Please paste any sources of information relevant to the investigation of the Trump assassination attempt that are not already captured in the topic threads on audio/video, who’s involved, or site reconstruction.
Any replies to this thread that are not new sources of information will be removed. For discussion, please go to the Current Events or blog areas of the discussion forum.
Update (1015ET): Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) said on X that according to new whistleblowers, "MOST of Trump’s security detail working the event last Saturday were not even Secret Service," and were instead "drawn from the department’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).
According to Hawley, “DHS assigned unprepared and inexperienced personnel.”
The Missouri Senator sent a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, which reads: “According to the allegations, the July 13 rally was considered to be a ‘loose’ security event.”
“For example, detection canines were not used to monitor entry and detect threats in the usual manner. Individuals without proper designations were able to gain access to backstage areas. Department personnel did not appropriately police the security buffer around the podium and were also not stationed at regular intervals around the event’s security perimeter.”
I just made this diagram real quick. See the red line for bullet trajectory which hit 2 people as it traveled, both people were standing on the top row of the same bleacher. This is the bleacher where the bullet disintegrated on impact with the corner of the guard rail, after hitting the guy standing in the corner right next to it.
The trajectory of this shot does not match Crooks position on top of the roof. No way he fired that shot. Instead, the bullet trajectory passes directly across the 2 secret service agents positioned on top of the red building with white roof (and what a dangerous roof slope I might add, no wonder they couldn’t fire at Crooks, they were probably worried they’d be recoiled right down that steep and dangerous slope). Amazing that Crooks could even take aim despite that same recoil risk fear, knowing it could launch him right off his roof, too. They could have all been killed just falling off the roofs after shooting each other!! Think about it? So brave.
OK jokes aside, the roof is much higher than the bleacher is, so the shot must have come from below them somewhere.
You suggested that there was possibly a shooter inside the building (interesting, because first they said a sniper team was inside, then they said no one was inside), and you also suggested that possibly the first shot was slightly ascending, hitting Trump’s ear first, then killing Cory. But I notice that the NYT photo of the bullet in flight (high speed camera) seems to show a slightly descending path.
At 6:19 of your ‘unbelievable path to the roof’ video, look at the difference in the garden mulch in front of the trees.(which are in a place where nobody wouldn’t plant a tree, because it will grow to not be a problem for that space. Also, the second tree is falling or leaning to the point that I think it was a new plant which is also suggested by the different garden mulch as well. Perhaps check google earth photos of tree locations and see when those trees were planted there. It’s fishy for tree location
Here is a video that you can determine the approximate height of Trump’s head relative to the height of the top railing on side stadiums (impact point of first bullet). Is at about 8.34min.
I also replied to a tweet about a ballistics graphic some lady made, which she appears to mislead people regarding the bullet trajectory, Trump’s head height and the side stadiums.
I think it’s clear Trump’s head is no where near above the top railing of the side stadiums. Indicating an upward bullet trajectory.
What’s not clear is the height of the roof compared to the top railings of the side stadiums. But based on the fact the Crooks is about a metre from the apex of the roof, I’m guessing it needs to be at a height advantage relative to Trump.
WSJ reported that rally site was moved 10 days before the assassination attempt because the site was unavailable. TRUMP team wanted it at airport but it WAS ALL OF A SUDDEN UNAVAILABLE. This is a signature move to move the site for better opportunity for shooters.
We watched your video yesterday, and then the one today.
I’d like to answer the question of why the second set of shots sound so different.
First shots, real assassin. From window in building below person on roof. I agree with you.
Second shots, they sound very odd. Those shots are from the rooftop. As an inexperienced shooter, and at the ridge, his scope was just above the ridge vent so he wouldn’t be seen. But his barrel was not, and he shot through the ridge vent making that ‘twangy’ noise. I have my own experience and saw a video of a military sniper trying to hit his target. He put 2 holes in a concrete wall about 20 feet in front of him as he watched the target still standing. The third hit the target.
The last shot of the second set was from the window of the building behind the building the first and second set of shots came from. That shot was to kill the person on the roof. He may not have died and that was when we heard the very last shot ensuring he was dead.
Try to get photos of the ridge vent to check for holes in it.
I also watched it live and noticed the different sounds.
It has been stated that there were 4 sniper teams assigned for the event. Two teams were from the Secret Service and two were from Butler County’s Emergency Services. at least one team was assigned to the second floor of the building behind the shooter’s building with window access to the outdoors/exterior you showed this building in your video as being the best location for a security position). I think this is where at least one team was stationed.
It was reported that one of the local counter sniper’s took a picture of the shooter and reported that info to central command. I think the picture in your video IS the picture of the shooter (showing the left side of his face and back) This picture is obviously taken from significantly higher ground than the shooter and I think taken from one of the windows of the second story building. The shooter’s left hand is placed on what appears to be some weathered concrete which he was probably sitting on. The exact location of the shooter in relationship to the buildings could be pinpointed by someone investigating the site by matching up the weathering patterns on the concrete. I suspect the concrete is either from a walkway, because it is next to the grass, or possibly a concrete pad for HVAC equipment.
By looking at the shadows in the photo, an expert would also be able to estimate the time of day that the photo was taken. That would give us a touch stone in which to vet critical timing and location info given to us by anyone.
I want to know where the other Butler County Emergency Services sniper unit was stationed. Was it also stationed inside that 2 story building or was it stationed inside the shooter’s building? Why were they stationed inside the building, where they weren’t a visual threat to potential bad actors? They were obviously placed there in order to NOT BE SEEN! Investigations could be done and dogs with explosives training could be used in all the buildings to look for evidence of shots residue.
I also forgot to mention that the sniper team on the second floor of the building should’ve been able to CLEARLY SEE THE SHOOTER on the roof just in front of them and instantly take action. Were they pulled away from their location at the critical time? Also, possibly what deeply startled the SS snipers on top of the roof of the red barn was that they were seeing someone (Butler County snipers or who-knows-who?/alphabet agencies) shooting in the direction of the President and thought they were going to be next. They were obviously backing up and trying to retreat a bit. What did that sniper team see? Can we confirm that all LEO’s are alive and accounted for? So many questions…
I’m watching your video “Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear Trump& Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People”. At the !2 to 13 minute mark, the video shows the guy in the American flag shirt was hit in the chest with a .30 caliber or even a .223. As an avid deer hunter ( I shoot a Remington 700, 30-06), I can tell you, if that person was hit in the chest (lung area) he would not be walking, he would be dead. The exit wound from a high power rifle is massive, the size of your fist. The internal injuries that is created is lethal. Talk to military personnel about shooting experiences. For me nothing that happened on this day makes any sense, nothing.
Love your information. Keep up the fight! I, like you, am just searching for the truth, no matter how ugly and painful it may be to see!
If you use this email on your program please don’t use my name.
SOD = Special OPs Detail Survey, Counter Sniper Survey from Secret Service (unclassified) briefing and site Survey will tell you exactly who was detailed and where. FOIA
@aaronmckeon im new here so forgive me but has anyone with medical experience looked carefully at Trumps ear? To my untrained eye, i would expect part of the ear would be missing or mangled. A razor cut (like wrestlers do) would produce blood and none of the ear would be missing. Perhaps, just the top layer of skin on the upper edge of his ear was removed. If so, he wouldn’t need that giant bandage that we have seen
Bongino is an expert here, but he’s clearly biased toward his former employer and colleagues and proved himself to have poor judgment when he took the jab and, as I recall, initially claimed that the 2020 election was legit.
But an important point he made that I don’t recall you making is sure, there are situations where you can’t secure a sector, but it’s never a problem: you place a barrier between the principal and the potential threat to provide concealment if not cover. It’s SOP.
Many have made the point that leaving a rooftop unsecured is possibly less significant than that he apparently knew it would be unsecured. Who told him?
If you search, e.g., on X [“Austin Private Wealth” Rumble DJT short], you’ll find many descriptions of two very suspicious and huge bets the day before.
Why were so many networks for the first time in months if not years not only covering this rally but broadcasting it live, just like CNN knowing to be there for the secret, surprise FBI raid on Roger Stones’ home?
Isn’t the ownership of the buildings exceptionally odd?
Watch from minutes 21 to 25
Listen for burnout, understaffed, turnover, graduation rate
Secret Service Counter Sniper Interview - What Went Wrong and Why! Part II
While i don’t necessarily agree shooting is staged per Miles W. Mathis title I think you may find relevant info especially of the comparison of the trees between the two (where ladders were shown pages 10-11) roofs. thank for your fine video and glad to know a full 20 minutes that they knew Crooks was on roof hard to believe they didnt stop PDJT from being on staged before this was resolved. excerpt from this Miles W. Mathis link: …“But back to that ladder. Let me see if I have this brilliant story straight: this kid strolled into a
Presidential speech carrying an AR15 and a ladder, casually propped this short ladder up against the
outside of a building in full view, climbed up his short ladder five feet, then scaled the other five feet
like Spiderman, ignoring the overhang, leaving the ladder conspicuously leaning there? You will say,
“No, no, he had the rifle down his pants leg, like any other professional burglar.” So where did he have
the 5-foot ladder hidden? This story is nearly as stupid—but not quite—as the UT Tower shooter
Whitman, who allegedly dollied in an entire footlocker of ammo, cheese sandwiches, shaving cream
and toilet paper. But at least Whitman wasn’t wheeling his locker past Secret Service at a Presidential
The mainstream has since released that photo, to explain how he did it. One problem: that isn’t a five-
foot ladder. It is a ten-foot ladder. Unless those walls are five feet high and these buildings were made
for Munchkins. Plus, that ten-foot ladder wouldn’t fit in his car, which was a Hyundai Sonata. I guess
he drove it with it strapped to the roof? Was his AR15 strapped to the hood?
Next we find that photo released by the mainstream. Now that ladder is a SWAT ladder and Crooks’
ladder has been moved so that he is climbing on the lower porch roof. But we still have multiple
problems, proving this is fake. One, the two photos don’t match, indicating they are computer
generated. The cypresses that had four tops now have two, and the gap between them and the
connecting hall is now shorter than in the first photo. That connecting hall is also too low in this
second pic, with a larger jump to the main roof. Plus, this second ladder is now too short and looks
pasted in. Note that the rungs of the longer SWAT ladder are shining silver in this light while Crooks’
3-foot ladder are black or invisible. Why? You will say his ladder is in the shade. But there is no
shade, since in this photo there are no shadows. Curious, right? The porch overhang is casting no
shadow at all. Neither are the cars or those cypresses. Proving this is generated by AI that doesn’t
understand sunlight. You will say it was a very overcast day, but in that case both ladders would shine
the same. Busted.”
You are correct. Here is a diagram I made of the top row of the bleacher behind Trump (to the right and behind Trump, from the audience’s perspective standing in front of him).
You can see from one of the audience videos taken that the bullet trajectory which hit 2 people in the abdomen both standing on that top row of the bleacher (before disintegrating into the guard rail in the corner of the bleacher) is not only 45 degrees off of Crooks’ position BUT it ALSO means the bullet was traveling about 3 feet above the bleacher bench, parallel to the bleacher bench for the 20 feet that it took for the bullet to first hit the first person 20 feet away from the second person who was standing in the corner of the top row of the bleacher then disintegrate into the guard rail.
Therefore, for the bullet to have hit both people in the gut who were both standing on the top row of the bleacher, 20 feet apart from one another, it implies this bullet’s trajectory intersects directly under the 2 secret service agents who were standing on the rooftop behind Trump, famously scoping out the shooter for over 20 seconds then finally flinching when the first shot rang out. There are a couple video’s on John Cullen’s twitter page showing both people clearly hit on the top row, instantly, from left to right, then the bullet hits the railing. Hard to dismiss this fact which really implies 2 shooters minimum.