Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

Good shot of Crooks body at 2:18

I put the stage at 4’ 6" maximum. Standard rise for a step is 7 1/2 inches and the last one looks higher than that.
So 5 steps is 37 1/2" and allow 10" for that last one and we are only at about 4’ high.

Trump’s leg is slightly bent and he leans into the lecturn so the height of his ear is not 6’ off the stage. Trump is supposed to be about 6’ 2". I measured MY ear on the spot where Trump was hit and it’s 5 inches lower than the top of my head.
Try it. I put a cutting board on the top of my head and measured. It’s FIVE inches.
So knock 5 inches off and allow another two inches for the bent leg and slouching a bit and we have 5’ 7" or 67 inches. Add 54 inches for the height of the stage and we get 121 inches or 10’ 1".
Terrain elevation has to be taken into account but I still get an ascending trajectory originating from Building 6 window(s).

Consider that photo might be a fake.
Too many red flags for that particular photographer.

This video is important!! it captures the shot that punctured the hydraulic hose of the fork lift holding that bank of speakers.
To me it was shot # 2

If the photo had been faked (which I suspect) then that simply means that forensics supporting the official narrative have been faked making the staging hypothesis highly likely.

This is a very important video provided by sjmarcella (thank you) a member of this community.
You see that shot #2 is the one that hits the hydraulic hose of the fork lift.
The camera is panning to the left but the hydraulic fluid bursting out is still visible and shot 3 is heard when the hydraulic fluid mist is visible. So it is shot 2 that hits the hose.
So now we have another data point.
Shot 1 hits the top guardrail
Shot 2 hits the hydraulic hose
Shot 3 moves the decorative fabric at the guardrail just below where bullet 1 hit.
Assuming my contention that bullet 3 is what moved that fabric.
This is a ‘tight grouping’ in shooter terms and suggests pro sniper.
The next 5 shots are different sounding and scattered so non-pro.

Here is the link to sjmarcella’s post

Small one entry wound, large one exit wound?

Crooks Head Shot No Blurr - these are being scrubbed quickly

Shared with Zight
Shared with Zight

Hey Peak Prosperity Team,

I had this video come up on my feed. It’s about an eyewitness who was behind Trump and he heard a shot from a further position of about 350 yards that came from some wooden bleachers. Here is the video by the channel “Guided”.

This video might help because it contains a primary source of video footage. He could be contacted and possibly be willing to help by sharing the original footage from his phone.

This Video discusses the 5 shell casings on the roof with crooks

In Chris’ most recent video, he asked for the original version of a certain video. I tracked it to here:

That’s not the original, but it’s closer to the original than most. It looks like the original may have been on Facebook. I think it would be good to contact inflationdude.

This video was just uploaded. He’s right in front of the building Crooks is on, where bullets are directly overhead. It looks pretty secluded, so I don’t think others have this perspective. He hasn’t uploaded more videos yet, but he’s in position to see what happens immediately after.


Witness at rally says kill shot came from wooden bleachers at Trumps 11. This ties to information Bongino had that sniper shot from ~360 yards.

After doomscrolling tiktok watching Butler rally attendee videos, I figured I would start a discord for myself where I can organize these rally attendee videos on TikTok into these categories: #before (before shots fired), #during (while shots fired), #after (after shots fired, and #eyewit (eye witnesses talking)

Here’s the link to the discord, and if I get a chance I’ll try to put all the links here too.

Hope this helps.

And, it looks like they turned him over from a face down position…and it looks like he was shot in the Back of his head while in shooting position, (probably by the counter snipers from behind through the open windows), because the blood has flooded down from the back of his head to front of his face, as can be easily seen !

I think he’s hit by the first bullet. Keep in mind that by the time you hear the supersonic pop, the bullet has already passed by. The “bullet picture” can be used to show this delay, since his hand is starting to rise in the picture but the sound is slightly later in the video.
Also his hand moving up is a reaction to the first bullet. If you use SmartTube instead of YouTube, you can slow down the video to 5% speed to see the order of events. His head was only completely turned towards the shooter for a fraction of a second, and I think that’s the only time the shooter could have hit only the ear.

Chris, Do you notice in this clearer video that this cop walks away and appears to give a signal right before the first shots? See my still photo Pic 1. Or just play the video in slow motion.

Pic 2 - Immediately after the cop signal, you can see something being thrown on the roof in the vicinity of Crooks. Coincidence? Or would this have anything to do with the cop climbing up and seeing him and falling backward?

Pic 3 - Do you see something in the still photo I circled in the 3rd window that’s open below Crooks?

There is a video from Blackscout Survival entitled “BREAKING!! Bodycam footage counted only FIVE SHELL CASINGS,” where they show one bodycam footage where the guy in the tactical gear counts 5 shell casings, and then a secret service guys (possibly?) shouts toward the ladder and says something like “nobody else up here.” The time stamps of the bodycams are in the video. Next, 20 minutes later, it shows another officer counting 8 casings (with the new 3 they “found” on the left side of his body this time - opposite the ejection port). He also has a different video that one of his subscribers sent him with a different angle that Fox News apparently showed of the shooting. If I recall correctly, he said the Washington Post contacted him for the video to analyze the audio. May be another date point for your research.

I have not heard you speak to this new shell casings video yet in your updates, so I didn’t know if you’d seen it. The main part is around 10:50 in the video.

Seems like the biggest piece of evidence I’ve seen yet for a coverup.

Hope to hear you speaking about this.



A few of us keep mentioning that Crooks was wearing long white pants when he got up on the roof, but appeared to be wearing beige shorts after he was killed.

A friend of mine thinks they might have cut his pant legs off to look for explosives. Is that standard protocol? If so, why didn’t they cut higher, and why leave the shirt on. Also I didn’t see any pant legging material anywhere on the roof.

Hopefully you guys have a rational explanation for this. Otherwise, I’d hate to think of what they might have done to stage this.

Here’s a YouTube link to a short 20 second clip of this that I spliced together from clips from News Nation and Fox videos:

Of course i will be as much as possible rational, iif he would wear long pants none of us would clearly see his long black socks on the roof…:slight_smile: