck bomb. The bridge, the longest in Europe, was built by Russia against the protests of NATO. Russia did not blow up their bridge any more than they blew up their own pipelines. Three civilians are reported dead. There was no military target involved. Who are the terrorists now?


Civilians die in war all the time. Shit happens. Not all civilians are non combatants. Sometimes in war true innocents like children die. That the whole collateral damage thing. Civilian infrastructure being used to support military operations makes it a valid military target. Civilian infrastructure belonging to the government is a valid military target unless it is something like a hospital, historical site or school. However those “protected cases” lose all their protection once used for military or dual use. So, if you store tanks and artillery pieces in the courtyard of your hospital your hospital loses its protected status and is now a valid military target. Power plants, ports, rail lines and such are also valid targets. Nuke plants are more of a special case due to the great harm to all if they are destroyed.
This being said I am not a supporter of Ukraine or Russia. I think we should stay the hell out of all of this. However, our government seems to be run by a bunch of shit stirrers who can’t mind their own damn business. This is a giant waste of money that we can’t afford. This shit show is risking the whole world.


Let’s see if some members of the saudi family “die suddenly” in the near future.

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Answer to DaveDD. Thanks for your input, but I think you might have misinterpreted my comment to @norvegienne. Let me explain. The Norwegian vessel that is doing the underwater survey of Europipe 1 that leads to Germany had lingered on in an area well within the Norwegian economic zone, and it was only speculations in the Norwegian MSM that the ship lingered on due to possible sabotage/explosives, the ship has since then moved on, at least according to the tracker. From this specific pipeline, Europipe 1, the Baltic pipeline to Poland branches off, and that is south of where the ship lingered on, which means if there were signs of sabotage it would have also caused the Baltic pipeline to be inoperable. Thereof my comment “if Germany is being targeted then Poland is being targeted too”. I hope this clarifies any misinterpretations of my comment. In afterthought, I suppose I should have been more clear on what I meant as I can’t expect others to have the insight as I do. Here’s a link to info about Norwegian pipelines to Europe:
Here’s a link to the tracker:


Sabotage Against German Railways

Saturday morning trains in much of Northern Germany came to a stand still for 3 hours. 2 cables serving the communication system had been purposely cut. This article in a tech magazine says it could only have been done by someone who knew the system well.


We’ve been seeing mysterious fires, explosions and other types of potential industrial sabotage for over a year now. Now it is getting accelerated with larger targets and acta that are more overt. I think this type of stuff will continue to get worse. We might even see small unit type attacks in various countries that target infrastructure like power substations, water plants, communication hubs, aircraft navigational aids etc. no country is going to be immune from seeing this type of thing.

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Whoever is doing this is not in line with the interests of regular people. I am at loss of a framework to understand the motivation for it.

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