Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

Originally published at:

Both echo analysis and a time variance analysis indicate that there were two shooters at Butler that day who took shots 1-3 and shots 4-8.

Shots 9 & 10 were taken by local and SS assets, respectively.

As you know, I stick to the data and work with hypotheses to keep gnawing toward the truth. I considered a theory that it was possible that Crooks fired all 8 shots and the way we account for the distinct sound differences is that he turned his gun sideways to take shots 1-3 and then back upright for shots 4-8.

I am now discounting that idea because his gun is clearly in an upright position for shots 1-3. Further, it’s inconclusive, but we also cannot see his shoulder jump even slightly for shot #1, supporting the idea that he didn’t take that first shot.

If he didn’t take the first shot, he probably didn’t take the next two either.

Next, Peak member DMonk rebuilt the entire shooting scene from the ground up in AutoCAD which has enabled us to rule out the first three shots as having come from the lower windows in building six.

The model’s assumptions and unknowns are tight enough to conclude with high confidence that the North stands (the ones closest to Building 6, which Corey Comperatore was on) would have blocked the first three shots from hitting Trump’s ear, David Dutch, The Railing, and James Copenhaver.

Which helps us narrow down the possible shooting locations. We also present evidence that there’s another possible shooting spot on the roof of building 6 behind the false-front parapet located on the front, or east end of the building facing the parking lot.

Besides providing cover from being seen from the parking lot, it’s entirely out of sight of both SS sniper teams while still having a clear shot at Trump. We’ll be working to resolve the audio data and echoes against this and one other possibility.


2D mimage Vs 3D image.

The 3D image does show a shot is possible. The window can be seen.

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@cmartenson I would also be interested in seeing the unique shockwave signatures that the audio expert Gary Melton spoke with said were conclusive evidence of two weapons for shots 1-3 and 4-8. He stated that it holds true regardless of Crook’s posture or camera angles. I’m assuming the N-waves have a unique pattern to them, but haven’t gone back to look at them fully expanded in Audacity to compare them.


Good work, Chris. Many thanks for the info & for inspiring all to think.

The parapet over Bldg 6’s west end door was probably NOT the 2nd shooter’s site. Shots from that site would have been heard by the many people on that end of the building, and such close shots would have caused some people to cringe. I do not recall seeing any cringing in the videos showing that side of the building.

Also, people on the west end would have seen the shooter escape. Or, the shooter would have still been in place when law enforcement got on top of Bldg 6; then, the shooter would have been seen by the roof crew.


All the audio recordings I have been able to find on show very little diversity in arrival times when you compare shots 1-3 with 4-9. This plot includes the stewart recording, Trump’s mic, and a couple more I found that are around the crowd in front of the podium.

All the arrival times are within 30msec to 40msec of each other at ALL the mics. Only the “stewart” recording is significantly out-of-line with the wave travel from Crooks to the podium, but it is far enough out of line (with me just estimating geometry in my head) that the 2nd position cannot be more than, say, 40msec * 1200fps = about 50 feet from the 1st.

My own opinion is that 50 feet is an absolute maximum.

edit to fix screen shot:


Thank you and the team so much, for soldiering on with this analysis.

One little observation: the 80 milliseconds is ~90 feet, but perhaps represents a surface ~45 feet from either the mic or the weapon. The round trip would be 90 feet.

I was thinking a slight position change might vary that little ‘pew-pew-pew’ you get from the ribs of a metal building, but the echoes are clearly more powerful than that. The timing difference from Trump’s mic really raises it to essential certainty, the shots came from differing locations.

Finally, I was wondering about the young woman in white we see in the “3 flags” video, clutching her shoulder after the 1st shot. Is it commonplace for random debris to accompany a bullet? Like a speck of dirt or something?

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I agree, there were people right in from including Dave Stewart. Maybe the ladder and from behind the Crooks Position slightly. Try usuing higher velocity rounds to make up the difference. 2,700 fps vs 3,300 fps ish ish. Investigate that they didn’t hit anything the 4 or 5 shot burst where did those rounds land etc. Keep thinking on it. Maybe crooks was shooting towards a guy on the ladder from behind to protect himself, completely different direction. That would explain the shell casing dispersion some in front and some out to side. Just thinking here.

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BTW: Finding a 2nd shooter would suit my priors better than it just being Crooks, but I see stronger evidence in the audio against a 2nd location than for. Maybe there is a better positioned receiver (i.e. audio recording) that happens to be in line with the 2nd position, but its not easy to pick through the postings on this site finding recordings.

My biggest problem with a second shooter is I can’t find a good place for them to be.

But the audio just stands there mocking me:

Those echoes are clear as can be. And they are 2x longer in the second string of shots.

1 - There’s no way for Crooks to have moved that far between the shot sets.

2 - Echoes are independent of mic orientation

3 - There’s no way for the videographer to have moved far enough to create this effect.

The first two indicated echoes are about 100 feet less of sound travel than the second set:


Lots of ways to accomplish that in 3D space, but impossible to recreate by moving the gun.

Also bothering me is this eyewitness description:

What the heck could that second-to-last sentence even mean??


Pay attention to where that tactical ladder magically appears from when they’re all trying to figure out how to get on the roof, it looks like it was stashed behind a tree? right under the parapit you described?

someone sees it and asks if they can use it, someone else says yes you can use it

(“Greg”)? is too cool and casual standing alone when everyone else is taking some sort of frantic action
 as if he already knows the whole story


At what point did Trump hit the deck? And at what point do the SS agents pile on him? Seems to me he’s ducking between shots 2 and 3. He’s under a pile of agents by the time shot 4 starts.

Makes me wonder
 what would have been the intention of the second shooter? Because at that point, the target, Trump, isn’t available. So was the point of the second shooter to make sure that Crooks’ head got blown off?

If Crooks acted alone, he might have had a chance to escape if he fired the first 3 shots and then stopped shooting once his target was no longer accessible. He probably could have left his stuff, gotten off the roof and blended in with the crowd and been on his way. Of course there is the possibility that he might not have been bright enough to think of that. Or that he wanted to take out some MAGA supports along with Trump. But it does make me wonder.


Good analysis guys. Keep digging. Methinks there is a snake in the woodpile.

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Wow - had never considered a second shooter could have hidden behind the parapet
now it really makes sense that the 10’ step ladder was pre-positioned at the breezeway - and immediately removed after the shooting (but not before the first four LEOs accessed the roof, using it). This might explain why all LEOs were called away from the scene right after the initial response (remember, the helicopter video shows no LEOs at the sight - not on the ground, not on the roof, nowhere!) All LEOs had to be briefed, in the lobby of AGR Bldg #6 (remember, the door at that building was propped open in the helicopter video), because the initial response was overwhelming and there were probably officers there that weren’t in on the plot.

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For the CAD guy, DMonk: platform is probably 48" Please review if helpful.

Those premade portable stairs are usually made for 40" height platforms and they added a step below (usually 8 inch rise between stairs).

It’s possible it could be 7" x 6, 42".

Also, it seems like a shot aimed from high out of the lower window to the right of the vent stack clears the north bleacher easily. The shot does not have to come from the middle of the window, it can come from the top half, and it can be slightly angled up.


And the second shooter behind the parapet could have been the shooter that killed Crooks
as the pictures I’ve seen of Crooks shows two exit wounds - one in the right side of his neck just below his right ear and the second out the front of his forehead right above his left eye. I’m just not seeing that crooks was killed by any of the snipers stationed at the Trump rally venue.

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To Gsliva (post #7): And that would explain why there wasn’t eight shooting victims in the crowd behind Trump!

One other possibility is to crawl/stay low and shimmy down to the breezeway but then drop into the completely concealed courtyard there, hidden from everyone.

It’s pretty exposed and I’m not sure how you stay out of view of the people on the west side who had a pretty clear view. But there are windows in there:

Maybe a door too. IDK.

Perhaps this explains why nobody managed to film the shooting itself, or somehow that footage has not come out for some reason.

Like this guy’s tree-stabilized footage. I really would like to know what he saw and shot!



I would be a little cautious in assuming you can back extrapolate the ‘Trumps ear to railing’ line to find the origin of the shot because it is possible (perhaps even likely) that the ear deflected the bullet. I know in Vietnam the Australian infantry much preferred their .308 calibre SLRs to the US 5.56, believing the latter easily deflected by leaves, twigs etc.


Chris, it is probably from behind the rail.
In the frame before you can see the smoke that was not there before.

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I’ve said it a bunch.
Standard remote fired gun, from the vent.
I’d love to see our resident stud who did all this work get trajectory on that model.
I hope it can be punched in.

Also, since muzzle flash was said to be witnessed generally, a simple holograph cannot be ruled out.
The technology now is amazing.
You could stare at a 1’ x 1’ square 4’ away & not know the difference until you were very close.
And these buildings were chosen.
Crooks spot was chosen.
This site, these crews, in that building.
Simple pole barn.

I’d love to have those ruled out.