Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

Ice Cream shop

line of sight from there but since cam a bit more elevated slightly different angle. Trees at the time of event had leaves

From Jon Malis dashcam video. Could be there is a small open part between the trees to potentially allow a capturing of Crooks as he pulled himself up onto the roof of building 6 (as numbered in the AAR).

Assumed angles of the ice cream shop cams

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I’m not disputing that the ice cream shop camera might have recorded some of Crooks’ activity, but it couldn’t have “showed the shooter using an air-conditioning unit”, at least not the one they took the top of, the one on the other side the building in the alcove.

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True, this camera could potentially have filmed him when his head came over the roofline when he was pulling himself up. If that’s the case they can well derive what was underneath at this spot on the other side of the building (but since missing LOS the HVAC definitely wasn’t filmed by this camera)


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:. Better take another one of those red pills!

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I understand what you’re saying, but I can’t find this timestamp for the news helicopter. The reason for the question is would they have left him on the roof overnight and the next day vehicles in the parking lot are in the same place they were from the night before if that’s the case and the gun is still unsecured on the roof.

There is no timestamp for the aerial footage (unless you ask WTAE who took these shots). But I can tell you it is from the evening of the shooting and since there are no shadows anymore it was probably around 9pm (sunset was at 20:51).
Another piece of info that supports my assumption: The police car (blue) is M500-010482 and at the same spot where it was parked by BWC2-122110 when he arrived the scene just before the shooting started. Also the motorbike is still in place.

By the way: They really left the dead body there overnight. Here from a Butler Eagle article:
"Butler County Coroner William F. Young III was unable to attend the campaign rally for former President Donald Trump on Saturday, July 13, because of other engagements, but he found himself at the Butler Farm Show grounds after midnight Sunday to examine the victim who was shot at the rally.

Young and a deputy coroner confirmed the death of Buffalo Township’s Corey Comperatore early Sunday morning and sent his body to the Allegheny County Medical Examiner to complete the autopsy.

The coroner and another deputy later returned after 6 a.m. to the American Glass Research (AGR) International building, where he climbed onto its roof to confirm the death of Thomas Matthew Crooks"


This is insane.

They let TC body sit for 12 hours…why?

Also…was the deputy coroner Michel Nicols, the sniper’s wife??


Using Google Earth for measurements and Sketchup for architecture, I constructed the buildings. It becomes clear that the shortest path to the roof top is to go through door #12, which is at the end of the narrow corridor, where he is photographed sitting on the block wall. It is the quickest and simplest approach. This raises questions. Was the door open, or did he pick the lock? You can pick a lock in under 30 seconds, just Google it. Was his bag camouflage behind one of the air conditioning units or already in place up on the floor where the window is that overlooks the roof. The question is, was he assisted or not? I am not here to tell you that answer. I am simply pointing out the simplest scenario. If the snipers were in their respective rooms, he only needed 30 seconds to enter, traverse up the stairs, and make his way out the window. So, if you want to entertain this scenario, AI and has done the calculations.

To calculate the distance and time for 134 steps at an average stride length of 2.5 feet per step:

  1. Distance:134×2.5=335 feet
  2. Time: Using the same walking speeds:
  • At 4.4 feet per second: 4.4335​≈76.1 seconds
  • At 5.9 feet per second: 5.9335​≈ 56.8 seconds Remember, he was running. Under 1 minute.

So, for 134 steps at 2.5 feet per step, you would travel 335 feet in approximately 57 to 76 seconds, depending on your walking speed.

This includes his running on the roof until reaching the connecting section, where he disappears in the film.

You only have hear-say that he was sitting on a bench with his backpack. That film of him running atop the buildings, alongside the parking lot is easy to debunk.

The same film exists prior to being altered. It is up on X.

Fake link:

I found the original footage here on X. There is no one to be seen running along the roof line:

Full version of the “BWC2-122111” badge camera footage… Look up in the right hand corner, they are the same film.

It reminds me of the adage of Occan’s Razor: one should prefer the hypothesis that requires the fewest assumptions.

Someone needs to train the Butler Police what a telescopic ladder is. I have never seen such a bunch of incompetent individuals. You only need to remove the fabric velcro strap and it nearly expands on its own. Why the intentional delay of over 10 minutes? That acting is not going to land them a new career in Hollywood. What proof do we have that Crook’s is really even dead? We don’t. No brain matter scattered all over the roof. Blood could have been acquired from a slaughterhouse. No film of him being removed from the top of the building or a drone allowed overhead. Oh gee…the body snatchers have moved in. He is now cremated. That roof looks like they power washed the blood with an abrasive in the fluid. Bleached bit?

Sorry, I can get carried away. OMG.


The coroner needed his sleep :man_shrugging:

heard that too but not sure about it. If true that assassination attempt was almost like a family business. The only thing missing is that the cremator is another family member of the Nicol squad.



Did you all know this happened??

Reporter states shots are still being fired and says the snipers are firing at the trees. This is after Trump is already up and leaving.

What the heck??

There were also reports that 5 additional shots were heard that evening well after the first round.

And apparently, a woman claims that she has video of law enforcement with a man they removed from a tree.

Checked the footage you linked. You can see Crooks.


Please! More Cullen clickbait. Those sounds are the SS pushing the microphone around.


If that was concluded,okay: why were officers on ladders in trees?

Did they remove someone from a tree?

The north Hercules snipers definitely aimed at the trees. 100% they did.

And you can gripe about Cullen, but his Vegas analysis is brilliant.

Wow, how incredibly amazing, convoluted & blatant. They think we’ll just move on & not give a 2nd thought to how they’ve tried to gaslight us in :see_no_evil::fire: :sheep: :fire::woman_facepalming:

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Those facts are stunning, and I’m amazed we and everyone else haven’t been talking about them. The body was left on the roof for 12 hours. And during much of that time, as you can see from the video, there was no one around. It would have been possible for a random person, or trivially easy for people with cover of an FBI uniform, to go in and disturb the crime scene, or make off with the body.

What was the rationale for Crooks body to be left on the roof for 12 hours?

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Cluster F*** or Circle Jerk?


OK, I have checked and still see nothing. Please help me, by telling us at what time you see him appear in this film and starts running across the roofs.

Did anyone see his body removed? Is there any film or a person who can attest to it happening?

I haven’t seen that NBC report. Thanks for sharing. I have used security cameras similar looking to the one AGR had near door 18, on the same wall as the HVAC unit used.

They offer 360 degree viewing in the recordings. I’ve spent a fair amount of time viewing those files during incident investigations. The problem I had with them, was the outdoor cameras near the roof of the tall (2-story height) building could not read a license plate in the parking lot adjacent to the building. It just didn’t have the quality to make out the numbers. So, I highly doubt the ice cream store camera could have the range even if it had the line of sight. I’m sticking with the AGR camera ~10 feet away, not one 550 feet away that does not have line of sight due to a large tree.

Here is a screenshot with the store name that disappears when you go to take distance measurements.



I don’t disagree with you, but logic suggests they had patrolmen guarding the road entrances/exits, and those guarding the building, if present, might have been taking a dinner break. Either way I don’t think the complex was unguarded, not for a minute.

One speculation for the delay that I recall was to give drugs time to disappear (for lack of medical knowledge of what they would do in a deceased body) prior to the autopsy. I really didn’t follow that aspect of it, though, so hopefully someone that did can chime in for you.