At Best The US Secret Service Is In 'Damage Control' Mode

To his credit, he radioed info 9 seconds after he saw Crooks on the roof, at 6:11:03 per Ron Johnson.


For some reason – massive amounts of new bodycam footage from the July 13 Trump Shooting is being dumped TODAY into the public domain – that has been held-back sat-on for weeks.
Question: Why now? Why is there a DS tactical shift from NO reporting, covering-up and slow-walking an investigation – to the sudden current raw selected video disclosures?
MSM is driving the narrative hard that it was just chaos and LEOs on July 13th were just trying to manage the overwhelming chaos and clear people away (around AGR BLD6 & 3) and were occupied mainly by crowd control – really?
Today’s video dump – and corresponding scripted MSM narratives – is a talisman perhaps that the DS is trying to front-run something that is going to (or has already) come-out about the Plot To Assassinate Trump (PTAT) – and/or are laying the ground work for a narrative-inversion-pivot strategy:
– to combat (or even attack) the Citizens Investigation or
– to scape-goat someone/ throw local law enforcement under the bus
– use the Plot To Assassinate Trump as distraction regarding something else that is going down.
It is very clear from what I characterize as comparative video/audio analysis that:
(1) Shots 1-3 are very different from Shots 4-8 – and these two groups of shots were from different locations.
(2) Shots 1, 2 and 3 are each very different from each other – and also appear to be each from different locations. The relative (comparative audio) signal shifts for each of these shots (Shots 1-3) – clearly suggest that each shot was from a different location and thereby from a different shooter.
I am surprised – that if I can analyze using meager tools and see this I am perplexed as to why others with more professional audio forensic equipment and expertise have not done the indicated more rigorous (comparative/ 2D) analysis – yet?!
I am frustrated – that the PP site does not have a one-stop-shop-archive location that posts clear higher resolution - raw audio plots/tracks with appropriate time-ledger-ruler – for the members to use and review.
I have been working with the suboptimal (crude) video snips from Chris’s pod casts (better than nothing – and just to be clear CM’s podcasts are great) - but even so I can make a compelling case for 4-shooters - primary, secondary, tertiary (Shots 1-3 from 3 different windows in BLD#2) and Crooks/patsy shooter for Shots 4-8.
Greg N.(?) and others in the ESU apparently abandoned their post (and their sniper rifle equipment/ammo/set-ups?) from the south facing rooms second floor of AGR BLD2 DURING THE CRITICAL SECONDS of the shooting . . . and THEN Greg magically appears (exits BLD3?) while the LEO are in the minutes after the shooting trying to get on the roof – identify and neutralize the “threats” – but Greg just strolls down the path from BLD3 – very non-plus – cool as a cucumber – while everyone else is running around with their guns drawn and yelling – WHAT IS UP WITH THAT BODY LANGUAGE?.
Question: So Greg was in BLD3/BLD2? Second floor? During the shooting? And then a few minutes after the shooting - just strolls out like he’s going to lunch? Really?
Best of luck all.
PS – can someone PLEASE post a good quality audio plot/track for Source 2 (He’s got a gun) that has the appropriate time-ledger-ruler (the one I have from Chris’s podcast does not have the time-bar at the top) – I apologize in advance if I am dense and do not know how to navigate the site. Thanks.


Yes - I think the WAPO reported position of the Shot 9 shooter was “misleading” and vague (its WAPO what do you expect) - the Source 2 (He’s got a gun) audio helps put (I think) the Shot 9 location I think closer to or in the channel between the red barns and the white tents . . . I have serious question about the audio track from Source 5 (Stewart). . . just a thought . . . thanks for the comment. pbd


That article said the shot was from 110 yards, which is what I used in Google map to see if it aligned with the ESU member’s position, which turns out it did for his approximate location at 6:03.

In this webcam video when at the time-point (a few minutes after the shooting) someone yells “get them out of here” - you can see at the same timepoint in the Source 6 (Stewart video) ESU/Greg N. strolling down the path going south away from the AGR BLD#3. From the new webcam it does not appear that Greg N. was already outside the AGR buildings in the parking lot on the east side of the AGR Buildings - Greg N. has some explaining to do - I think.


Impressive and locations apparently very carefully measured. Would you please forward to him, or on his YT account, this link to the latest audio source from the police cruiser’s dashcam? It is stationary and of known location, in front of the eastern entrance to the AGR building. Ty.


Yes - I used the same info to draw perimeter circle out from Crooks’ death position - and once upon a time was speculating that the Shot 9/shooter might me located on or near the light/cell tower - but that does not work I think re. the audio analysis from Source 2 (he’s got a gun).

Again - there is somethings stinky about the Source 6 (Stewart) audio - first and foremost the audio/track plots for the shot signals look like something from commercially available gunshot sound effects - the audio signal for Shot 9 in the Stewart video does not look right given the position of Stewart - the Shot 1-8 audios appear to have been faked to make to make them look and sound like they are from the same gun/location - also baseline noise may have been inserted to cloak the fact that Shots 1-3 are perhaps in 3 separate locations farther away from Crooks’ position - not sure why others not commenting the questions about the Steward audio.

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Here are the new results from @greg_n using multiple sound sources to pinpoint shot locations.

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I’m here. I’m the guy that did the TDOA video on YouTube. Thanks for sharing the police vehicle video. It’s a really nice, clean audio source right up to the point that shot 10 happens. The officer tugs on his locked door handle at exactly the same time as the gunshot! It is an excellent, stationary sound source. If this has been released sooner I could have used it instead of the Stewart video. (Stewart was moving around so much that it made the analysis difficult.) Someone can check the shot time intervals on this new audio source to see how well they line up with the other four sources. I expect they will align perfectly.


What happened to shots 1, 4, 6, 7, 8? They do not show up in this update. Any reason given by GN?

Having looked at his earlier analysis with a wider spread, I’m assuming they are simply located underneath the other shots in his graphics.

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Greg, what a labor of dogged integrity and love. Thank you! Thank you also for sharing the code and the methodology in the commentary, amazing transparency.

Someone shared an image of your updated locations for various shots, I noticed the update has shots 1, 4, 6, 7, 8 missing. Any chance they can be addressed in the update as well? Ty.

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It’s hard to see in the uploaded pics. Try if you can freeze the still pic from the body cam at exactly 18:10:55 sec from BWC2-122110.

If you enlarge the top left hand corner, it looks like Crooks feet and head.

He seemed to be looking at the west end of AGR building. Maybe this was the time he looked at the west end crowd.

I think video evidence shows he turned his head just before shot 10.

18:15:31 on police body cam, one catches a glimpse of a dude in white shorts and longish hair walk nonchantly from behind tall trees into car lot…


Local ESU cop who left early sends a text “he knows you guys are up there”. How did Crooks know it was safe to access the roof at 6:08? Was he just lucky or did he see the cops leave the building?


They are there on the high definition version


I think it’s his “book” bag, where he would have packed his AR. This is more or less the spot where it was seen in the Grassley video releases (video 1).

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He is one of the three plain clothes first seen in the D Stewart video. he had just walked toward the corridor and here is on his way back … actually to the eastern corner of the building.

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