OK, here is the breaking news you have all been waiting for… sharpen your pencils and turn on your brain… it’s peak prosperity citizen investigation time!
For the record, this is all speculation, but you can decide for yourself if my analysis seems to point out serious discrepancies:
Having debated heavily with daniloraf about the first shot on the roof from the famous TMZ video last week and it seems eligibly that somebody changed the video over the weekend. The newest version seems to be edited giving more dynamics to Crooks body, it made me think. If this is the case, then anything is possible.
So we are fortunate to have two videos to work with. One being the famous TMZ video from Ross, the other one from Jon Malis. For those who want to follow my analysis step by step, please go to this link to get the TMZ video:
And you can find the Jon Malis video in HD here:
So we have the original TMZ video that was made by Mike DiFrischia or let’s call him “Ross” where you can see Crooks on the roof and we have the Jon Malis video which is extremely interesting, it’s kind of a “behind the scene” version of Ross’s video. Just like when Toto pulls the curtain in the wizard of OZ….
So, if everything is consistent, the two videos match up perfectly. Finding discrepancies are golden nuggets for citizen investigators like us…
So what I did was I time stamped both videos with Microsoft Clipchamp setting Zero seconds at the first shot. For those people who are lazy and trust my videos you can go ahead and download them here so that we are all working with the same videos:
These two videos with timestamps are a very powerful tool to cross check the consistency of both videos. Theoretically they have to match 100%
So, I already found one inconsistency by seeing a frame in Ross’s phone in Jons video at a certain time, but when I crossed checked that time in Ross’s video it was inconsistent. You can have a look at my post here:
So I was motivated to take a bigger dive into this method, trying to seek for more inconsistencies.
One thing that always bugged me was the fact that the guy with the red cap is taking a perfect video throughout the entire 10 shots and nobody has found out who that guy is? The only focus on the entire Internet is Ross’s video. But are we really sure that it was Ross who was filming the TMZ video? Let’s investigate together and give both Ross and let’s call the other guy Redcap the benefit of the doubt.
One thing that came to my mind was to simply compare the audio in Ross’s video. Listening to the stereo sound we could hear if the screaming lady comes from the left channel or the right channel, because she is standing right in the middle of the tree. So, if the sound comes from the left channel, it will favor redcap and vis versa for Ross.
Ahhh, too bad the TMZ video is mono! But if you listen to Jons video it is stereo, but the channels have been reversed. This put me off for quite a while. So listen to Jons video with a headphone put on backwards. This might also be important information for the people analyzing the bullet sounds. I don’t know if you take stereo into account, but if so, please invert!
I would claim that at 44 seconds into Jons video we hear a conversation between Jons and Ross:
Jons left channel: What a f. sick world
Ross right channel: Dude, that’s exactly why we need f. Trump here!
I recognize Ross’s voice from the Interview he gave.
This is just for you guys to get a feeling how we can use stereo to evaluate things, and you can check if your headphone is mounted correctly.
I found the most interesting part of both videos to be at 10 seconds after the shooting up to 17 seconds after the shooting. The reason why is that Jon is right there back behind Redcap and Ross. We have to put ourselves in the position of the guy who is filming. At 12:36 in Jons video you can clearly see crooks facing all of the people staring at them.
I would get scared at that moment, so looking at the Rosses video starting at 10 seconds I assume the guy taking the video sees Crooks looking at him. So, what is your first reaction? You worn your family or other people around, which exactly happens at 12:86, you can hear the guy who is making the video: he is turning this way be careful
Who is the guy talking to?
If it is Redcap he is talking to his wife and child behind the tree.
If it is Ross he is warning the people around him, because according to his interview, his wife had gone to look for police inforcement.
So, everybody look at the sequence of Ross’s video from 10 seconds to 17 seconds. Obviously, the guy turns away from his position and looks towards his family or friends losing focus.
So, we can fix the following time line:
At 10 seconds he probably sees Crooks and the camera already starts to go down out of focus. You can see the wall
12:86 He says: He’s turning this way
13:00 he is all the way down focused on the grass
15:00 he starts to go up with the camera again
17:00 he is back on the roof and one second later shot 10 is fired
So, keep this sequence in mind and let’s go to Jons video and compare this time line:
So, at 9:66 we can see Redcap… OK, lets see if something is consistent with the video. Well, it is a bit short but if we compare the two screen shots it seems that the camera is on its way down, but too short to draw a definitive conclusion, but also no damming evidence that he could not be the guy who is making this video….
OK, let’s go on…
12:86, Jon is right behind Ross, but shouldn’t we see him turn back and hearing him say: He is turning this way be careful? Maybe Jon is too far away and we just can’t hear him, but it is strange, you don’t see Ross moving and you don’t see him talking…. You do however see in second 17 how the wife and daughter of redcap are clearly hiding behind the tree. Therefore, I would give a 60% for Redcap and 40% for Ross on this one….
Let’s go on:
Now this one we have to take frame by frame, because it is very important:
12:36 we can see Ross’s camera, it is more or less focused on the scene
12:46 the camera position of Ross is already way off the scene?
12:50, 12:53, 12:56, 12:60, 12:63 the position gets worse? What is going on here? Why is Ross filming the tree?
12:66, 12:69, 12:73 12:76 it gets worse and 12:80 you can really see he is filming the tree.
13:66 might give us the answer: he is holding on to the tree with his left hand, probably he lost his balance standing on the root of the tree or something.
This is of course not consistent with the TMZ video. We should be seeing a constant steady down position, instead we see how Ross fumbles. I would give Ross 10% here
OK let’s continue:
15:43 Ross is back in position and what do we have here, a perfect view of both guys shooting the video!
Now we know at 15 seconds the video goes from the grass back up to the roof. So, we have a showcase showdown! May the real video shooter please stand up! The guy who lifts the camera in the next 2 seconds is the guy who makes the video……
15:46: ahhh it’s looking good for redcap……
15:50 no frame change… what’s going on?
15:53 oh no, what happened? Redcap is out of the race. He got canceled!
15:56 no frame change….
15:60 no frame change…
15:63 no frame change….
15:66 no frame change … what is going on???
15:69 finally a frame change, (Ross is not moving his camera towards the roof)
15:89 Ross still does not move his position and hey Redcap is back in the game, but unfortunately, we missed out on the show case showdown.
We can go on and on but looking at the above I would give 90% for redcap and 10% for Ross.
Then I made a voice analyzing comparison. Ross having a quite bassy voice it should be easy to determine the difference. So, I took the voice from, redcap since I am almost sure he is the guy who took the video:
He’s turning this way
And got a frequency of 260 Hz
And taking Ross’ voice:
Dude, that’s exactly why we need f. Trump here
I got a frequency of 155 Hz
I will let the audio specialists double check that one.
The fact that all cell phone screens seem to have been covered with black paint, somebody for sure is trying to cover up something in this video.
It is up for debate, I have done my work. I judge 90% Redcap and 10% Ross. What do you guys think?