Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

Yep, your theory is much more based in reality. Mine is so close to Martians in UFO’s but I watched a sniper kill a guy in Beirut. Watched it using binoculars. The sniper was totally invisible and got to his spot the night before and waited until late afternoon to take the shot. I was a Marine helo pilot at the time, a glorified bus driver but the ghillie suit and invisibility was jawdropping. However, me thinking it was a possibility in PA did require me getting too close to the ledge.


Everyone should consider number two shooter being on the tall building behind Building Number 6. It’s right in line and has more height. It needs to be ruled out with data, at the very least.


Ahh, good not the only one to see the L.O.S. from that building.


To me it makes logical sense that there were two shooters. The 1st shots 1-3 were shot by a professional, who only missed because the turn of the head at the same moment the trigger was pulled.

Shots 4-8 feel like the patsy MK Ultra Crooks. Someone who thought they were special and were going to get the prize, only to see it taken from them, at the last second. Hence the panic rapid fire.


I can visually see (with the red yellow noise graphics) what you are talking about with each gun shot and the after echo, but there is a lot of other “noise” there visually. What does the rest of it mean?

No, all those other “umbrellas” are people yelling and screaming. That’s what it looks like.

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A remote rifle operated by a person somewhere else, using a camera, sensors, etc. is absolutely plausible. That tech has been around for at least a decade or many decades. I don’t think that can be ruled out. But it would need to have been placed well in advance, well hidden, and then retrieved secretly at a later time.


Is it possible to recreate the shots with variations and record the audio for comparison?

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Thanks. I defer to you about the ability to make such a shot.

What does not fit for me is that the average speed is about 1882 ft/second, given the snip-boom delay that Chris measured of .22 seconds.

Can any 223 round average that low a speed over 750 feet? I don’t think so, based on this [ballistics page](https://Hornady Crit Def 73 Gr.) where the slowest round at 200 yards = 600 feet (Hornady Crit Def 73 Gr.) is traveling at 2142 ft/s and then slows down to 1854 ft/s at 300 yards. 750 ft is right in between 200-300 yards, so the travel speed at 750 feet should be around the midpoint of 1,998 ft/s.

So if this round starts at 2790 and slows down to ~1998 at 750 feet, the average speed would be around the midpoint of 2,394 … this is 30% higher than what the audio evidence shows.

All other rounds listed travel faster and would have an even bigger discrepancy with the audio evidence. That’s my main point for saying I don’t see a second shooter having shot that far back - and I do believe there was a second shooter.

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I think it should be pointed out that the snipper who climbed the roof after the shooting and wore a body cam counted 5 casings on the roof next to Crooks. “ …2,3,4,5 right here”. See the full body cam video posted by Skynews on YouTube. Since the roof is nearly flat and ribbed I don’t think shell casings would fall off the roof. A riffle expert should be able to confirm that the casings would be ejected into a small area

I’m far from an expert, but in my experience, commercial 223 ammo will eject about 10-15’ rearward on about a 30-45 degree angle from a standing position.

I’m probably way before your time. In 1973 the 25M/1000 inch target we used with the M16A1. The POI was about 1 in below the POA. Which was a 325M zero.

Currently zeroing at a civilian range in yards. At 25 yd, if my POI is 1.2 in below my POA, I will be zeroed at 50/200 yd. At 10 yd a 1.9 in POI below my POA is also a 50 yd zero. Of course you should always ‘proof’ your zero at distance. A minor difference in close can be huge at distance.

It really depends on how well your AR is ‘gassed’. Many cheaper ARs are over gassed. The gas tube length/gas port location and gas port size can change the ejection pattern.

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I agree with you. That hole, or the patch that’s on the other side of the center window seem to be the best guesses as to the origin of bullets 1-3 at this point.

I figure that David Dutch was standing about 6 feet to the left of Copenhaver and the distance from building 6 to the podium is about 4 times that from the podium to the back of the bleachers. In that case the bullet origin would be about 24 feet to the right of Trump’s ear in that photo, after rotating the photo so it’s straight.

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  1. Trust the audio, draw the 13’ hyperbola (or hyperboloid in 3D)
  2. Double-check it’s not backwards - a sign flip might get that parapet you’re talking about
  3. Better yet, forget about “finding” the location and simply triangulate it
  4. Get someone on the roof (a few big names have already gone there) and locate the echo surface. A person should be able to find it by ear with just shouting and listening.

For anyone who wants a base to play with trajectories. It’s not perfect, but it does permit rough estimates. The bleachers do not appear to be a problem for any shots to the west side really. They would only need to clear any equipment that was there.

Right. Anything that the FBI could have touched is suspect. A congressional investigation needs to recreate the crime scene to see where that first bullet originated.

Unfortunately congress is on recess until Sept 9, and President Trump may be dead by then.

Everyone needs to contact President Trump and urge him to stay safe.
He needs to stay home until he can supplement the crap secret service with a lot of private security.

We also need to contact our congresspeople and urge them to 1) lean on Homeland Security and the FBI to get going on the investigation and at least put the bozos who did this on leave in the meanwhile, and 2) have THEM urge President Trump to take steps to keep himself safe.

Even Democratic congresspeople have a lot to lose if Trump gets killed. We will likely have riots and martial law if Trump gets killed after all this.

If he does this, then they win. Most or all the US-SS at Butler were not his normal crew. Anything they do now will happen no matter where he is.

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I found this site while watching all of the news on my TV from U Tube creators. I am new so bare with me if I mess up! I watched a video by a women who shows the roof, a guy running across the roof and then another figure in black appeared. I sent Chris two links to her videos and I hope he sees them. I clearly see someone in light clothes and then someone in black clothes. Whatever happens, it may take 50 or more years to get a partial truth out of any 3 letter agency. I never thought I would grow untrusting of anyone in power but I’m too old to worry about what someone thinks of me these days. I just don’t have a filter but I am always respectful to others. I’m looking forward to understanding how to make my way around and meeting people here.


AMAZING story on 2 shooters is on another John E Hoover clip from 8/3, DJT volunteer, Erin Autenreith, stated that a golf cart driver showed her photos, on his cell, of two dead shooters that were taken out by snipers. One of which “fell off a roof” !!! (watch from 13:10 to 27:45) -