Other Forensics of the Assassination Attempt

Yes @kelle. I believe these SS folks are playing us all for blithering idiots. A second grader would catch a lot of these discrepancies.


A couple of the good hair Breck guy.

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New declaration of exactly what the two men in the post were doing.
Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger, overrides/clarifies testament made by Pennsylvania State Police commissioner Christopher Paris

"Butler County, Pennsylvania’s top prosecutor said Wednesday that testimony provided to federal lawmakers this week suggesting two snipers were in the building next to the roof from which the would-be Trump assassin was able to get a clear shot of the former president before opening fire at a rally on July 13, was “misstated.”

Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger pointed at testimony provided by Pennsylvania State Police commissioner Christopher Paris, which was given to the House Committee on Homeland Security on Tuesday.

In a press release, Goldinger explained that 20 minutes before Thomas Matthew Crooks started firing shots at former President Trump, two local snipers saw the gunman seated outside and took a picture of him before circulating it and passing it along to the Secret Service and Pennsylvania State Police.

The DA said Crooks moved his location to the opposite side of the building, and both local snipers moved within the building to the other side to match the suspicious person’s movements.

While both officers were on the second floor, one ran outside to look for Crooks, Goldinger explained, after spotting the would-be assassin running off with a backpack.

Goldinger told Fox News one sniper remained in the building while the other went outside.

The sniper who went outside could not find Crooks and returned inside. That’s when, according to Golding, both snipers heard the gunfire.

Goldinger told Fox News the entire building was the post for the two snipers and it is a mischaracterization to say otherwise.

He also said if the local snipers had remained at their original location inside the building, they would not have been able to see Crooks. Instead, Goldinger said, they would have needed to lean out of the window to see Crooks.

Fox News’ CB Cotton contributed to this report."

CBS News reports 10 shots fired in total. 8 from the shooter, followed by 2 counter sniper shots from 2 different locations.

This seems to corroborate an earlier article that a local police sniper fired a shot at Crooks:


I am not an audio professional. However, I think what you are looking for is information about an audio compressor. I think there are gates, limiters, and compressors that are somewhat similar.

As I expect you are aware, a microphone creates small signals. An electronic amplifier is then used to amplify the signal to have enough power to drive the speakers. If any stage in the amplifier is driven to hard to its voltage rails, the sound is clipped and the resulting “square” wave creates broadband noise that sounds terrible. I believe the final stage can also drive with too much power for the physical design of the speakers as well and cause them to either clip of “blow”. (i.e. cause physical damage. usually to the voice coil.)

Often when a sound source has too large a dynamic range we have a problem. If the amplifier is set to provide enough amplification for soft sounds a large sound then can cause clipping. Audio compressors were then developed to prevent this problem. Is is a amplification stage usually preceding the main amplifier, which amplifies soft sounds more than loud sounds. This is often a separate device, but could be built into other items. I am not familiar with modern audio equipment enough to say what is common today.

This allows a singer or speaker to sing or whisper softly at times and shout or belt out a section of music without causing problems. They no longer have to control their voice dynamic range.

This is one I found with a quick search. I don’t know how representative it is.


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I have marked-up a snip-picture from your recent excellent video of 7/24/2024 – to show perhaps the Trump-Mic automatic gain control (AGC) function operating after the Shot 1 sonic crack.

As always thanks for your excellent reporting.


Christopher Wray was asked, in a Congressional Hearing, if Crooks had fired eight shots.

Wray’s answer was a bit delayed (as if he was being cautious in answering) and when he gave a reply, his reply was somewhat evasive, he said:

“We have recovered eight cartridges on the roof.”

Of course, that does not really answer the question. Wray doesn’t answer the question if Crooks fired eight shots, he just says they found eight cartridges on the roof. Moreover, Larry Johnson pointed out that a “cartridge” is a munition that still has powder, primer, etc (i.e. it is an unused muntiion.) A “shell casing” is a portion of an expended cartridge.

Either Wray doesn’t understand the difference or he is totally avoiding the question.


My thought was an audio compressor as well.

Compressors have different parameters to set manually by the user. Two of the settings are called, Attack and Release.

Release is the “Release Time” it takes for the audio mic’s preset “gain” to revert back to it’s “normal” gain setting, after the audio input signal exceeds a set decibel level as set by the user. The loud pop’s trigger the gain reduction, the Release time governs how the gain is to remain low until it is allowed to revert back to the “normal” gain setting set upfront by the user. This is from my guitar playing experience playing with compressors.


Helmet cam of law enforcement agent next to Crooks on rooftop immediately after shooting. He says, “At least 8 casings” as he counts them live on the video.

The above witnesses on the rumble video above saw Crooks get shot in front of their eyes, you can hear the husband’s name and where they live. His bz name appears to be on his hat to contact him for details. It would be interesting if they say they saw Crooks firing all the shots? Problem is he also says he and his wife hid behind a tree.

Oops, Christopher!!

Christopher Wray’s answer is in direct conflict with the video I just posted showing an agent on the roof right after Crooks’ death counting at least 8 casings around Crooks body:

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Crooks was probably wearing pants that unzip at the knees (they seem to be the same color/style) or it may have been too hot for him so he changed his pants in his car real quick. He also appears to have wet and brushed his hair out between the sniper pics of him on the ground an hour before the shooting versus the pics of him post death on the roof.

You are correct, the shot IS through the back of his head, below and behind his right ear and into his neck. This part of his head/neck would be facing the window of the 2 story building if he were in a lying/shooting position. I can’t say if this is the entrance or exit position but it’s a big hole. I have the pic if you want to see it, he’s bloody and dead, be forewarned.

7/23/24: BOTH officers assigned to the 2nd floor building above Crooks rooftop position LEFT their post (Greg and someone else) to go look for Crooks, per PA police official being questioned 7/23/24. I heard earlier that only ONE of them left, this police official says they both left.

Remember when the secret service agents were called off Kennedy’s car right as it turned the corner just seconds before he got shot? Neither do I. Nothing to see here folks.

The SS on the roof got asked who shot him, and he answered by pointing.
You can see it yourself in the full version at 27:20:

Here is a screengrab when he is pointing: https://i.imgur.com/ANUD6V2.jpeg

You can pretty clearly see the “ballistic reactions” to the bullet going down the back row of the bleachers. Lining this up does pass right in a line, near the ludicrous sniper nest #1. The fact that you can see the sniper go “oh shit!” and jump back a bit but take no action… shows that he knew shit was going down and was supposed to stay “in line”, wasn’t thinking he was the target, but definitely got spooked. Was he the target? Or what was on that ballistic trajectory?

I think he gave an interview where he said he had Crooks in his sights for 3 minutes, but was told to stand down by someone.

My current model is that this was an FBI and Homeland hit, with layers of “need to know” within the SS. Image living under a system that kills with impunity anyone that gets in its way. Including its own citizens with biowarfare population thinning.

We live in a blood-thirsty, vicious, self-centered Empire; and the sheeple just keep eating up the crap that is fed to them (in food, media, education, spirit).

Doug Mills of the New York Times captured this photo of the second shot passing by President Trump’s head. It is possible to determine a 2D plane that would intersect with the source position of the bullet using the information from this photo alone. One can then verify if that 2D plane intersects with Thomas Crooks’ position and determine if he did indeed fire this round.

We can reasonably estimate the relative position of the camera using the podium as a landmark. One can then project the tail of the bullet out into infinity. Then if you draw a line between the position of the camera and every point along the trail of the bullet, you will construct a 2D plane. The shooter of the bullet in the photo must fall somewhere within that 2D section.

Edited to add: We cannot determine how close or far the bullet is from the camera, or to what degree the bullet is travelling towards or away from the camera, but these pieces of info are not necessary. We can replicate the perspective from the camera and draw a line overlapping the bullet on that perspective’s vision. It does not matter how close or far away this line is, the same 2D plane will be created regardless.

I posted in comments but fyi (and from working in the industry)
The mic dip on PDJT’s mic could be explained by…

Audio compression, hard attack slow release, used to keep the speakers (PDJT) voice at optimum volume from the PA, it would be set for speech not a sudden sharp loud sound.

It would usually also have a slight delay from mic to speakers to mitigate feedback

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I found a photo that appears to show the gun was still in the dead shooters arms after he was taken out. I will let the gun experts decide if it is the same as the firearm reported to be used. @cmartenson


Posting here as was posted in the audio thread. In reference to the Law Enforcement bodycam footage (taken with FBI? SIS? guy in black suit, red tie, on the roof) alongside Crooks dead body. I am looking at what I see is a bullet wound to Crooks right leg. Entry above calf and below knee; exiting above knee cap. Please check this for yourselves. In my opinion this shows Crooks was shot at least twice. Apparent is the shot was taken from behind Crooks. Please ensure Chris M is made aware of my comment. Regards, Stew.

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I have an unedited photo of the perp post neutralization which may help you determine the angle of the SS sniper’s final shot. Obviously, I am not going to post it here but if you think it will help, please contact me privately.