Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt

New body-cam footage released of law enforcement on rooftop where shooter was killed after attempted assassination of Donald Trump WATCH: New body-cam footage released of law enforcement on rooftop where shooter was killed after attempted assassination of Donald Trump.



This looks like the remote control:

Model No.: 0021029 (CB-12)
The frequency is 433Mhz and the theoretical transmission distance is 1,000m / 3,000ft. The practical distance will be less. It has many codes, so other remotes are not likely to conflict with it. It takes a 9v battery, which we also see. This remote has many uses, and it would be trivial to use this for something custom. This could have been intended by Crooks as a remote detonator.


This video contains bodycam footage from what seems to be one of the Beaver County LEO’s in military gear atop the rooftop shortly after Crooks has been taken out, speaking with SS about the crime scene and also mentioning the sniper that photographed Trump being in the second floor of the adjacent building.

Footage obtained and released to the press by Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley.

Edit: Here’s some new previously unseen footage (according to Fox) from the bystanders west of the building Crooks was on. It has the same audio we’ve heard but more clearly, except for the fact that cursing has been bleeped out reducing the value of the audio (seriously…) so it’s not super helpful in that regard. However it does go on for longer than the previous video I think and there seems to be an additional very late shot from what I can hear. We also get a glimpse of Crooks turning around and looking at the bystanders who are filming – or maybe he’s looking at the officer in the window…?

My wife found a video posted by Crooks in China prior to July 13, 2024. She was a TV reporter in China back in 2011 - 2013 and is constantly looking at the news there BTW. The link I’m providing may no longer work or may have changed or been deleted. I do have a copy of the video file which my wife made. If you are interested in obtaining it, please provide an email address to send it to. I did send this information and the video file to your email earlier but was advised to post it here. The video file is likely too large to post here. In the video Crooks states he hates Trump, and all republicans. Then he said something along the lines that “you got the wrong man?”

Presume you have seen this x.com

It purports to show LE on the roof less than an hour after the event, and seems to indicate:

  1. The local snipers (?ESU) did have helmet cam rolling (?what did they capture on first arrival??. The also say they ‘hauled ass over here’ implying they were 1st on the Crooks roof. Also the window in the 2 story building is OPEN by this point (45 m after the event).
  2. The local sniper who took the earlier pic of Crooks WAS in the 2 story building and his first name was Greg


if it doesnt load from above

Blackrock connection to the building the shooter was on. This is not my video

I have not seen these people interviewed anywhere else. These are not my videos.

For those that are concerned about the positioning/ movement of the body and rifle of Crooks, be aware (depending on context and training of the person) that it would be considered good drills to clear the body of further threats and confirm any signs of life. Its pretty basic military training (my background) to do this as the body maybe still showing signs of life, be booby trapped, have valuable items (radios, schematics, timers, etc) that may be indicative of other threats in the area. Why the rifle has moved would be under a similar umbrellas (clear it so it cant be used against you, or go off if its been modified or had a stoppage). -yes this is more military style training, not necessarily about preserving a crime scene like you would expect of cops on a crime scene theyve been called to. Hope this helps clarify this small portion


Shouldn’t one should be able to determine the direction where Crooks head shot came from (the 9th shot) based on the anatomy of his kill shot? There are photos of his head on the roof. Could they help determine the origin of the head shot?

ie If the 9th shot came from the second story bldg, then it would be from the back of the head?

Need an autopsy…

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Butler Farm Show Site is still guarded.

Matthew Everhard (a local) claims the site is still being guarded and there have been 17 arrests.

His YouTube channel goes by hte same name.

These comments assume that Crooks was the shooter (yet to be determined).

Reports are solidifying that a two-man Butler Co ESU team was stationed in the upper floor of the two-story building overlooking the single-story roof that Crooks was found. They took photos of Crooks from a window from that second floor where Crooks was identified as ‘suspicious’ (widely corroborated now). Witnesses on the ground near where Crooks was seen surveilling the building clearly saw the ESU officers in the second floor window (near enough to identify one had an arm sleeve tattoo). Crooks had to also have seen the ESU officers in the window - those officers obviously had a clear line of sight to the roof Crooks set up on. The fact that they set up inside the window rather than the roof above them is obviously a huge tactical ‘mistake’ given the limited viewing angles from the windows let alone the lower vantage point vs the roof above them.

Unless Crooks had a death wish (which has now come to pass) or a concern that his mission would be interrupted, he wouldn’t knowingly set up on the single story roof with an ESU team overlooking unless he knew that they would be ‘called away’ during a period of time for him to set up. The story that both members of that ESU team would abandon their post and search the ground for Crooks makes no sense. Witnesses were yelling and pointing to Crooks on the roof many minutes ahead of the shooting, where were these ESU officers? At best, their training would be to keep one at the window (hearing the crowd’s yells about Crooks) to provide whatever over-watch they could while the second searched the grounds.

A good hypothesis is that both ESU officers were directed to leave their post and look for Crooks, thus giving Crooks a time period to set up without being detained or killed. Why else would Crooks have the guts to crawl out onto that roof with known ESU team overlooking him! If this hypothesis has merit, who had operational authority over this ESU team and what were the communications that occurred to pull them both from their post?

  • CW

Dr. Chris…

I stuck this as a comment on a couple of your videos… then figured out I should email it to you instead. Sorry…

I am sure by now you guys have seen this footage, but if you have not, you should check it out… This guy’s report shows the body cam footage of one of the officers standing on the roof next to the dead body of Crooks before he was removed, right after the shooting. Shows the AR also, but not very clearly. That officer was discussing the situation with a USSS agent… they seemed kinda clueless. No mention of the guys inside the window behind Crooks.


Note that another officer up there has an arm patch that says Washington Regional SWAT… see the attached screen grab. I don’t know what that SWAT team was covering, but the guy is on the roof at that point. Butler is, I think, north of Washington County, Penn. Personally, I am still not convinced that the counter snipers (including the guy who was startled) were indeed USSS… their uniforms said only “police” as far as I can tell from the videos I have seen… for what it is worth… thanks for the analysis! Keep going!

And by the way, based on your analysis, I am totally convinced that there were at least two shooters… and likely three… not completely convinced yet that Crooks ever shot his gun. I did not notice any spent cartridges laying on the roof, but really didn’t look that close. There is certainly a lot of blood… gonna watch the video again, but need to get some sleep! LOL… Oh, and one more thing, if you have not seen the very fuzzy video of the water tower, with a shadow of someone on it moving around, let me know, I will forward a link for that.


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re: Recovery of bullet(s) from Cory Comperatore & potential bullet wound forensics

Young and a deputy coroner confirmed the death of Buffalo Township’s Corey Comperatore early Sunday morning and sent his body to the Allegheny County Medical Examiner to complete the autopsy.

Butler County coroner evaluates Saturday’s shooting victim, shooter


Butler County coroner evaluates Saturday’s shooting victim, shooter

Eddie Trizzino
Butler County Coroner William F. Young III was unable to attend the campaign rally for former President Donald T…
](Butler County coroner evaluates Saturday’s shooting victim, shooter – Butler Eagle)

Chief Medical Examiner


Dr. Ariel Goldschmidt fyi-In 2023, Dr. Goldschmidt was asked to join a volunteer team of four U.S. forensic pathologists to Israel to assist with the identification of mass casualties of the October 7, 2023 attacks.

ALSO, this video makes sense when you look at the body cam from LE that was just released. If you watch the videos from people on the ground watching Crooks on the roof, he clearly has long pants on. In the body cam footage the shooter has shorts on??? WTH? Anyone?

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Each shot should be run through Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to get the guns signature. The cross-correlation function could then be used between each shot. This should identify which gun each shot came from.

I think I remember him with long pants in the crawling picture. Am I wrong?