Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

It’s reasonable to suppose that Crooks had previously concealed the backpack containing the AR-15 at his point of entry to the roof, or even on the roof of one of the AGR complex buildings.
So why would Greg Nichols report that Crooks had a backpack at a time when video evidence indicated no backpack?
How did Nichols know there was a backpack?
If Nichols did know Crooks had a backpack before Crooks retrieved it, doesn’t that suggest he might also have known its contents?
Perhaps in answer to my first question, Nichols purpose was to signal to someone who already knew of the backpack, to signal that Crooks was enroute to the rifle and the roof, and to signal in a way that would not trigger the kind of alert that would have had President Trump being immediately removed from danger.


Good questions !
I think there’s another question worth investigating…

What was this object above crooks ? It is captured on the bodycam of the cop that confronted crooks (picture1). There’s also another picture of a similar (same?) object a few seconds later (I can’t upload it as a new user) , though I am not sure if it is legit or not.

Picture 1

I heard that Crooks had 3 wounds on his body. I think Jeff Ostroff reported that the 9th shot from the ESU sniper on the ground may have hit Crooks weapon and entered his body but did not exit. It is perhaps this shot than knocked the glasses off Crooks.

The South Side sniper probably shot Crooks while Crooks was not wearing his glasses.

Crooks has been cremated. I would not be surprised if his weapon has been destroyed as well to hide more evidence.


It may also be that Patsy was holding his rifle with his right hand and took his glasses off with his left and laid them down to his left. Some people prefer to shoot through a scope/red dot with their glasses off; some leave them on.


He absolutely did wear his glases at the first shots, I posted a photo of it from a footage.

so many UFOs are out there
We have so many UFOs out there.

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I do not trust the FIB at all but there are reasonable possible explanations why we’re not hearing some of the very important answers you/we are looking for. For instance, if the FIB investigators conducting interviews of Greg Nicol and the SS site/lead agents were suspicious of the answers they were getting they’d most likely want to keep their suspicions secret so as not to alarm anyone who might then “lawyer up” and quit answering questions voluntarily. Even better, if the FIB had cornered one participant with evidence of a criminal conspiracy they’d want to use him/her to implicate anyone else involved in the plot by getting that one to wear a wire while getting other conspirators to talk. To those of us on the outside that would look like stalling and a lack of seriousness in the investigation.

Those are possibilities. I’d love to watch a future FIB press conference in which they announce they found a criminal conspiracy to get Trump killed and have arrested 3-4 people and charged them with murder, attempted murder and related charges. However, did I mention I don’t trust the FIB? I fully expect this “investigation” to end up like the Las Vegas mass shooting did: two years of silence and stonewalling with loose ends hanging out all over, and finally a claim that it was a case of a lone nut (“everything else is a mystery to us”).


I’m 90+% positive that all of these ‘things’ are insects.

They move too quickly and are always out of focus, which is consistent with small things moving relatively quickly but too close to the lens and therefore out of focus.

You know, bugs.


We have lots of birds here in the town (since people feed them). Aren’t there birds in PA?

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This TikTok video (by the horse girl) gives a good glimpse of the west side of AGR just before Trump starts speaking. I dont see any LEO’s around: TikTok - Make Your Day

It seems that Crooks probably hid in the alcove till people at the back started to get closer to the fence (Trump started speaking).


We don’t know (1) how many rounds he had in the magazine and (2) how many filled magazines he had. Actually (3) we don’t know either if he really looked for mass shooting events.

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Negative. (1) He bought the ladder in his way home. (2) He took the rifle at about 13 o’clock. So (3) he was unable to hide his rifle in the morning and (4) he needed the back pack in the afternoon to carry the weapon. But who know how much of testemony is true.

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Ahh. So did not have the rifle in the morning?

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Everything is possible, might be he took them off by himself.
What we have photo proof of is, just before the 1st shot rang out, the guy on the roof was wearing glasses. Next thing certain is the glasses caught by bodycam on the roof, left side of him.
Would be interesting to have a statement from his optician if he was far- or shortsighted.


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Nicols maybe got confused with the backpack he sighted with the bike. The bike that wasn’t Crooks’ though.

That bike was still at the exact same place at 18:25:14 (BWC2-122109) as pictured by GN and sent in the group chat. Looks like the Backpack is still with the bike but I’m not 100%sure.


Thanks for sharing.
Interesting, the guy with the megaphone is also part of this video.


Cremated together with the glasses and the weapon? What a picture!

BTW, have the bullets from the counter snipers been accounted for? Were they ever found?


She wasn’t the first attending Crooks. Michelle hits the roof at 6:29pm and reaches Crooks position around 30 seconds later. That’s about 15 minutes after the first officers wearing bodycams reached the roof.

By this I don’t want to indicate or say she doesn’t know about a possible bullet, possibliy shot against Crooks by her husband Greg. I’m just clarifying she wasn’t the first to see Crooks at the roof.


Did we already challenge the option that he placed his backpack (with a rifle inside) behind the AC unit (or another sheltered place close by from where he went on the roof) during one of his earlier visits. Assuming here, the reports about him picking up the rifle and telling his parents he’s off to the shooting range are false or it was another gun he took along there. As it seems the USSS didn’t personaly sweep the building where the gunman was perched. Maybe the locals also didn’t.


Well, based on him being spotted at 4:26 PM and then again just after 5 PM I don’t think he had time to get his backpack between 5:45 PM and 6:02 PM; maybe I’m wrong about that. Also, you would think he’d feel concerned about being spotted trying to go get it at that time.

I guess it’s still possible that hewent to get it at that time.

I also had suggested maybe he got it a lot earlier and brought it to AGR but I think that would require that he would’ve left it in the morning because supposedly he was there in the morning, but I’m told by another PP person that he picked up the rifle at 1 PM at home. I’m not sure if that’s accurate. I assume it is.

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