Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt

“Thomas Crooks’s only crime was looking through a range finder for the sniper he supported, Maxwell Yearick. By all accounts and metadata, Thomas Crooks was a groomed spotter by Antifa sniper Maxwell Yearick, training at the Clairton Sportsmen’s Gun Club, possibly with the Department of Homeland Security. Yearick, who is on the FBI Terrorist Watchlist, has a long wrap sheet of inciting deadly violence in major cities all over the United States, including inciting rioters to blow up and burn buildings in Washington, DC.”

Yearick Armory, Mesa, AZ

The white van claimed to be the van used by Thomas Matthew Crooks had Arizona plates.

Yearick Armory information follows:



File Number: 23460056

Filing State: Arizona (AZ)

Filing Status: Active

Filing Date: December 15, 2022

Company Age: 1 Year 7 Months

Registered Agent: Tanner Yearick
10456 E Corbin Ave
Mesa, AZ 85212

Principal Address: 10456 Tanner Yearick E Corbin Ave
Mesa, AZ 85212

Governing Agency: Arizona Corporation Commission


Arizona plate on the van – at 1:37


I appreciate your reply. But like you often hear in arguments and sometimes justifiably so is a response that was taken out of context.

And this guy may have a likely explanation, but this in my opinion is too damn serious to get the snickering knee jerk reaction that this isn’t possible…bombproof SUV.

Then WHY are we here. Why try not try to form a narrative that makes sense to those that have more than 1 brain cell to rob together.

Since if what I received here on this situation is the norm, I will just flip it on its head and quite easily predict that a month ago, you would have told me the same things. Crooks, Lone Wolf, gets several shots off and down range hits President Trump.

Tell me without telling me, you would say I’m NUTS. IMPOSSIBLE…

A still won’t do it in this case and whether or not he is unsuccessful is largely irrelevant like Crooks not killing President Trump.

Does the Operators actions in full in front of the SUV constitute an attempt or just his level of poor training and randomingly pointing his gun in an already intense situation is extremely dangerous.

I would much rather be wrong in this situation that Not even one member in LE including the FBI is corrupt for President Trump’s sake.

My “ego” can take a good faith decision that this is resolved to be nothing. This a whole lot bigger than me.

Have a great day.

Chris, First, thanks so much for all you do- been watching your show since Covid started.

I’m just a regular guy with an inordinate knowledge of the Kennedy and King assassinations, and other so-called conspiracies. I had a piece published at Lew Rockwell in Jul 23; as a reference:

I’ve hesitated to write or contact anyone because I thought my observation would have been suggested by all the folks out there following the Attempted Assassination of Trump, but so far it hasn’t.

Your early study of the sound and the direction of the firings was the most important work I’ve seen, and all the rest, including Sen Grassley’s videos, have only buttressed my suspicion that all the shots came from a similar direction. The 8 casings seen on the lower roof suggest there were more than 5 or 6 fired from there, but I still believe the first three were from a different gun. I think the obvious direction behind Crooks on the roof of Building 1, the two story structure directly behind him in the line of fire, is where sniper or snipers were placed, and I think he or they probably fired first.

A professional sniper, or two, would have been unseen and able to get up and down fairly surreptitiously. There are many drone shots and angles, views from vantages at the scene, as well as from the lower roof where Crook’s body was found that have convinced me the vantage point at the right hand corner at the ridge of the low sloped roof of the two story "Building 1 "would have shot almost directly over Crooks and hit Trump’s ear as he turned at the last millisecond.

This is about 250 plus yards from Trump. The first three sounds seem muffled and different from the burst of shots later. I learned that professional snipers train at 800- 1000 yards.

There is little to suggest this to date because the shells on that roof would obviously have been picked up, and no one so far has produced any film of anyone at that spot, or seen them going up or down, but that is no reason to discount the very real evidence of the direction of the shots and to learn where they came from. Considering the planning, sophistication and stealth required in this operation, it is clear to me we are witnessing a serious threat and obfuscation to truth as we have seen in previous national tragedies. But this time they missed.

I just saw a video of a possible replay of what we have seen before: Crooks going to a firing range and showing his accuracy to someone who remembers him, just as Oswald was alleged to have done. The suggestion and repetition of “a lone gunman” is a key part to this obfuscation.

In fact Oswald was on the second floor getting change for a coke at the time of the shooting, as Geraldine Reid, who made the change for him as they both heard the shots outside, has testified to Documentary and filmmaker Robert Groden.

I trust this will not become a parlor game as the JFK assassination became for 60 years, but the fact that the day of the JFK assassination Dr Perry said Kennedy was hit in the throat from the front, should have been national news, and the starting point of a forensic investigation.

Instead we are already treated to FBI Director Ray telling us Crooks took all the shots. Nothing else to see here.

I look forward to your further work into this important situation


David Neal


I’ve been discussing this with a Sheriff’s investigator since July 16th, who was already looking into these details. “Who” posted that video of Crooks within hours of the assassination attempt? The FBI will drag this out until interest is lost over time - as they always do if it suits their agenda. It’s unlikely that we’ll find out exactly what had occurred. If you believe what Alex Jones is saying, they are busy trying to formulate a narrative showing Iran was involved.


Is this bunk?

Muzzle flash of shooter undercover?



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Crumbley parents sentenced for manslaughter:

In a recent first of its kind case - the parents of school shooter, Ethan Crumbley, were both convicted and sentenced to 10 and 15 years for manslaughter. See above link. IMHO, the Crooks knew their son was unhinged, had a gun and perhaps, if he ‘livestreamed,’ they knew his location.

Additionally, the timing … corresponded to a fear the parents could not stop him (needed police to do it), fear of being charged personally, and having knowledge about his political views and affiliations.

It looks like the man has already fully healed by the grace of God.

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His hair is covering the impact point


It looks like he was shot in the Back of his head while in shooting position, (probably by the counter snipers from behind through the open windows), because the blood has flooded down from the back of his head wound, to front of his face, as can be easily seen…And I think the shot came from behind…because his teeth have been blown outward and there is no bullet entry in the front! And Butler DA confirmed the 2 counter snipers never left their open window position…Also it was confirmed by the Head of the local police, that a counter sniper in that room, Shot and Hit Crooks! And was put on ‘After a shooting Leave’!
For how much longer?? As, he is the Key witness and should be Interviewed!!
Cooks Head Shot Unblurred

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People around or not, that rifle should have stayed at high ready (shouldered), until the threat was absolutely confirmed neutralized. This was NOT the time to be at low ready. Crowd does complicate it a lot, but they did not have control of the situation, nor was the protectee safe. Once trump was in the vehicle, and I’m assuming it’s an armored vehicle, then low ready would be appropriate.


Let me offer a reply by stating, from the outset, we’re in agreement that the facts overall tend to show there was an inside job to assassination President Trump and there is an ongoing suspicious coverup from within, meaning the agencies are in conspiracy. Having said that these rambling unsupported allegations of a security team member allegedly pointing a gun at Trump when he was IN the vehicle aren’t supported in fact or reality without better proof. I have watched the videos and still frame images that I believe you (or others) elude to and do not see it. If it’s the multi-cam wearing LEO member standing in front of the vehicle, he has his gun pointed “high ready” (e.g. angled almost straight upward) until Trump is entirely inside the bomb/bullet proof vehicle (rated for far higher stopping power than 5.56mm), then shoulders it low ready at approximately 30-45 degrees away from the drivers side (a presumably appropriate and safe security measure). I saw none of the 10+ agents immediately surrounding him or those in the next layer at any time point a gun at President Trump. So it is a really bizarre assertion and one that needs a clear photograph to support your position.

And I’ll state again, if one agent inadvertently pointed a gun at the truck it’s irrelevant b/c it’s bullet proof rated far higher than what firearms those ground agents carry, so any attempt on him inside it, from outside the vehicle would be a futile gesture at best. It is, afterall, and odd theory that the agents could have shot him any time outside of the truck but waited until he was inside the truck (and them outside) to aim at him? I’m not even able to comprehend the irrational theory as to why that would occur? Why not shoot him from INSIDE the truck if the goal was to ensure his death? In short, I think this theory is far afield and a distraction to the actual attempted assassination for which there is good evidence of a conspiracy, coverup, multiple shooters, etc.

I respectfully submit there’s OVERWHELMING evidence of highly trained agents with M4s and pistols in the low ready, or at least one in the high ready position. Regardless of what training protocol occurred decades ago or what is protocol on a AF 1-way firing range or a skeet range, this was a live fire 2-way range 360 degree threat scenario where the ground detail agents/LEO were commended for doing a competent job at protecting him after the shots rang out. (I will reiterate, I do think this was an inside job by the agencies, but not these detail agents and LEO). Trump was surrounded by layers of agents in suits with handguns and agents/LEO in body armor with M4s, who more or less handed it professionally (minus the DEI hires who fumbled a bit).

Contrary to assertions, absent clear evidence otherwise, I saw no agents/LEO in the detail aim a weapon at Mr. Trump (other than the professional hitman and the would-be assassin who shot Trump and killed/injured others, as yet to be fully determined). If you have clear photos otherwise post them up.

Furthermore, in reply to: “Again, not my rodeo, but what I saw I saw and the only people on that side of the SUV were SS agents in suits.” That is a easily demonstrated wrong factual statement, undermining the balance of your analysis on this point. Look again. I count no fewer than 2 agents/LEO in full body armor with M4s in low ready in the 3rd layer of human shields (at least 8 agents in suits, some with handguns low-ready, shielding Trump) on this side of the vehicle where Trump is entering. That’s just what is in frame. In the video, there’s a lot more of agents in suits, body armor agents and LEOs, and a lot of weapons drawn in low ready. So it begs the question as to how detailed of an analysis have you actually done looking at this??

I have several pictures but only allowed to upload 1 apparently. There’s dozens online. https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/13/politics/gallery/in-pictures-trump-injured-at-pennsylvania-rally/index.html

Unless you have insider information, you are too easy to manipulate or intentionally dishonest. Trump has been making daily appearances and often multiple times.

He wasn’t wearing that tie at any of them.

Try again.

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How about yesterday? https://youtu.be/9UxAUryUKXM

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I get that possibility, when dealing with an active threat or setting up a 360 perimeter or moving along with a principal.

But to be standing there idly by and then shouldering your weapon in the direction of the secured principal…

Lets say I have my doubts. He wasn’t rushed or being pressed, obviously talking to someone before moving into shooting position.
In all my years of shooting I have never stared down a barrel especially at close quarters. Either way, I would think the guy put his own life at risk for shouldering his weapon in the direction of the President and the SS.
And personally, I don’t know who I would trust on a law enforcement detail after experiencing a Presidential assassination attempt many in power and even the FBI wouldn’t mind dead.

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Nice I watched and recorded that speech though admittedly I was doing other things also. I remember it dark, but I always check out his tie even if I just watched the TV screen for a couple minutes. Thought the speech itself was fairly interesting.

But hey, you can check your box for the win.

Agreed on the FBI essentially stonewalling for as long as they can or want. Still cant forget that not that long ago, when the FBI made their out of the blue announcement that they still couldn’t determine motive for Las Vegas only 7 some years ago…

How shocking. Are we going to place bets on when we hear the same about 7/13?

Might laugh if it wasn’t so…just leave at that.

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The threat had been neutralized and the President was secured that is my point.

What you are discussing already occurred.

But, respectfully, the LEO did NOT shoulder his weapon in the direction of the principle. Here is the breakdown, go rewatch if you must:

  1. Trump surrounded by between 4 and 10 human shields layers of agents in body armor. Pushed into the armored SUV.
  2. As this is occurring, camo’d LEO with M4 probably 20 feet or more in front of the armored SUV is standing with his M4 pointed nearly vertically.
  3. Trump is pushed into the SUV, almost entirely protected and vehicle door is entirely covering Mr. Trump (from the vantage of the LEO with the M4) from attacks originating from the front of the vehicle.
  4. LEO with M4 in high-ready position lowers it to level or low ready pointing it entirely 30 to 45* away from the drivers’ side (he may have seen something to alert him, we don’t know). At no time on any video I have seen does the point the weapon AT THE VEHICLE. Even had he done so, it would have been a futile harmless and unprofessional gesture, but he did not.
  5. Door is closed. He is 100% protected from small arms fire outside the vehicle.

So I’d politely and respectfully ask you actually go re-watch the video rather than run us down incorrect factual wild chases of bad information which distracts from actual correct info.

YearickArmory.com website has been taken down for ‘Maintenance’ and is being forwarded to a Charter.com url. Charter.com is huge and is owned by BlackRock.

Interesting they took the website down ?!

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