Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt

I love all this theorizing we do here to solve this case, it’s required that we debate in order to prove or disprove any thesis. I’m going to argue against Cullen’s tree sniper thesis against the SS agents on top of the roof behind Trump. Here’s why:

‘Problem 1) His “purse lady shooting” was discovered to be false when I found a high resolution video showing the purse lady had NO purse! The “purse” was just her elbow moving backward as her hand lowered, after wiping her face off. The lady moves her arm very normally in the original HD video. On Cullen’s version of the event, his low resolution video he uses forms a false shadow behind her elbow as she lowers her arm which he calls a purse (and he has it appear to move at 100MPH toward the corner of the bleacher where the bullet hits the railing). That’s trickery on his part. Why was that done you have to ask? To help support the direction of the bullet coming from the trees aimed at the SS snipers on the roof behind Trump? He says the purse clip further substantiates his thesis. I sent the HD video proving she has no purse and her arm movement was sped up 100x to Cullen so he could revise his theory, it’s been days and I’ve received no response. But he’s scheduled to be back on Infowars today to discuss the shooting, probably playing it again. I sent the link to Owen as well, hopefully he’ll receive it in time to play it live after Cullen plays his blurry rendition again.

‘Problem 2) If the shot came from the trees behind Trump like Cullen says, and was aimed at the SS snipers positioned on top of the roof behind Trump, then why did Trump grab his EAR on the first shot?? To me there is no explanation for that.

‘Problem 3) Look at the downward trajectory angle of the bullet if the shot came from the trees aimed at the SS snipers behind Trump. The bullet would have to be at a 30 degree downward angle from the SS snipers to the bleacher. That requires the tree perch of the bad guy to be 200 feet high (and climbable to support a person who is not seen, and escapable afterward, again not being seen. Draw a line from the trees to the snipers to the top row of the bleacher and you’ll see what I mean.

All these things to me discredit Cullen. Here’s my new diagram of what may have happened with the first shot:


NO BLOOD POOL on White Roof?
Headshots produce copious amounts of blood.

Also heres video from AGR 2nd Story open window (were the USSS was headquartered)to the the white roof Crooks was on when he was shot, allegedly:


Here are some screenshots from the open window from 2nd story AGR room the USSS used as a staging room:

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This is a timeline released by Senator Ron Johnson’s office. In doing investigations myself I have always found timelines to be of critical importance.

First, a couple of things that it seems to confirm.

  1. There were snipers in the AGR building. It was the AGR building from which Crooks allegedly opened fire. Apparently, they were on the second floor of the building.

  2. The pictures of Crooks that Chris refers to in his podcast were indeed taken by security personal from a window in the AGR building.

Preliminary Timeline Based on Information Uncovered by Senator Johnson’s Office

The following timeline includes information Senator Johnson’s office has obtained during the week following the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump on July 13, 2024. This preliminary information is being shared with the public to ensure transparency.

July 5, 2024—Eight Days before Trump Rally

  • According to local law enforcement, United States Secret Service first informs Butler County Emergency Services (Butler ESU) of the Trump Rally scheduled for July 13, 2024.o Local law enforcement reportedly sees media reports of the rally around July 3, 2024.July 8, 2024—Five Days before Trump Rally
  • Butler ESU reportedly meets with Secret Service regarding the rally and receives information regarding the timeline of the event and is informed that the rally will be held at the Butler Farm Show grounds.July 10, 2024—Three Days before Trump Rally
  • Secret Service reportedly conducts a site visit at the Butler Farm Show grounds in advance of the July 13, 2024 rally.July 13, 2024—Day of Trump Rally
  • 9:00am—Butler ESU holds a briefing for the local SWAT and Sniper units from Butler County, Beaver County, and Washington County providing security for the event.

At the briefing Butler ESU provides a 46-page slide deck which outlines:
Areas of responsibility for each local unit; and
Staging locations, including sniper locations, for each local unit and the

Secret Service.
According to attendees of the briefing, no Secret Service or other federal law

enforcement is present for this briefing.
According to attendees of the briefing, Secret Service had not initially intended to

provide sniper units, changed course for unclear reasons.
Butler ESU’s briefing includes an outline of the security perimeter for the event

and areas of responsibility.

  • 9:27am—Thomas Matthew Crooks, the alleged shooter, enters a Home Depot located in Bethel Park, PA.o CCTV footage of the Home Depot reportedly shows the shooter entering alone.
  • 9:41am—Crooks purchases a 5.5 FT Aluminum Dual Platform ladder.


  • 9:42am—Crooks exits the Home Depot.
    CCTV footage of the Home Depot parking lot reportedly captures Crooks exitingthe lot by vehicle. The footage could not identify the make/model of the vehicle.
  • 10:30am—Two local law enforcement snipers are in position on the second floor inside the American Glass Research (AGR) building.
  • 5:10pm—Crooks is first observed by one of the snipers (AGR sniper 1) at the AGR building.
  • 5:14pm—AGR sniper 1 takes the below pictures of Crooks.


5:28pm—AGR sniper 1 takes the below picture of a bicycle and what appears to be two bags located near the AGR building. It is unclear what happened to the bicycle and bags after July 13, 2024.


5:32pm—AGR sniper 1 spots Crooks looking at his phone and using a rangefinder.

  • 5:38pm—AGR sniper 1 sends a message to the “Sniper Group” about Crooks.
  • 5:40pm—AGR sniper 1 is told to “call into command” regarding Crooks.
  • 5:41pm—AGR sniper 1 calls into command and provides a description of Crooks and the rangefinder, as well as that Crooks was “lurking around [the] AGR building.”
  • 5:49pm—Photos of Crooks are sent to Butler ESU Command.
  • 5:55pm—Butler ESU Command confirms receipt of the photos and states they have beenrelayed on.
  • 5:59pm—Butler ESU Command asks for the direction that Crooks is traveling. AGR sniper 1 is initially unsure of the direction Crooks is traveling.
  • 6:05pm—AGR sniper 1 later communicates that Crooks is seen moving northeast “in the direction of Sheetz” and that Crooks has a backpack.
  • 6:06-6:12pm—AGR sniper 1 goes to ground floor of the building to meet local law enforcement patrol to alert them to Crooks presence.
  • Approx. 6:11pm—Crooks begins shooting.
    Seccret Service reportedly return fire and Crooks is killed.10
  • 6:23pm—Beaver County SWAT operators access the roof where Crooks is located and confirm Crooks is deceased.o According to those SWAT operators, there was local law enforcement from another county and at least one Secret Service agent, wearing a suit, also on the roof.
  • 6:46pm—Crooks is patted down. Law enforcement reportedly finds a transmitter device, Crooks phone, and the rangefinder in Crooks pockets.
  • 7:45pm-7:46pm—At the request of Allegheny Bomb Squad, local law enforcement text pictures of Crooks and the items near his body to a phone number with a 215 area code (from the Philadelphia area) associated with an ATF agent. ATF reportedly is using the pictures of Crooks to run facial recognition.10 Greg Wehner, Bryan Llenas, Sniper killed would-be Trump assassin with ‘one-in-a-million shot’: source, FoxNews (July 19, 2024), https://www.foxnews.com/us/sniper-killed-would-be-trump-assassin-one-million-shot- source.

No the bullet does not disintegrates! It travels on into the forklift. See 5.56 Nato M885 or M995 ammo.

check out this video it shows the direct location from a different angle. Proved me wrong. > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBCdI9NoUZs <

Also there are sync issues with at iPhone’s that could account for John Cullen, i.e. what we see and hear are out of sync. Shots were so close this would or could matter. apparently post processing can fix it. example:

5 Quick Fixes to iPhone/iPad Video Audio Out of Sync Problems (videoproc.com)

Great minds think alike! A few days ago I was thinking along those same lines that these kinds of cell phone recordings will often get cropped, then re-saved, then converted to another file type, uploaded/downloaded, etc, which also leads to audio/video data going out of sync, so I pulled up a couple network TV recordings of the shooting to get the podium mic as baseline of which word Trump said when the first shot rings out and compared it to other phone recordings on each side of the stage plus Cullen’s video and my HD version (the TMZ video) and they all on the surface sounded exactly the same. It was all I could think to do but they did all match up to the same part of a word Trump was saying when the shot fired.

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Interesting points. can you provide a link to the HiRez video you refer to showing the purse lady?

If you zoom in on the lady on the left with the pink hat, that’s the purse lady. Play it at 75% and 50% speed while zoomed in to really see it best.

Hi. You guys should be comparing notes with George Webb, investigative journalist.

How-to validate the echoes in the recordings against possible shooter locations.

Acousticians can analyse the acoustics of an environment to determine the reverb echoes characteristics etc of an indoor or outdoor environment by carrying out an “Impulse Response Measurement” :-

Essentially by shooting say a starting gun from the shooters possible locations with microphones at the camera / microphone recording positions captured at this event.

Allows you to analyse and match echoes by shooter locations with recorded locations.

Acousticians have tools to analysis this with detail from either the event recordings or the analysis I’m proposing.

Its kind of like being in a large gym standing in the middle with a blind fold on and being able to estimate where another person is talking from once you get a feel of the room acoustics.

Why is Crooks body pic has his head, rear end and feet blurred out?

The head is understandable. Headshot blood gore. But his feet & butt? Were there gunshots to those body parts?

Inquiring minds want to know.


Can we get a calibration shooting at the scene to try to recreate the sound patterns of the gun shots. Microphones at the X, near the building, etc. Bet there’s a way to do this, recreate the entire scene, maybe use live fire for some of the shot sounds. Known reflection patterns to triangulate the shooter positions. This would be unimpeachable proof.

Thanks MattsUsername! (Matt??)

MAJOR EDIT: Thanks for posting this video from the bystander in the right side bleacher who sat just below the top row!! It tells us something very important about the entire event possibly, which is that Crooks may have fired the first 2 or even 3 shots somehow (since the first 3 shots all sound the same), despite the TMZ video of him on the rooftop appearing not to shoot in Chris’s recent video. I agree that it doesn’t look like Crooks was firing but this video you uploaded argues against that possibly.

In the bleacher shooting video’s found elsewhere which are focused on the top row of the bleacher (not the one you uploaded here) you see a heavy set guy in the second row, just below the top corner of the bleacher where the guy in the flag shirt was hit (see screen shot of him escorted down the stairs from your video). The 2nd bleacher row victim (down 1 row from the top) is wearing a white t-shirt with a grey undershirt, green fisherman’s hat and black pants (see screen capture of him from the actual shooting video below) he is shown apparently being hit. It was hard to tell if he was actually hit though, since he didn’t drop right away in the actual shooting video’s which were focused on the right side bleacher. The fisherman hat guy only moved his left arm up toward his chest/face and kept it there after being hit… but he never falls down. It looked like a flinch possibly. If a bullet ran across the top row, as Cullen first theorized due to a guy dressed in all white with a red hat on, standing on the far left of the top row who dives down to the benches below him on the first shot, then the fisherman hat guy on the 2nd row shouldn’t have also been hit because that same first bullet seems to also hit the flag t-shirt guy, also standing on the top row in the very corner of the bleacher. That would imply a second bullet hit the fisherman hat guy standing below the top row (which lines up to Crooks’ trajectory 100% as taking the the fisherman hat shot).

BUT! If the guy dressed in the white shirt/white pants and red hat who clearly fell down standing on the top LEFT of the bleacher was NOT shot, than my theory of Crooks firing only the 2nd shot is not valid at all, since both shots could have come from Crooks theoretically, since no one else along the top bleacher would have been hit. Note that John Cullen’s purse lady being shot is false, an HD video shows this was not the case at all. So if the guy in all white with the red hat wasn’t hit then maybe no one else was hit on the top row except for those in the corner of the bleacher - which means Crooks trajectory lines up to both the flag t-shirt guy AND the fisherman hat guy.

We need to find out who the white shirt/white pants/red hat guy is who dived down at the first shot and see if he was in fact shot? In your video you uploaded, I only see 2 people taken down by cops, both were standing in the corner. Official reports say only 2 people were injured, plus one fatality (which your video also shows the fatality being taken away).


Is this photo of Crooks? Shot Dead? On a hot metal roof in shorts? No pics or video prior to this showed him in short pants. And the hair, all thin stringy … not the same hair as nearby rally goers photographed of the live shooter.

Maybe he pulled his pants off to lay on an hot metal roof and attempt to assassinate Trump. However, all of it is suspect.


Yes. Quite the discrepancies isn’t it.

Now we learned from Rep. Ron Johnson that pics of the alleged shooter on the roof was all sent to a guy from ATF. !!

Maybe that 1 head bloodied pic of the shooter on the roof that was leaked out was doctored by ATF.

On the same line, another discrepancy is that the Tshirt bloodied dead pic of the shooter on the roof is of a very dark blue color.

However, all his other pics & videos of him alive on that day at the rally shows him wearing a lighter blue greyish Tshirt.


It looks like his right arm is down by his side. How can this be possible if he was shooting just milliseconds earlier?


This group (part of the Heritage Foundation, it seems - see below) says they have analyzed mobile ad data, tracking Crooks’s movements, and correlated it with others who visited his home (one of whom visited an Address in Washington DC, near an FBI office).


(and subsequent tweets (Xs? What the heck do we call these now?))

From their concluding post:

For those that are tracking this type of data, we identified devices that were located at Crook’s home and his work within the past year.

There were at least 9 devices linked to these AD-IDs

We are willing to cooperate with legitimate investigations and share further information.

For the protection of whistleblowers and our investigation, we will not be sharing further information with the congressional task force due to the connective tissue between that entity and FBI, USSS, and other entities.

If you have any further information, leads, or tips, please e-mail us directly at tips.oversightproject@heritage.org


Body Cam Footage from Sen. Grassley: