Announcing The New Website

Request: Please Increase Font Size, Add Some More Weight To It

I don’t know if it’s too late to make design changes, but is it possible to increase the font size of the text in the comments section at least, and in the main post too?The text feels too small and feint. I have to strain more to read it. Increase the font size to what it was on the old site, and also add some weight to the font if necessary. I’ve attached a screenshot comparing text from the old site to the new.
As a matter of fact, I say just restore all the old font specs from the old website.
Of course, I could just use Ctrl+ to zoom into the page and make the text bigger, but then ALL the elements on the webpage are increased in size. And unlike the previous website, the main div which holds the content is wider, so when zooming in, it takes up the whole screen.
If anyone else feels the same, please chime in.

Uild And Monetize Their Own Courses.

  • Online courses (coming very soon!), such as The Crash Course and many other PP topics, with members also able to build and monetize their own courses.
I have followed Chris diligently since the original Crash Course. I teach small Scale Solar and off Grid security and would love to share.
  • How do I learn about "build and monetize their own courses?.

Readability Of Discussion

Hey folks. Love the new website-much easier to navigate my way around. One concern though, I do almost all my online perusals on my iPhone and the default column width cuts off a small portion of the right-hand side. Only way to see the full width is to turn the screen sideways. Anyone have a suggestion for a fix that my tired old Luddite brain can assimilate??
Otherwise, big high-five to the fabulous tech team!

The right column moves to the bottom when the browser is resized. This is to accommodate switching from landscape to portrait and vice versa on a mobile device for example. If you wish to fix it in place, this will involve some tweaking of the HTML code using a browser extension like TamperMonkey. That will require a bit of tech know-how.

Liking It So Far!

Thanks, guys and gals!


New website looks great, and I’m excited about new features such as notifications  ? 

Community Tab Issues On Chrome

The community tab doesn’t seem to like the Chrome browser. It seems to be working fine on Brave though


Thank you very much, I have been seeking for this information for a very long time, and the information that you provided in your article has been very helpful to me in my work. play globle game

Love How The New Website Handles Comments & Conversations

The new iteration is more intuitive overall and in particular the ability to view and keep track of comments and conversation and easily see all kinds of data about comments is a huge improvement. Great upgrade Chris!