Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt

Drone footage that measures water tower shadow height (human sized so no falsification)

I added another video/audio data to the gunshot position analysis. Data remains the same.

You can download all files here: Video Analysis.zip - Google Drive

I’m doing evidence-based analysis. I also think there are a lot of unusual co-incidences. When I first saw the photo, it seemed incredible that it existed. The first thing I did was check Trump’s position against the sounds in the video (which is how I figured out it was the second shot). Then I looked into what kind of camera Doug Mills was using to see if his camera could even capture something like this. Sure enough, 1/8000s shutter speed along with the presumption that the bullet is travelling at ~3000 fps, checks out (sort of. The trail should be shorter but I don’t know enough about photography to know how much error there is on shutter speeds).

I went into this analysis honestly thinking that it wouldn’t turn up anything substantial to any theory, but I couldn’t shake how important this picture has to be. But I was surprised that no matter how I shifted the angles and perspectives, it kept turning up Crooks.

I want to reiterate that I am by no means an expert, I guessed at a lot of the dimensions, and this is a very crude analysis. I wanted to get the ball rolling. Feel free to take the reigns and prove it wrong.

@aus-truth pointed out the gun in the hands soon after being shot and later lying far away

This is to me is a very critical observation and warrants further explanation on the course of events.

The closeup of bloodied face was released within hours or minutes of the shooting. So its nothing new.

Above pic is from a screenshot from the greassley published video from 2 days ago. Blood stans and rest looks about same. and you can see the same design in the back of the tshirt.


This 3 pics explains a few things.

They moved the body, took out the gun and moved his hand backwards.

Is that normal when dealing with evidence and deceased alleged shooter? Arent they suppose to preserve crime scene until forensics arrive?

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A new video just popped up that shows shot #2 hitting the hydraulic line of that fork lift. That is ‘green bucket’ data as Chris calls it.
We know the first shot hit the guardrail of the bleachers.
Which shot is claimed to have been photographed?
Shot 2 or shot 3?
If shot 2 made that trace in the photo how does this new data fit with your analysis?

None of us are experts. We are all after the truth of what happened. So far it’s looking like that’s going to be a real deep rabbit hole.

Wouldn’t a shot to the mouth blow out parts of lips and jaw?
Seems more like a shot to the back of the head which exited the mouth.
I think a forensic pathologist would answer this easily.

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If the bullet left the muzzle at 2800-3000 fps time of flight to a point 150 yds down range would be roughly .17 seconds and it would be traveling approximately 22/2300 fps. At that point. This might effect your calculation somewhat.

The only people on the Left side of the SUV are 2 SS inner circle agents.

You are already the second person to give these same reasons to dismiss this extremely unusual condition with this operator. The other a YouTuber contributor that I watched a couple times though greatly disappointed. Gave him one more chance and it was on this exact video. He came across like the FBI and brushed and glossed over the main points of concern, so I have stopped watching his channel.

Back to the scene, it could go either way, but I can see the very real possibility that he is aiming at those in the SUV.

I see no other reasonable explanation especially if I was one of the 2 SS agent and someone drew down on me at spitting range, their would be intense and serious issues. Period.

That fact that the vehicle could be impregnatable is almost irrelevant. He is clearly on comms, he clearly shoulders his weapon and takes aim?

If not those in the SUV, then SS or dirt.

And I’m not going to sugarcoat, but I see this as a government sanction hit. Target is about to speed away…desperation time or just chill. My guess is those overseeing the operation are in full panic mode. Not like there hasn’t been a pile of mistakes already.

I call desperation time, but then he clearly lowers his weapon sheeplessly, looks at the SWAT guy, as if I hope you didnt see that and very visibly sulks away.

The government narrative is Lone Wolf and I see opportunities to dismiss this claim rather quickly…

Yet some just push aside. Why, because with age, you might get better results?

Really doesn’t make sense to me. We are already 2 Full weeks in and no one is challenging the government Lone Wolf narrative.

Passing up opportunities to quickly dispel that narrative I would think would be paramount, before Americans lose interest/focus/Newscyles.

Help me understand if you like, because I am going to be asking Chris the exact same thing though from another Perspective.

If nothing nefarious occurred, I think it could be resolved quickly by asking a couple probing questions.

Otherwise, I don’t understand this exercise. If a Lone Wolf scenario, most of the analysis being done won’t change much, since the SS just blew it. If not, then passing up leads that could quickly dissolve the government narrative would be at a Premium.

I love what is done here and this isn’t my rodeo, but time is ticking, Congress is going on recess and I just think some valuable opportunities are being missed.


For what it is worth, I completely agree with you. If this group has the means to assemble a small group and Warroom this before approaching this person, his peers or someone in his chain of command or better yet get a record of is comms. I could see the possibility that dominoes will begin to fall instead of this seemingly holding pattern.

So, the plot thickens. As I said, the post in China before the assassination took place, or maybe the day of, makes no sense. Even if the video of Crooks is AI, it makes no sense. If it wasn’t Crooks who posted that video, then who? How did they know in such a short period of time?

You’ve lost the plot. I see no evidence of any personnel “pointing a weapon” at Mr. Trump. The image previously posted showed the armed security (“operator” or SS, or local LEO) clearly pointing the rifle to the far side of the vehicle to secure the perimeter. And if Mr. Trump is IN the “Beast” armored vehicle, any inadvertant pointing of the weapon, again, is akin to spitting at it because it is heavily armored and bomb-proof. An M4 will be totally ineffective.

To advance YOUR nefarious theory, he’d have had to actually pull the trigger, or throw a grenade, or do some overt act. But nobody does that once Mr. Trump is taken off stage. And that is the ultimate answer to YOUR “theory.”

I appreciate a good conspiracy. I do think there is a devious insider plot here. But too often folks take a good conspiracy and try to expand it to extraneous nonsense which this appears to be. The photo in question shows a armed agent pointing a rifle CLEARLY to the perimeter as Mr. Trump is in a bullet and bomb proof SUV, covered by a dozen agents. ZERO chance this was some veiled threat, and nobody pulled a trigger at this time, which underscores this OBVIOUS point…

Let’s focus on the REAL facts, mmmkay…


With all due respect, you are sounding like the scenario being played out by the Counter snipers. Waiting for shots fired to actually respond or they just simply missed Crooks on the roof. Which is it?

I have been shooting firearms for over 55 years, been on the Air Force Academy National trap and Skeet and have a room just dedicated to trophies, so what I am suggesting isnt tin foil hat stuff and besides flying jets for the AF and Navy, I was also trained and served as a Naval Intelligence officer with of course Top Secret Clearance.

But to lighten things up, how many movies and yes I understand movies have you seen with such vehicles sprayed with bullets. Sometimes successful sometimes not.

But he is clearly on comms, takes his gun from a neutral position pointing skyward and then deliberately shoulders his weapon and briefly takes aim, before likely getting a call to standdown. Everything I said is a FACT. Then he looks at Swat before just slowly but steadily sliding out of frame.

In all my years of shooting, I have never taken my weapon from a safe position and then shoulder around people withou t the intent to the pull the trigger and those were rare moments like a rattlesnake crawling out next to someone.

Again, not my rodeo, but what I saw I saw and the only people on that side of the SUV were SS agents in suits.

Take care.


Please still frame photo the most egregious images to support your theory so we can all discuss this. Thank you.

And since this got me wound up especially after watching Chris latest video, I am just going to leave this in your lap and if of no importance to the group or higher ups, I am just going to walk away.
I never spent even one moment on Conspiracy theories even though I graduated in the top my class in HS and College in History and Math. And I also earned my Electrical Engineering degree from Texas Tech.

Not until Las Vegas did I realize that the government narrative was BS and I couldn’t help myself for over 3 weeks I spent 20 hour days analyzing every video I could find before some were taken down. So why you jested at me Earlier, I know beyond any reasonable doubt that the Las Vegas shooting was carried out by the FBI and the number of similarities between that shooting and 7/13 are either coincidental or nefarious. Though my Sister won Ms Arizona, there was no citizen group like this to at least share ideas with/work with. That was a huge tragedy with my kind of people that I had attended before like Trump rallies.
I have lived my Life, so the thought of dying doesn’t scare me in the least, since I have accomplished everything I have wanted to.
So my interest in this matter is about President Trump, the Greatest American President in my Lifetime and MAGA.
I have never known who to reach out to before, but I have reached out to my Congressman as I have done before over less serious matters.
And I don’t know where you fit in this community and my understanding is that Chris is going to take a break for a bit and possibly even get married to Evie, if I caught that right.
And I spent a quite a bit of time earlier addressing someone, who was hardcore convinced stage and everyone was essentially ignoring his request to engage on his hypothesis, which I also included an aspect of this case I found compelling early on and spent several days on.
But it really caught my eye that Chris had created 3 groups or categories and color coded them.
I found interesting was that the first item on the menu to essentially push to the side was those that believed this shooting was staged.
Next item was the one I found compelling, but I came to the end of the road, because I couldn’t find any high definition videos around Trump’s podium, which those like Chris might have.
And it requires virtually little to no effort on anyone’s part, but could credibly suggest that Crooks was not a Lone Wife, since a possible FBI Agent was prepositioned on stage.
My post yesterday gives more detail and again, I appreciate this Communities work. And while I have a technical which included a lot of studies of waveforms and the like I am sure I am rusty.
Bottom line is this assassination attempt has consumed my thoughts and time that I can’t remember, when I slept and Chris made a point to push aside those of possible interest in the Crowd.
I will leave you with this. From my observations, I believe the woman in white behind Trump was staged behind Trump to record the assassination. Her actions like those of the operators in front of the SUV appeared more than suspect, but coordinated.
Right away she identified as an Assistant Director of the FBI. I thought the FBI couldn’t possibly be that Sloppy, but almost every day the competence of this Administration is pitiful.
Sorry long winded and maybe someone will check this out, but unless I come across a better video this is it.
I went back through her official photos and found a picture of her wearing a very distinctive necklace and pendent on her neck. Can’t imagine the woman behind Trump and the Assistant Director just happened to have the same necklace. My friends think it is a match, but too grainy for me.
So if the Community has a better quality video, this should be easy to confirm or dismiss.

My common sense tells me this is worth exploring further, if it matches. Just seems logical to me, but again not my rodeo.


To Dr. Martenson. Key tip about the Trump event

Hi Dr. Chris Martenson, how are you? This is José, a patriot from Spain.

I’ve watched your videos about the Trump event (forensic sound analysis, etc.) and are excellent, great quality and very valuable. Thanks!

This e-mail is to let you know there is a working hypothesis which fits really well with all the data and explains the many anomalies.

I think it might even solve the mystery.

I am finishing a website to explain it in detail and will have it ready in a few more days.

Please, could we talk about it?

Thanks. José, Spain.

P.S.1. I’ve sent you my e-mail address via your website contact form.

P.S.2. Briefly about myself: I studied Mechanical Engineering in the USA (30 + years of experience in this field).


Hello this guy on youtube has a video where he say’s that his brother was at the rally and that he saw another team to the left of the rally, that may have taken the shot here is the YouTube link


Wray Testimony - Livestream functionality on drone

More problematic in my estimation - Wray mentioned ‘livestreaming.’

If the drone had that functionality, he could use it to ‘livestream’ the video onto vimeo, facebook or any social media streaming platform … my guess, Wray had no idea what he was saying.

Someone told him he could use it to ‘livestream’. Drones with that capability are more expensive and the thought that he was livestreaming points to a conspiracy. Who was watching the video as it was ‘livestreamed’.

Additionally, Wray claimed they didn’t know the flight path … engineers were trying to determine it.

Most of the time, people use SD cards to store images and video. If it had an SD card - they would have the video - and know exactly where it was flown.

Perhaps they don’t want to share it.

Additionally, there was a 2 hour NO-FLY directive in the area - did Crooks know this, and how?
(the guy in the grey suit - who went to the roof to confirm Crooks was DEAD)

… Crooks stopped flying the drone prior to the 2 hour NO-FLY time and SUPPOSEDLY flew it behind him and not over the rally site.

For information on drones and ‘livestreaming’ - check out YOUTUBE channel UAVISUALS - “How to Live Stream to Social Media from ANY Drone.” Could it be that Crooks was flying the drone for others to see on social media or perhaps someone else was flying the drone to follow his actions to make sure he was doing what he was supposed to be doing ??!!

Another unanswered question - how many unspent cartridges were in his backpack? I am not familiar with AR-15s - did he load up 8 cartridges and use them all ??? Thanks for a great video.

In response to your question: “Another unanswered question - how many unspent cartridges were in his backpack? I am not familiar with AR-15s - did he load up 8 cartridges and use them all ???”

Seems you are confusing ideas/terms. A “cartridge” in this context is what most lay people would consider a “bullet,” (that’s not technically correct, though). A "cartridge is 4 components (bullet, shell casing, powder, primer). A “magazine” holds the “cartridges,” in this case probably up to 30 but they come in various sizes from 5 to 100 for the AR15. We do not know how many magazines the assassin had, or how much ammo in his rifle or backpack, to my knowledge. Apparently there were also some in his vehicle, but we have conflicting reports about a car, or a van, there or 10 miles away. It’s hazy information as of now, oddly being withheld or vague. And of course deception like this over basic information is a clear sign of corruption and coverup.

Mr. Wray’s answers were imprecise, vague, and/or incorrect, but whether he did that on purpose or due to incompetence, or a combination, is unclear. He said something like “we recovered 8 cartridges,” which failed to answer the question asked, in a inept or trying to be clever way of trying to avoid giving a coherent correct answer.

The suspicious rooftop video first shows a count of 5 empty shell casings after about a 12 minute unaccounted for period with several people already on the roof. Then after another suspicious 12ish minute break in the video a “recount” shows 8 empty shell casings, some in possibly unusual locations one might not expect them to be (to the left of the assassin’s body, a improbable location).

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“Thomas Crooks’s only crime was looking through a range finder for the sniper he supported, Maxwell Yearick. By all accounts and metadata, Thomas Crooks was a groomed spotter by Antifa sniper Maxwell Yearick, training at the Clairton Sportsmen’s Gun Club, possibly with the Department of Homeland Security. Yearick, who is on the FBI Terrorist Watchlist, has a long wrap sheet of inciting deadly violence in major cities all over the United States, including inciting rioters to blow up and burn buildings in Washington, DC.”

Yearick Armory, Mesa, AZ

The white van claimed to be the van used by Thomas Matthew Crooks had Arizona plates.

Yearick Armory information follows:



File Number: 23460056

Filing State: Arizona (AZ)

Filing Status: Active

Filing Date: December 15, 2022

Company Age: 1 Year 7 Months

Registered Agent: Tanner Yearick
10456 E Corbin Ave
Mesa, AZ 85212

Principal Address: 10456 Tanner Yearick E Corbin Ave
Mesa, AZ 85212

Governing Agency: Arizona Corporation Commission


Arizona plate on the van – at 1:37