Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

Not to be too gory, but he was sitting up. What if it fell to the roof and his body fell on top of it? Or…what if this was what was all over the first guy’s pants?

Why would it look like that though? It’s so strange. It explodes mid air, like it bursts from its own center.

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Official BS channel



suspended or doesn’t exist? Where is Dave? @cmartenson

I don’t believe he was sitting up.
What stuff all over who’s pants? Do you have a pic?
If you watch snipers shooting targets, there is splatter everywhere. If this is splatter, I just wonder how we can’t see it against the white rooftop around the body.

His youtube is still up.

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The crowd also exclaimed something about him turning toward them. Then boom.


Thank you for linking this stuff, and I’m glad they put it out, but unless I’m missing something, the FBI avoided all the critical issues. It’s like an update for the utterly inquisitive press and the members of the public who don’t have time to learn anything about this stuff themselves.


yup completely useless


Thank you. I can’t believe how he was almost sitting upright there. Where is the stuff on the guy’s pants?

I would really love to know the trajectory and forensics of every shot. Are we any close to that?

Also, anyone out there know if a bullet hitting Trump’s ear would change the trajectory, and if so, by how much?

Finally, I wonder if the FBI and others watch these videos/read these post to find out how much we know/how close we are getting, and I wonder how much misinfo they themselves might post on here. Yep. I don’t trust our 3-letter folks anymore.


On one of the initial body cams on the roof, the officer in the dark uniform that ziptied Crooks seems to have blood soaked into his pants on his right thigh/knee area.

I wondered if he picked it up while kneeling down on the roof to secure Crooks.

I can accept some of those facts but did they leave the body uncovered and the gun there it was not confiscated. And if this was approximately 9:00 p.m. it would be dark. Also my understanding is the FBI washed the roof two days later so back to the other question why is there no blood?

Shadow Discrepancy with stated 5:15pm wall photo taken time.
Been sitting on this discovery for 3+ weeks. Using SunCal and some basic geometry & Photoshop skills firmly indicates a time closer to 4:35 pm (4:30-4:39). Obtained the hi-res image from Judicial Watch, first traced the wall line edge direction, then carefully traced the line between the front of finger tips and each’s corresponding shadow. Obtained the SinCal images for relevant times and then rotated Crooks image so the wall line matches the western end of the two story building North to South.
The disconcerting result is below.
Crooks had enough time to walk or drive from the concession stands to sit on the wall.
Perhaps there was pre arranged operation plan that was set back an hour by Trumps late arrival. Some parts were completed on the original time line, then everything had to be modified backwards by an hour. Everyone involved had to stall for time, misdirect and hang around. Trump hour delay would explain a lot of strange actions on the day.
If Crooks wall photo had been sent out at 4:45 pm (an hour earlier) the assassination attempt would have been thwarted. I know this upsets the apple cart and a lot of hard work done; however it may very well be the evidence that cracks the case wide open. Please do your own study an prove this result wrong!!
SunCalc - sunrise, sunset, shadow length, solar eclipse, sun position, sun phase, sun height, sun calculator, sun movement, map, sunlight phases, elevation, Photovoltaic system, Photovoltaic


I haven’t looked at this yet, but the suggested time conflicts with other evidence pertaining to his sightings and activities during the day.

I texted Dave yesterday…he’s fine but just extremely pissed off at the discovery of the sort of country he actually lives in and the people who are running it.

I mean we all know things aren’t perfect, but when you finally know, it an be a bit of a shock.


Understandable but good to hear he’s fine.
The sleeping beauty sleep will end for many when the commies stay in power!

I will check it out. Thanks!

So his uniform has been cremated too? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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It had to be a clarified plan in advance.


I rewatched the initial bodycam (which was good for me to resee because it is so unbelievable) but after taking many screen shots I still haven’t seen anything on SS black wardrobe pants. Even so, if he crouched down and absorbed particules there should still be some sort of presence on the roof by his body and i only see this:

Just over the rib where the body lay.