Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

yeah right…

that photo is counterfeit.

first, that path is way too low to match Trump’s right ear, and second, if you watch bullets flying around even at, e.g., 100.000 frames per second, you will NEVER see such a trail…

have a look at and you will see that that photo is completely impossible…

and the fact that Trump’s ear got grazed by a bullet still does not imply that it was crooks who fired that shot…

there is really no footage that I have seen that conclusively proves that crooks shot any bullets…
all recordings stop right before the second bullet is shot and there is quite some debate about the shell casing that is claimed to have been ejected, but I simply do not see it…

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the only thing I am ready to take for granted is that he had a rangefinder, but apart from that, there is no guarantee that the chain of custody of the crime scene was guaranteed:

  • how many people walked on that roof before the bodycam people arrived?
  • what did they do before the first bodycam officer arrived?
  • it took them 2 counts of the number of shell casings that were lying around until they counted to 8… I do not remember whether the first count was 3 or 5, but it was not 8…

I assume you mean the HVAC were he got up the roof. From my point of view it isn’t possible there. I think so because GN seeing him from a northwest facing window and reported through radio at 6:02pm “All right, subject is in between the AGR building. He has a backpack,”
Since there is no LOS any of the northwest facing windows to the area where the HVAC is, GN couldn’t have seen him with the backpack unless he was already climbing up to the roof. But if so, why should he suggest Crooks was headed in the direction of Sheetz and not Crooks makes his way up to the roof?

It could be he took the backpack there and walked out of the secluded space towards the parking lot again, but is that plausible?
So if he hid his equipment somewhere in this area, I rather think it might be in other sectors.

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I don’t know…
I mainly focus on figuring out where the shots may have come from, and as soon as we know that, we get to the question about how the shooter got there.
As I said, I take very few things for granted…

Well, I’ve got a theory. I’ve wondered what made crooks‘s parents so concerned about his whereabouts. How about, that he went shooting with the AR 15 the day before, stashed the rifle in the backpack and hid it night before the rally. All of this stuff from the parents about oh he borrowed the rifle in the morning; maybe it was just a lie because the parents couldn’t figure out why the rifle didn’t get returned from the shooting day the night before. Maybe the parents just simply made it up to protect themselves for not having reported him to the police when he didn’t return with the rifle the night before the rally .


You get what you pay for.

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even this drone stuff is an allegation, he…
why would he have needed a drone?
you google maps around a little and you have figured out all the essentials, even without any equipment other than a phone or computer…


if true this photo is counterfeit, that would be a huge bomb!

By the way there was an interview of Jason Goodman with Doug Mills, NYT photographer who took that picture.
Doug Mills 8/7: Why he used 1/8000 Shutter Speed; AI tech? Fake pic? Shows Image Negatives in Laptop (

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That’s a good, probably the right, working approach. But nevertheless it’s interesting coming from both sides, optimally you meet in the middle.

Keep on your focused work and let us know when you figured out where all the different shots came from.

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…showing image negatives in laptop…

that photo is a fake and if you look at ANY bullet flight imagery, you will see that it does not make sense to have a trail like that, and note that the trail is way TOO LOW to match Trump’s right ear…

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You mean as in all of those video cameras at Sheetz seeing him grab a backpack out of his trunk and head back to the rally area? That’s exactly my point. When I talk about the risk of being caught on a security camera he would not be putting a backpack in or pulling it out of his trunk, he would be doing it somewhere you would not expect to see someone grabbing a backpack.

His parents (could it also be his foster parents?) are somewhat strange anyway. Did they really see him on the 13th picking up the rifle (according to FBI it was his rifle by the way, father sold it to him at some point), packing it into the car before he went off to the rally again. Did he just tell his parents he’s going to the shooting range or were they assuming that he’s going there?

Since they never really spoke out, here is when they caught him (with MTC’s big sister Katie Crooks?) leaving a grocery store in Bethel Park on Jul 22

The father was again approached by Fox News (probably Jul 31, unclear where, again with Crooks’ sister?). His sole statement was: “I gotta pee”

This is allegedly Crooks mother, she is blind or at least has bad eyesight

Fly Drone to find out where are the snipers posted?

You seem to have more understanding when it comes to photography. One question, does it make a difference (for the trail part specificly) if the picture is taken at 100’000 or 8’000 frames per second?

the snipers only took position something like half an hour before the event started, so flying a drone to find their positions at that time would have been noticed by many…

I really do not think he flew a drone, had the explosives in his car (btw, which car, because there are at least two different cars that have been mentioned, and he can drive only one at a time…), and whatever was “found” on that roof, besides a dead body with a rifle, is all highly questionable…


And how long would it take him to walk from the northwest area of the AGR complex to go get his backpack from his car on the other side of Vendor alley? Have you determined what route he would have taken to get there and not be seen a LEO who had a description of him by then. Show me what evidence you have to support your theory and how it lines up with the rest of the sightings. We can speculate until the cows come home, and be no closer to understanding what happened.

In Dave’s incognito interview with local police who surrounded him, I was wondering (when they said they have images of him with the shooter earlier and he freaked out and asked to see them but they said FBI has them)if maybe Crooks went inside the Sheetz and bought something since Dave was a cashier?


well, if you look at the 100.000 fps footage I pointed you to, you will see that a bullet does not leave a trace and that it also does not take anything in its trail after grazing the ear.

the 8000 refers to the shutter speed of the camera and that is allegedly what causes the trail to be seen, but that bullet flies much quicker than what could have been captured over 1/8000th of a second…

that bullet would have flown at about 3000 ft per second = about 2045 miles an hour…
if you calculate how far that bullet went in 1/8000th of a second, you will see that it is impossible to visualize such a long trail…
in 1 8000th of a second, that bullet would have travelled 0.375 ft (11.43 cm, 4.5 inches)…

bottom line: fake photo…


There still leaves a couple of issues. Why is he seen walking past the vendors towards the rally at 4:26 PM? It seems pretty clear to me that he must have taken his vehicle and parked it well beyond the vendors where there was a huge parking area. If that’s the case when he is seen at 4:26 PM, he does not have the backpack.

Second, if he did retrieve his backpack from his vehicle at Sheetz, he would’ve had to have passed the Western side of AGR all the way to his vehicle and then come back the same way in front of at least four if not, six law enforcement officers, who were standing on the west side of the complex And already presumably long before this that he was a suspicious person and probably they even have a photograph of him on their cell phones. Clearly, shaggy had a cell phone. I assume he saw the photo of crocks. There were virtually no people standing along the fenced on the western side of the complex towards the northern side. He would’ve walked right in front of shaggy and at least three other law enforcement officers on the way to the place where he climbed the roof. This is incomprehensible to me. To me that would mean all of these officers were in on it.

It just doesn’t make any sense those two things don’t make any sense . Note: you’ve done great work VP, but those two things don’t make any sense.

You do know that the sighting at 6:02 was Nicole reacquiring him upon his return, right. It sounds as if you are using that sighting to suggest he wouldn’t have time to go to Sheetz and back between 6:02 and 6:06. The 6:02 sighting was him coming back.