Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt

From mrapp:

…I am sure you have already been approached about this but some of your confusion about shot / echo / sonic crack is altered by the use of a suppressor…shot 6 came from an SR25 with a Knights Armament suppressor…

(no references provided)

From Andrew:

Saw report that second counter sniper tried to take out Assassin - would account for second burst of shots.

@thecountmc Thanks for the link.

Took some still pics of a video from the link, showing a parked van near the tower on the day of the rally. At about 4:35 min in.

Also the link has a witness ac.

Witness ac of them trying to avoid parking their bike further away on a very hot day, parked somewhere on the back and got through to the rally premise quite easily. He was concerned how easy the perimeter could be breached.



Enlarged quote of the screenshot

Confirming the 3 individuals the ‘shooter’ was communicating with via text using one of his two devices, were not only in the crowd but appear to be in the bleachers behind President Trump. AT&T corrupted, deleted and then restored the corrupt data of these contacts approximately 30 minutes before the FBI accessed the data. Like J6 ‘pipe bomber’ was AT&T directed by DIA? FYI-and any reference to offshore encrypted accounts are likely a diversion and an attempt to manufacture motive/evidence?

Tony Seruga @@TonySeruga - 22h

AT&T SG3 [Study Group 3] Secure Room aka the notorious Room 641A and the

DIA are at it again. FBI has accessed the shooter’s phone but there are data holes

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Chris and colleagues,
Regarding audio analysis, I’d like to clarify some things for myself, and perhaps others:

  • In order for the “snap” to be heard, doesn’t the recording microphone need to be somewhat close to the line of supersonic flight of the bullet?
  • In some of the cell phone recordings, we may get no snap at all, and only the “boom” correct?
  • When hearing only the “boom”, it should not line up chronologically with the “snap” from the same shot from other microphones, even though it is the first perceptable sound of that shot.
  • If we are analyzing the fox news microphone audio by Trump, we all expect only to hear the “snap” if those bullets passed close to that mic, right? So we should not be hearing a useful “snap” from the bullet that killed the sniper and was fired from the barn behind Trump, am I right?
  • Echoes should be only echoes of the “boom” and not the “snap”, right?
  • What about impact pops? Would they leave a sound? If so, which ones might be isolated and disambiguated from other sounds?

Other questions I have:

  • Which shot hit the hydraulics?
  • What angle injured the man with the flag as a shirt, then the man in the dark shirt they carried out. Does that line up with the water tower and/or any sounds? If it’s from the water tower then we only get the “boom” on that one, then it would be delayed by a predictable time after the vaporization upon the railing, right?

Thanks for all the great analysis!

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I watched the RSBN video here:


There appears to be another 1-2 shots at about 1:16 in the video, nearly a minute after the other shots. People even duck for it. Was this just the microphone? You can sort of hear it on the fox livestream, too.

No. The super sonic “crack” can be heard quite a distance. You see this with a suppressor, you won’t hear the gunfire, but you will hear the bullet. That’s why it’s critical when shooting suppressed to keep the bullet velocity below supersonic.


Chris was saying he didn’t think the hair of Crooks matched on the day of the assassination with regard to a law enforcement photo taken of him as a “suspicious person” earlier in the day versus the photo and video taken of him on the roof as he was about to shoot Trump.

Here’s Crooks on top of the roof after being killed, highest resolution I’ve seen. Really shows the clean shiny hair, definitely not as greasy as the “suspicious person” photo earlier in the day. But it’s within the realm of possibility that he wet it completely and then brushed it out in between the two photos to feel better/more awake/alert before shooting. I know I hate greasy long hair when it’s hot out. When I had longer hair I’d wet it in the middle of a hot day because it feels so uncomfortable otherwise. You also see the unique ear shape quite clearly.


This is a very clear video of the 2 people being hit on the top row of the right side bleacher where the bullet disintegrates into the railing. John Cullen’s video is very blurry of this event, full of red circles and annoying music and loops of people being hit on the top row of the bleacher. He even sped up the video at one point to make a woman’s arm movement look like she was SHOT in the purse with a bullet. It was a 2 minute video he published last week which he has since removed. This clear video below shows nothing like that actually happened, the purse lady moved her arm back down SLOWLY after simply wiping her face. Cullen makes it look like she was shot.

Here’s the link to the clear video, it’s the top one once you get to the page. This page has a lot of videos from that day, so does “www.banned.video” which is an infowars video site. That’s the site I found Crooks bloody head with shiny hair on (above pic in previous post):


HELP. I’m not an AR shooter. If someone here is, can you look at my diagram I’m posting here and tell me if the first bullet fired could deflect from the center bleacher to the right bleacher, per my diagram, where this same first bullet then hits 2 people on the top row of the right bleacher then disintegrates into the corner of the bleacher railing (per the video below)? Bullet was traveling toward the blown hydraulic line along the top row of the bleacher when it hit the railing per the visual bullet spray. This is what my diagram is trying to illustrate. Somehow the first shot still ended up travelling parallel to the top row of the right bleacher and hit two people. Only Biden or Crooks can miss that badly. I have Biden in the window. Ice cream in hand. Somehow it deflected if we are to believe it came from Crooks or Biden in his safe space inside the window.

Here’s the video where you can audibly hear the first shot, then 2 people go down standing probably 20 feet apart (far left and far right of the video) then the disintegration/spray pattern of the bullet happens. All before the second shot:

Not sure if this interview was posted here before.

This interview was on the day of the assassination attempt July 13.

Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, tells ‘Hannity’ a bullet ‘grazed’ his nephew’s neck at former President Trump’s Pennsylvania rally.

Rep. Ronny Jackson said his nephew was in the friends & family section seating. Nephew was seated on Trump’s right or the screen’s left. He was seated in the lower part of the stand.

A bullet grazed his neck and he was bleeding. Another person 4-5 rows behind him was critically injured.

He went to the triage tent and saw Corey C. there and knew it was a fatal head injury.

It might be helpful to gather who else were injured by the bullets fired, the extent of their injuries and especially where exactly is their seating.

It may help with ascertaining the assassins bullets path and their locations.


Some stills from a 2:42 min video clip by ABC news.

Has time stamped of each incident leading to shots fired.

Has a clear video of TC wandering and checking out roof?


John Cullen, who famously did the same analytical work on the Vegas mass shooting, is an important man for Chris to interface with (x.com). He contends that this bullet was the very FIRST shot, intended to take out one of the snipers on the roof. The shot missed and the snipers quickly react, taking cover, and pulling their tripod backward. The bullet then hit folks in the last row of the right bleacher (as red line shows in his photo). This is also a shot he feels was taken by a sniper in the trees – likely from a Viper Climbing Tree Stand (https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/summit-viper-sd-climbing-treestand)

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Will we get fingerprints on that remote control? Or any evidence for that matter?


Credit to @zubird88 for the link.

View from a window where allegedly is the HQ for SS/police at the rally.

Stills from the link.



Plus some “doodling” on the whiteboard.

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Good Drone video of campgrounds after cleanup

See a birds-eye-view of the location of Donald Trump’s attempted assassination | Watch (msn.com)


I have done a quick and dirty measurement of the delay between shot 3 and shot 4 from two different angles, using the delay between shot 1 and 3 as a calibration standard to account for slightly different encoding rates and they are not the same. That implies the shots did not come from the same location. If they were the same from all angles, that would mean they came from the same location. If they were different, that would mean they did not. I need someone to second check this analysis.

This looks like electronics/microcontroller/computer stuff. Status Register, I/O lines, 32 bit register mapping. Rising/falling edge of a pulse width. Stuff I work with everyday.

I don’t see this relating in anyway to the shooting. Likely stuff from the business that owns the building. Thought I’d just point that out.


I believed ABC News own investigation gathering. Not official from any govt agencies.

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