Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt


I hope these all come through. I got this from here in the community.

IMHO this photo series is real and shows blood on Trump’s fingers immediately after getting shot in the ear.

Look at Evander Holyfield’s ear just after Tyson bit a chunk about 3-4 times larger than Trump’s graze/nick. The resultant blood losses are complimentary (not a lot and certainly neither covered in blood). Comparison extends to the healed result being roughly 75% smaller in both cases. I would like to see side by side close up photos of Trump’s ears before and after. The question is; where did blood come from? Answer; Trump’s fresh shot ear. He should never have used the phrase, “covered in blood”.

Sure haven’t. The Trump volunteer on that video was interesting.

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In this video DJ Stewart gets investigated by the FBI, and they mention that they saw him and Crooks on a security camera. Interesting that none of that footage has been shown anywhere.
This is the video where it’s mentioned around the 20 minute mark:

Do we have the original source videos? All the videos I can find have been uploaded to youtube or x. They re-encode it so lack some of the meta-information. Re-encoding may also add artifacts or distortions to the sound. Every time I analyze the data, there’s progressively more error. This could be due to the cell phones that recorded it, or it may be from re-encoding. It would be nice to rule some of it out.

Also, pay attention to the data. It seems like all shots except for the ninth was supersonic. Only the ninth has a subsonic signature. Can anyone else verify that?

The last point is from a video Chris put out. He showed the distance between the sonic crack and muzzle blast changes between the first three shots and the next five. I can not verify this. All data I’ve seen shows a similar delay for the first eight shots.

Also we should decide on terminology to keep things clear. It is my understanding that Report is the combination of Sonic Crack and Muzzle Blast. It seems to be used interchangeably with muzzle blast by some people.

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Hello, I will try to explain. I don’t have a perfect command of English, but I hope Google translate does its job well…

You are completely right in everything you say, but there is an initial step missing that makes it different.

You are right to say: “I do not understand how a mic many feet from Trump picked up the very crisp sonic-crack/report boom signals”.

Completely true. It is impossible for a microphone at that distance to pick up the sonic-crack of a bullet. But that microphone, which belongs to a TV camera at a distance from the stage, It’s not capturing the sonic-crack. It’s capturing “the sound” of the sonic-cracks, because it is sounding amplified and at high volume by the speakers of the event.
The microphone of the TV camera is tasting all the sound that sounds from the speakers. The loudspeakers are at a high volume, enough for 15,000 people to hear Trump’s voice perfectly from anywhere in the venue.
The microphone of the TV camera is located in the most suitable place to broadcast the event. Behind, in a somewhat elevated place, In a central place above the audience so that there are no obstacles in the sound, and the speakers of the event are also placed at a high height, so that they can be heard well from anywhere. And the microphone of that TV camera It will perfectly capture all the sound that comes out of the speakers. Trump’s microphone will be the one that captures the sonic-crack, and will send it amplified to the speakers. And The TV camera capture that sound from the speakers. But it will be doing so from a more distant location.

It will capture everything that happens on stage. The sonic-cracks, the secret agent’s blanket brushing against the microphone, even everything whispering from below when they are crouching… "move, move,… I want my shoes…, enemy knocked down…, etc. Because all of that is playing loudly through the speakers. And the TV camera is capturing everything, but from a more distant position.

I spent a lot of time over the past 2 weeks analyzing the audio from four of the videos. I used the Time Difference of Arrival technique to pinpoint the locations where the 10 shots were fired from. I made a video with my findings and posted it to YouTube. I hope that Chris will see this post and check it out!


Good stuff and I saw several videos there were swat/Beaver Sniper Troopers near that Combine. Upward from ground level visual trajectory.

How would suppress guns affect this analysis?

I am having a very hard time find a high resolution video of the shot in the ear segment. Can someone send me a link to an actual high quality video showing trump get shot please?

I feel like I’m living a ‘Mandela Effect’ because I thought I remembered seeing blood on his hand, but then recently all of the videos I am finding have shit resolution and I can’t see any blood. I think this is why a lot of people didn’t see any blood on his hand (because the video is low resolution). I see the image above showing blood, but I want video so I can view the frames myself.

*strong text

Try this

Maybe these will open from New York Times photographer

I do not intend to confuse, but on the contrary, to clarify. The sound of the sonic crackle is not degraded because it does not have to travel any distance. On the contrary, it is being greatly amplified by the speakers. And it’s the sound from the speakers that travels to the far microphone, not the sonic crackle wave. That’s why you’re hearing those crisp, clear sounds in the audio analysis. The peaks sound so crisp and clear because the speakers are amplifying them. That’s why you hear them so well.
This is not an alternative theory. They are basic concepts of sound. I saw that you were not considering this, and I thought I should clarify this concept for us regarding the location of the devices that record the audios. But it’s not my theory. You can consult this with any sound engineer, or anyone with experience in recording sound in open spaces, and they will confirm what I tell you.

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This post seems extremely under-rated. First, while I can’t know whether the conclusions are correct, the work itself is top-notch and clearly done by someone who works in data analysis or something like that (I’d be curious to know specifics).

Second, if Crooks was shot by the same officer in the field who fired the first round that got him to stop shooting randomly, this could explain why Crooks still had a head.

Third, if the USSS didn’t even fire a shot, they have even more to answer for.

Personally I strongly suspect that something like this is the case, because the government is keeping all the basic details of the case a close secret, stuff like what kind of round Crooks was hit with, where in his body he was hit, who shot him, etc.

Great work, and this should get a lot of upvotes and be considered by Chris.

I love the look and feel of your scientific methodology, even if it is above my pay grade. I also noticed your location of shot origin more closely aligned with the first floor window’s location of the same building.

John Cullen calculates 432’ from Trump to the apparent shooter in the first floor window vs the roof location of approximately 474/475’.

Also John makes compelling evidence based assertions that there were multiple subsonic suppressed shots that can be more easily detected when playing audio back at 1 1/10 speed. It would be interesting to have you do the same analysis and perhaps corroborate or debunk John’s claims.

Here is the blood on his hand (mostly two middle fingers)

Very interesting, thanks for sharing👍

This video has been edited to look like this was from the 1st set of bleachers but that sound ‘Shooter Down’ was from the Middle bleachers when they were carrying/dragging the dark haired bearded/moustached guy across the full middle bleachers (Note: the white shirt guy with walkie talkie was not in the 1st set of bleachers where the firefighter was carried out).
This is the dark haired bearded/moustached guy that was high up in the middle bleachers to the right (lawn view) of Donald Trump that was mistaken for the Youtuber that 2 days prior said about DT that he wanted ‘to take him out’. The guy they showed in the picture on the newscast was Larger than this guy, I could tell immediately that they had the wrong guy as this guy was thinner. Hear the crowd shouting ‘he’s down’! the shooters down!
I originally told you about this but we only had still pictures of the blue gloved officer holding up his arm. See them dragging his body across the middle bleachers as I originally saw that night of July 13th. Seems al the ‘evidence’ videos have been altered or removed from the internet. NO IS TALKING ABOUT OR HAS EVEN MENTIONED THIS (This is who I figured was David Dutch). There is a cover up on this! I believe one hit to this guy was the 3rd shot from the South Barn sniper (I described the aim of all 3 of South barn snipers gun/shots previously).

This is the North Bleacher, that’s probably Corey Comperatore. Look at the Lift in the back.
There several videos of David Dutch getting off the South Blecher.

What is your point?

@gsliva, You can use either subsonic or supersonic rounds with a suppressor. I don’t know this for sure, but I think it’s likely that law enforcement would be using supersonic for greater effectiveness. So, it just makes the sound of the shot a bit quieter. I would not affect the audio analysis at all.

Brian, Thanks for the upvote on my post. I’m an engineer, and I was already experienced with using Matlab and familiar with the concept of TDOA, but I had never done anything like this before. That’s why it took me 30+ hours of work to do this analysis instead of 3. I also assumed that I had done something wrong when I saw that neither shot 9 nor 10 came from the roof of the barn. So, I went back over everything multiple times until I saw that the location was at the edge of the audience and right by a light pole. Then I realized my conclusion was actually correct.


@greg_n Thank you for all the time you spent on your TDOA analysis, Greg. It was fascinating to say the least. I’m curious to know what specifically you think caused the spread in the two groupings. I know from trying to use Audacity myself to measure the time delay of the “snap-boom” how difficult it can be to pick the start of each, and to do it consistently for each shot, even with the waves fully expanded. The shock’s N-wave seems to be easier than the muzzle blast’s sine wave. To me, and this is the first time I’ve ever looked at gunshot acoustics, it seems that would introduce error and cause the spread. Your thoughts on that? Did you have a system you used for keeping your time delay measures consistent for each shot?