Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

yes, I can understand that, but as far as the ballistics analysis is concerned, it does not matter who it was, he

I prefer to keep my model reasonably generic…
I only added the name crooks to my slides for the excel sheet I posted earlier today comparing the gps measurements of Gary Melton with the values of my model and roger’s

That is Crooks.

Ok, so, from other articles: Crooks was kind, quiet, intelligent, solid student, respectful, had considered going into the military at one point. It seems like he leaned right early as a teen and then may have swung left.

But what is the motive? Why would he want to die? I mean, he’s not dumb, so he had to know that his death was highly likely. So disregard his motive for assassination, what was his motive for not minding his own death? That doesn’t make sense. He was accepted into a college program and had chosen between two. He told his co-workers he’d see them the next day.

As a side note, who is the woman in the blue dress behind the bleachers? Why does she look like she knows what’s about to happen before it does?

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I refer to him as patsy in mine. :grinning:

the fast buriers of information make up the motives while they waffle about, he…

I do not trust anything that is reported at these hearings or what is not backed up with audio/video recordings of that day…

are you familiar with MK Ultra?

this is a chat between Lee Merritt and an investigator who has been studying and documenting mass shootings : Telegram: Contact @LeeMerritt

the motive was very clear if you ask me… he wanted to be added to the history books reporting on shootings at presidents and former presidents…

the analysis of his background etc etc is pure distraction and totally unproven… they can really claim whatever they feel like at the moment they get interrogated during these hearings…
the fast buriers of information fabricate whatever is necessary such that it fits what they waffled about…

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Any idea who this is? It’s weird that SWAT is out there…and her.

p.s. Can we call her honeypot for now?


Much appreciation to you for your help taking videos/images of these AGR complexes. I don’t have the benefit of being there in person.

However, here’s consideration. The AGR taller building (I think it’s building #7) has 2 facades and someone in a white Tyvex-type suit with a white rifle could have hidden up there quite well for hours without observation because nobody was using drones for security.

It’s possible that Crooks instructions (whether open or concealed to him) were to wander around and do various open/obvious actions to draw everyone’s attention to him and therefore away from the real professional assassin. A different spin on the “hidden in plain sight” mantra, or tricks an illusionist might use to force the viewer to focus on Crooks and not on the 2 story roof.

If the objective was to use same/similar trajectory there are not many options… I am a fan of the 2 story roof, but acknowledge the AGR#6 vents are also very appealing as well. And that might be much better to control for the insiders if they were assassins, by having everyone focus on Crooks and then they could lock the building off from the outside.

Both the 2nd story roof and the vents are excellent hypothesis locations. However they both require significant active or passive/blind participation by law enforcement to not get caught or to enable exfiltration and escape.

I can make compelling arguments both ways.

If we had more data we could easily include/exclude the AGR#6 attic as a possibility or not, mainly we need a trusted source, employee, etc. to access the building and determine if there is a plausible access point, where those vents lead to, if there is a plausible location to create a sniper’s nest, etc.

The main problem with AGR#6 is that a person is boxed in and has no visibility beyond a very narrow plane of viewing and would rely on others entirely as eyes and ears, and nobody standing directly in front of these vents identified a shot coming from them. It could even be worse if it’s determined there’s no plausible way to access and create a snipers’ nest there. So right now it’s a lot of unknowns.

However the suspicious behaviors of Nicols and his still unidentified partner and their absence from their post and Nicols appearing at the front door of AGR6 2 minutes post shooting is hard to ignore. He could have clear that building and stood guard while partner did the trick and escaped. We have literally no other plausible explanation for their abandoning their post for 6+ minutes. They have significant benefits of being highly trusted insiders and nobody would question them or their activities at that time.

The 2nd story room (building 7?) is a fantastic location offering significant tactical and technical benefits. Total awareness, high level of concealment, overwatch on all activities (Crooks, law enforcement, crowd, Trump, etc.), excellent escape paths, concealment from all 4 sniper teams.

The 2nd story building faces the grounds on the north and parking lot to the east, and these offer roof concealment by a short facade type wall. To the west are a couple different access points to the lower roof, the shortest section I’d estimate to be about the same height as the AC units Crooks climbed elsewhere, or about 4’ to maybe 6’ at most. Not difficult for a person to climb up, especially if he brings a step stool, small ladder, etc.

Agreed. Going thru this much effort to pin it on a dead patsy to try to hide the deeper sinister deep state assassination plan REQUIRES a 2nd shooter in the same/similar trajectory using the same weapon, etc. to make it plausible. A vastly different caliber or angle would damage that cover story of a lone crazy gunman and expose the sinister conspiracy removing plausible deniability.

There are 3 components strongly pointing to this deep state plot.

  1. The myriad of security failures for hours leading up to the actual shooting, of which all were impossible to improbable by numerous “professionals.”
  2. The improbable to impossible breaching and exploiting those failures by Crooks.
  3. The radical rabid dishonest and stonewall coverup afterwards that still denies basic factual information 1+ month later.

Within days after this shooting, I theorized a general overview of the following:

  1. Crooks was a computer nerd, doing computer nerd things, and met or was radicalized by other computer nerds online. Computer nerd incels often view porn, sometimes child porn. We know Crooks accessed porn on his phone right before his big event. So were there coded messages in the porn pages, or something else?

  2. He was somehow groomed, bribed, and/or blackmailed in some modern deep state MK Ultra program using complex psychological tools, often drugs involved. Not being prosecuted for child porn would be significant incentive to “carry out this one dangerous mission to save your country, and we guarantee your safety.”
    We know Crooks also had some foreign accounts, but little more.

Coded messages came even from Biden himself, talking about Trump being a “existential threat to the US and democracy,” and “put him in the crosshairs,” and similar rhetoric that would allow MK Ultra assets to be radicalized and motivated to act because “the President is telling you to act!”

  1. Crooks use of his dads rifle with a serial # tied to his home, and the IEDs in the van, and other evidence suggests he expected to escape and evade detection. If he was suicidal, why the IED van? Makes no logical sense other than another person was to drive the van to the event, park and arm it, and for Crooks to use the detonator in his pocket as a distraction to escape.

  2. Obviously Crooks was a disposable patsy. The Feds had a professional to ensure it was done correctly surreptitiously along the same trajectory. The bombs and foreign accounts would likely have been tied to Iran or Russia for increased excusable hostilities, the GOP would have seated a NEOCON, Biden would have likely won re-election, and the “assault weapon” ban would be in play too.

I have no idea.

She does not leave in the motorcade. She does remain with that USSS group and walks way far off with them after Trump’s motorcade leaves.

No matter what GN really was doing he really messed up when he apparently said he went to join two officers for six minutes when it’s clear from the dash cam that he was lying. I don’t understand why he still has a job and I don’t understand why he’s not being charged.

Per YT, a user posted “The lady in the blue running toward the body cam after the shot is a campaign staffer, she was handing out signs to those of us in the stands behind Trump earlier in the day. I’m assuming those in suits running into the tents were also staffers. Idk if this helps clarify anything, but I thought I’d share my perspective and recollection of the event.”

A staffer, that leaves with USSS…

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It’s not my intention to pee on anyone’s work while they (like the rest of us) are trying to piece everything together, but I can’t ignore commonsense or my bull :poop: meter either. Some of the rabbit holes are getting wacky.

I don’t think the hidden-in-plane sight hypothesis carries much weight. Crooks is spotted everywhere because the area isn’t that big and it’s open. Also, if I had been there that day (and I had tickets) I would’ve been wearing tan shorts and a T-shirt, too. I’m not certain what color the shirt would’ve been but the cargo shorts would’ve been tan. I have three pairs. Out here in rural America we have Walmart and Target, and we all dress alike.

As of now, we have three working theories. Crooks is the lone gunman, the vent, and the tall building. I’m here to be convinced of any of them. Currently, I’m 60/40 Crooks is the lone gunman (with help) from the evidence presented thus far. Now that @roger-knight has back-traced to the vent, we need pertinent information about what lies on the other side.

I’m looking forward to @howdoiknowthisinfo final layout of the tall building, but I still can’t get past a few things for that position. It was 95 degrees that day and the real shooter was lying on that sun-exposed roof for several hours? :hot_face: Doubtful.

Also, that rooftop is completely exposed to the west side parking lot, the trees on the west side of the building where we know people were, and the main highway which had ample foot and vehicle traffic all day. Plus, that rooftop is sitting closest to the road where the main entrance is with a parking lot on each side of it.

thumbnail_IMG_2915 (Small)

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Without even using that as a seed value, my revamped model is coming up with this for Shot 9:

586753.50 m E, 4523419.30 m N, 1.42 m

So, that’s 8.7 m to the SW of the location you computed from the camera angles.


yes, but as we know now, that area was not guarded whatsoever, that would enable to shorten the time he had to be on that roof…

in the original higher roof scenario, we (or at least me) assumed that people would have been easily spotted, but now we know that, even when shouted at, the plain clothes or uniformed law enforcement would not take action. this means that the man may have been there, e.g., an hour or two instead of many hours beforehand…

the casing around that roof is really high enough to fit a mini camp site without being notice from the ground at the parking and road side…

the roof heights difference is about 2.8m (about 3 yards). that may seem a lot, but not if you have the right equipment and training…

the casing around the roof offers a perfect hide and if he shot suppressed and subsonic bullets, nobody would even have noticed shots were fired from this roof.

I have not done any sound analyses myself, but that will be taken care of after the ballistic trajectories show which positions are most relevant, as these trajectories take into account the wind drift and bullet drop due to gravity or whatever the vertical deviation force is called…

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thanks for your algorithmic description!
I can (and will) include this in my tables such that it becomes kind of a menu card that lists which average bullet speeds would match that certain distance.

could you also give me the input parameters and how you come to the 220 ms, then I can also draw circles around certain points that would match a certain snik-report difference.


It is unfortunate that Senator Higgens did not read our forum, otherwise he would have checked vent 3 during his 3-day investigation….

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Watch the new Gray Hughes Investigates video “New! Shooter Video Trump Rally Shooting” at 8:53 and 8:22 minutes and observe the vents below Crooks when the shooting starts. Someone in post production blurred the vents, noticeable blur line just below the roof.


No answer to my simple question? I did not realize until today, that Source 3 in Chris’ dropbox is actually a compilation, an artifact produced by some unknown person based again on material produced by TMZ. Thus I count three influential videos providing evidence or non-evidence to audio and geometric analysis or plausibility checks were provided by the same company and used all over the place. Important metadata is missing: no author, no source URI, no access date and no at least preliminary geolocation.

TMZ is one of the worst tabloid rags I’ve ever noticed. Take a look at their website.