Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

That’s the point. We don’t know if the incident was a murder attempt.

Every indication is that it was a murder attempt, including the suspect’s background, the fact that he was hiding with a rifle, that he was trying to film it, that he fled the scene, etc.


OFFS, your TDS is on full view.


in the slow-moving clip, when zoomed in, you can CLEARLY see movement around the window INSIDE that room.

Huh? You of all people? Do you have to fall in with the yokel slogan of the day? I guess you do.

ROFL, Go ahead, take your best shot.

It didn’t take long for your TDS on full display.

That’s the point. We don’t know if the incident was a murder attempt. “Every indication” is not knowing. Why is this difficult?

I guess I just don’t like to play silly games when it looks like somebody tried to kill somebody else. Welcome to my ignore list.


Ignore list? Is there one? Seems kinda babyish to me.

yes, you see this:


Clearly you see the helper pull back the upper window and the shooter taking, which we recently leaned to be shot 7, you even see the helpers head lamp shining through the crack!

But maybe not independent.

Given what happened today, all the more reason to make sure this doesn’t get swept under with the 3 letter agencies burying it. We’ll see what happens with this one from today, but expect the same kind of results as Butler. While I’m at it: Re: Butler, I find it interesting that the very first bodycam I saw was from LEO standing on the roof and addressing another LEO just over the ridgeline of the roof. He asked the LEO on the other side of the ridgeline from Crook’s body how many shots had been fired. That LEO on camera looked down and counted off spent casings in a matter of fact, distinct and nonplussed manner “1, 2, 3, 4, 5” – and that’s all he said. NOT 8. Think about that for a minute. The later videos showed someone counting out 8 spent casings, five of which were on the right side of Crook’s body where they should have been expected to be. We all know there were 3 others “found” on the left side of this body where no one could clearly explain why they were there. Recall the “pristine bullet” found on the gurney with JFK’s body? Perhaps most don’t, but I do. So POSIT THIS: The first 3 shots were indeed from another shooter. Crooks was lying there and waited until those were fired, then immediately joined in, anxious to be a “part of this thing”. That would explain his following rapid rate of fire, coming from an inexperienced shooter like Crooks, under duress and over excited. First LEOs on the scene saw only 5 spent casings, as evidenced by the body cam footage refenced earlier. Then later 3 more casings are conveniently found in a position left of Crooks body that should have been easily visible to that LEO who counted out the 5 spent casings on Crooks right, but he didn’t see those “other 3” because they had not been placed there yet. Someone carried up 3 more spent casings and dropped them there on the roof in a less than ideal location because that was as close as they could get at the time. How’d they get spent casings with the proper markings coming from Crooks’ rifle? Easy…its been shown that the 3 letter agencies shot at the same range as Crooks, perhaps they were even there when he was practicing the very day before the assassination attempt. Just pick up a few of Crook’s spent casings after he left. Then carry them up on the roof and place them there to cover for the “first 3 shots” that Crook’s never really fired. You couldn’t prove he didn’t fire them, they have markings from his own weapon, and the rounds were probably from the same lot as the rounds he did fire. Easy.


I don’t think it’s safe to hope for anything, but it seems like there’s at least one reason to think there might be a better result: Florida has said it will ignore the FBI and do its own investigation. That may be fruitful. I have started emailing homicide detectives in PA asking them if they will do the same thing.

I think it was the same guy who counted 8 as counted 5. I’ve counted stuff before and then seen stuff I missed later.

OK, but the list of people who could have done that is very short. And how did they know how many to put down?


Odds of a ‘first on scene’ trained SWAT/LEO “missing” 3 spent shells lying on the roof just on the other side of a body while he is specifically looking for shells – you have to admit that is rather remote. As for the list of who could have done it being short, agree. But the list did get longer quickly after that 5 count was made. As for how did they know how many spent shells to drop: 8 shots were heard, so its not a great leap to figure out how many to add to the scene. That person being clearly complicit with (or even being?) the shooter would already know how many were fired by the 2nd shooter. In fact, he (or she?) could have easily possessed extra spent casings from Crooks gun, not knowing in advance how many spent shells might be necessary to complete the scene. As for the same guy counting 8 after he counted only 5, sure maybe. If that were true, he would remember the discrepancy if you asked him. Again, something investigators would have asked in a fair and complete investigation. Which will never happen.


Absolutely. But then maybe he was there to use his rifle to kill ducks and geese and send them to Springfield and he wanted Trump to know it. LOL:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

and who noticed the rangefinder in his trousers pocket? :slight_smile:

I see you are relying solely on your indications instead of evidence. That will serve you well it is indicated. :laughing: :rofl:

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Based on immediately reported facts, loaded scoped semi auto rifle, GoPro, improvised body armor… Agent spotted rifle pointing thru fence 400 yards towards Trump.

I can think of no plausible alternate explanation than attempted murder assassination.

Sorry but you are mistaken. Any movement of window 3 or 2 is clearly movement from the video source. There is lateral and vertical movement causing vastly different reflections.

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These misleading animations are wasting significant time here. These are screenshots from radically different angles, laterally and vertically. Pieced together in highly manipulative and suggestive ways.

Nobody removed and replaced a window in 5 seconds, allowing for 3 shots there. It’s not possible.