Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

Did anyone see his body removed? Is there any film or a person who can attest to it happening?

I haven’t seen that NBC report. Thanks for sharing. I have used security cameras similar looking to the one AGR had near door 18, on the same wall as the HVAC unit used.

They offer 360 degree viewing in the recordings. I’ve spent a fair amount of time viewing those files during incident investigations. The problem I had with them, was the outdoor cameras near the roof of the tall (2-story height) building could not read a license plate in the parking lot adjacent to the building. It just didn’t have the quality to make out the numbers. So, I highly doubt the ice cream store camera could have the range even if it had the line of sight. I’m sticking with the AGR camera ~10 feet away, not one 550 feet away that does not have line of sight due to a large tree.

Here is a screenshot with the store name that disappears when you go to take distance measurements.



I don’t disagree with you, but logic suggests they had patrolmen guarding the road entrances/exits, and those guarding the building, if present, might have been taking a dinner break. Either way I don’t think the complex was unguarded, not for a minute.

One speculation for the delay that I recall was to give drugs time to disappear (for lack of medical knowledge of what they would do in a deceased body) prior to the autopsy. I really didn’t follow that aspect of it, though, so hopefully someone that did can chime in for you.

Without film, we are left with hear-say. This event was so poorly managed, it would not surprise me it is true. I see no bullet wound in his head. A high caliber bullet would scatter his brains all over that roof. All cam recording are hazed out, and any clear pictures are all just still photographs. I tried to look for any shallow breathing, as I wanted to just check if its not a Cy-op. Does that sound any crazier than leaving his body up there overnight, while a pack of birds pick out his eyes. All they would show us are pictures of him as a child. For all I know, he climbed down and is now enjoying his payoff abroad. Where’s my tin hat? He is lucky the body snatchers didn’t get him sooner.

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Fair enough if you stick to the AGR camera. It might even be the FBI has footage from this cam. But since there is no proof yet that they really have, it’s speculation. As much speculation the footage could be from the Ice Cream shop.
I don’t agree that there was no LOS as I pointed out in another post. I just checked the Spa Guy drone footage again and you can even see the upper part of the giant Ice Cream standing beside the shop.

From my point of view, the cam on the right hand corner could well be elevated enough to catch something on roof 6.

Of course I don’t know the specifications of the Ice Cream shop’s cams but they don’t need to recognise a number plate, to just see some movement on the roof of building 6 (AAR) is enough already.
Therefore I wouldn’t put this option off the table for now.

I’m doing some detail analysis from just before/after the shots at the moment. Did anyone actually realise there is a good portion of blood splatter to see in one of the videos taken from westside of AGR6?
Since it’s news to me I want to share my findings. Obviously these are (5) single frames from just after the moment the 10th shot rang out.


Just hurry up and enjoy your ice cream before it melts. :joy::joy::joy:

Dave account got suspended, lolz []

I hope he’s ok :\

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Wouldn’t be surprised since Clapper and Brennan are are part of the basement rulers of our country.

If these are blood spatter, then the pattern we are shown on the roof is false. There was nothing, no blood anywhere except in the straight line in the one single rib of the roof he was in.


Not to be too gory, but he was sitting up. What if it fell to the roof and his body fell on top of it? Or…what if this was what was all over the first guy’s pants?

Why would it look like that though? It’s so strange. It explodes mid air, like it bursts from its own center.

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Official BS channel



suspended or doesn’t exist? Where is Dave? @cmartenson

I don’t believe he was sitting up.
What stuff all over who’s pants? Do you have a pic?
If you watch snipers shooting targets, there is splatter everywhere. If this is splatter, I just wonder how we can’t see it against the white rooftop around the body.

His youtube is still up.

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The crowd also exclaimed something about him turning toward them. Then boom.


Thank you for linking this stuff, and I’m glad they put it out, but unless I’m missing something, the FBI avoided all the critical issues. It’s like an update for the utterly inquisitive press and the members of the public who don’t have time to learn anything about this stuff themselves.


yup completely useless


Thank you. I can’t believe how he was almost sitting upright there. Where is the stuff on the guy’s pants?

I would really love to know the trajectory and forensics of every shot. Are we any close to that?

Also, anyone out there know if a bullet hitting Trump’s ear would change the trajectory, and if so, by how much?

Finally, I wonder if the FBI and others watch these videos/read these post to find out how much we know/how close we are getting, and I wonder how much misinfo they themselves might post on here. Yep. I don’t trust our 3-letter folks anymore.