Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt


Please watch the best copy of the Corey Comperatore POV phone video, showing Crooks running on the AGR #6 rooftop. Combined with my theory posted yesterday about a pro hiding in white Tyvex type camo on the taller roof. It could be pixelization. However I see what appears to be a head, cloaked in a white Tyvex type hooded suit (to blend with the roof), poke up exactly where we would expect, between the two vertical smoke stacks or air vents on the 2nd story building, in trajectory with Crooks shot, higher elevation, 50 meters back. At least two sides of that structure are shielded with facades, the parking lot side and back side so would give a lot of hiding places and concealment. It’s the ideal shooting location to easily access, hide, monitor, shoot, and escape. Would give that pro concealment from the ground, possible cover from the 2 Hercules rooftop teams, ability to monitor Crooks and civilians and the rally and law enforcement, same trajectory as Crooks, marginally farther shot. Ability to sneak away toward the unattended back of this building structure during the chaos as well.

Pay attention to the circled area in the raw source video from this image:

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Good day,

I would like to post some links to video evidence that you may or may not have. The reasons why I highlight the first two videos are due to two questions I have that I personally think are the most important.

A) Why did Hercules 1, the south counter sniper team, not open fire on Crooks? They were focused on the AGR building, they had to have seen Crooks on the building and Crooks was stationary for at least 3 seconds with the weapon ready before firing. With the movement of agents around the building it must have been clear to the snipers someone was on the roof and a threat.
Edit:I have mistakenly swapped Hercules 1 and 2 names. I was talking about Hercules 1.

B) A whole bunch of questions on the security detail around AGR, the main one being why the people inside the second level did not spot or intentionally ignored Crooks. Where could Crooks climb unto the roof without line of sight of the second level of the AGR Building, surely they can move inside the building to look out of all the windows, not only the south side? The people were shouting beneath the windows on the west side for 2-3 minutes and they did not look out of the windows? The radios in that area had chatter about the roof and they did not immediately return to look from a better vantage point for 2-3 minutes?

C) Expanding on the second question: According to bodycam footage the Beaver ESU was under the impression that Greg (Butler ESU) was still in the building in the open window. In the same video he did not point to the furthest window but the nearest window which was open and classified Greg as the sniper. Why was Greg not with full equipment in the Dayve Stewerd video compared to all other ESU units or snipers in all the footage of that day? Was Greg part of over-watch or not? May over-watch personnel even move from their position? How could it be that Crooks was deemed such a high risk that they had to leave their post to look for him, but was not considered a threat. Compare Swat interview video with documents from Grassley. Swat claimed that they did not contact SS Snipers but Whatsapp msgs counteract that. Are the Swat team and Greg lying?

  1. Clear video on Hercules 1 right when shots are fired. Edit:I have mistakenly swapped Hercules 1 and 2 names. I was talking about Hercules 1. (Repeated several times, but the clearest I could find)
  2. Video
    where it is shown that one and a half minutes (18:09:57) before shots were fired, both snipers were looking north. I attached this image if you can’t download it for a reason.

Sounds like you asked chatgpt …

Hi Chris,

Nailing down the exact position of Source 2 has been driving me crazy – I looked at your snips/pictures.

If you look at the Source 6 (Stewart video) - @ 4:10 minute-mark you can see yellow-cape-man and blue-shirt-Chevy-guy – who are both linked (I think) to the Source 2 group (both are featured at the time of the shots in the Source 2 video. These two people are located north of Dave Stewart along the fence near the AGR BLD#6 – 45 seconds BEFORE Shot 1 rang out (at the 4:10 minute-mark of the Stewart video).

My sense is that there was NOT enough time for the Source 2 group to run over from the 4:10 minute-mark location – to a position next to the inner fence next to the Trump Rally stage and then turn around and run back across the field and get back inside the fence next to the AGR building – and then hear the Shot 1 ring out.

Knowing the position of Source 2 is extremely important to the comparative audio analysis (I think). My current working (updated) assumption is that Source 2 was near or under the first closer tree next to the fence and immediately visible north of Stewart’s position – when Shot 1 rang-out. With this assumption I am getting much better results from my improving comparative audio analysis using Source 2.

Source 2 and Source 4 comparative audio data sets are both very consistent and clear and complementary - regarding a potential postulated 4-shooter hypothesis (three window/one roof). Source 6 audio (Stewart video) NOT SO MUCH - I believe Source 6 has been doctored to make it look/sound like Shots 1-8 came from Crooks/roof position.

I am surmising that perhaps ~0.05 seconds of duplicated baseline noise was inserted into the baseline of the Source 6 audio - between Shots 1-3 and Shots 4-8 – thereby causing an UP-FIELD shift in Shots 1-3 relative to the group of Shots 4-8 in order to compensate (cover-up) the distance difference between the second story windows in AGR BLD#3 and Crooks death/shooting position located on the roof of BLD#6.

Another way to look at it is that the gun-report audio signals for Shots 1-3 have a certain delay due to distance traveled from the actual time of the shots. If these Shots were fired from farther away from Crooks’ position – say from the windows in BLD#3 – THEN the Shots 1-3 will have an extra amount of delay in the gun-report audio signal that would be seen in the overall audio track. That is the audio signals for Shots 1-3 would be shifted an additional amount DOWN-FIELD relative to the group of Shots 4-8. To prevent this additional visible down-field shift in the audio track of Source 6 – it would be easy to calculate the amount of baseline noise to be inserted into the baseline between Shots 1-3 vs Shots 4-8 – to essentially REVERSE the down-field shift caused by Shots 1-3 being fired a bit farther away from the windows in BLD#3. Again, this would be done by someone wanting the Citizens Investigation to believe that Shots 1-8 were shot from the same location and by the same shooter aka Crooks. (I apologize in advance if I am flogging a dead horse – being too verbacious.)

You probably already noticed this and other anomalies regarding the audio-track for Source 6 – that presumably were designed to support the fake “lone-shooter” narrative – and otherwise frustrate the Citizens Investigation into the PTAT.

Aside – your most recent update podcast – was helpful and induced me to re-examine my comparative analysis – and I found that my 4-shooter hypothesis had gotten Shooter 1/3 positions transposed – here is my update PST-PAT (primary/secondary/tertiary – patsy) shooter/shot hypothesis:

Shot 1 = Shooter 1 = location south window #6 second story AGR BLD#3

Shot 2 = Shooter 2 = location south window #3 second story AGR BLD#3

Shot 3 = Shooter 3 = location south window #1 second story AGR BLD#3

Shots 4-8 = Shooter 4 (Crooks/patsy) = location death position roof AGR BLD#6

NOTE: This update also helps explain (I think) the difference in the audio track (optically) between the appearance of Shot 1 vs Shots 2/3 – the latter were going out to some degree over open space whereas the former was shooting over the immediate adjacent roof of BLD#6.

As always thanks for your excellent analysis and reporting.


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Who’s that?

Use GPS-like math to find Source of Unknown Sound.

Interactive graphic on Desmos.

For this analysis, just consider the relative time stamps for each shot for Trump’s microphone compared to any other microphone. Just the report, not the sonic boom. But for this, we need the second microphone to be stationary.

I set up a graph in Desmos which is interactive, link below.
NOTE: I don’t have precise real data numbers, so I just made rough guesses, but the details can easily be tweaked with more accurate measurements.

I used the following coordinates:
(0,0) is Trump’s microphone, aka mic1 (Orange dot, of course Orange!)
(0,460) is Crooks’ position (Purple X) (e.g. about 460 feet North)
(a,b) is the position of a second microphone, aka mic2 (Red circle)
(x,y) is the position of a second shooter. (dashed Blue line)
t is the “time gap difference” defined below

For example, to locate the officer who fired shot 9, take the time difference between shots 8 & 9 for Trump’s microphone and for the second microphone.
Start with the 9-8 time segment measured from the second microphone then subtract the 9-8 time segment measured from Trump’s microphone. Call this the “time gap difference” which I’m calling ‘t’. Measure t in milliseconds. And if sound travels 1200 ft/sec then it travels 1.2 feet each millisecond.

Suppose the 9-8 gap time is 50 msec longer measured at mic 2 than it was measured at Trump’s mic. So maybe the sound from a second shooter took an extra 120 msec to reach mic2 but it took an extra 70 msec to reach mic1. Or maybe it took an extra 20 msec to reach mic2, but it got to mic1 30 msec sooner. We can’t measure the absolutes from two microphones, only the relative amount.
But we can define a locus of points that satisfies the constraint of being 60 feet (50 msec * 1200 ft/sec) farther from mic2 than it is from mic1.

Desmos Link


Plug in the time gap difference by sliding the slider bar for ‘t’.
As you vary t, watch the change in the locus of points (dashed Blue line) where the second shooter could be located.

If you have 3 or more microphones with known and fixed locations, one should be able to locate the location of the unknown sound. Whatever the level of precision for measuring time in msec, multiply that by 1.2 to get the precision in feet. However that is probably overwhelmed by the uncertainty of microphone location and the possibility that mic2 moved between shots.

Formula for finding the locus of points. A long expression is set equal to t which is in msec. But this is multiplied by 1.2 to get feet.
UNK is unknown shooter location (x,y)
C is Crooks at (0,460)
mic2 is (a,b)
mic1 is (0,0)
d(loc1, loc2) is distance from loc1 to loc2

(d(UNK,mic2) - d(C,mic2)) - (d(UNK, mic1) - d(C, mic1)) = 1.2t
distribute the minus sign and remove unneeded parentheses
d(UNK,mic2) - d(C,mic2) - d(UNK, mic1) + d(C, mic1) = 1.2

You could do the same for the time gap differences between shots 3 and 4.


There’s a lot of talk about Trump’s mic. There’s a few issues with using this as source data. First, it clamped down on the signal after a loud noise. So we’re missing information. Second, it doesn’t have the sound from the speakers. (Which other audio has.) They may have some audio processing to filter those out. If so, the audio data has been processed by an unknown algorithm. That adds a lot of potential error. It doesn’t invalidate the data, but it adds error. What are your thoughts on this?

Ah, now I understand what you’re saying. No, I haven’t consulted anywhere. You asked me about the distance and the sound of the bullet, and I’ve tried to explain it as best I know. I have tried to explain it in a clear way, and to understand several things that affect sound with clear examples. I’m not from your country and I don’t speak your language perfectly, and as I write I translate little by little to make sure the translation is correct. Maybe that’s why my paragraphs seem strange to you. But I was just trying to answer your questions and that it was well understood.

The closer team was facing the right direction but obscured by a tree.
The farther team was facing the other direction and had to turn around, reposition, reorient, locate and identify the target - that all takes a lot of time.
These positions were incompetently placed, FYI. Too close, too vulnerable, terrible sectors of fire that had obstructions.

All very good questions, leading to the only plausible conclusion that this was an inside job due to the layers of basic failures and the lack of any transparency or good answers.

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@vt1 Yes, I do incorporate elevation into the TDOA calculations, and I’m sure it makes a significant difference considering how close the recording sources were to the elevated shooter. However, I was only using rough guesses for the building heights until I found this Washington Post diagram last night. Are these numbers accurate? If anyone can provide more accurate numbers I would appreciate it. Here is what I have been using for my analysis work today: Shooter @ 5m, Ross (src. 5) @ 2m until shot 10 @ 1m, TMX (src. 2) @0 until shot 10 @ 1m, DJStew (src. 6) @ 0, Trump’s Podium @ 3m. If someone who has been to the site could give me better numbers, that would be great.

WaPo Elevation Diagram

Can someone post the new video from youtube?

Having some trouble downloading it with the normal youtube downloaders. Or can we get the channel to send it to us?

H-2 could not see Crooks because there was a tree blocking their line of sight to his position. This has been known since day 1.

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I had problems downloading it too, but I got it. Thinking how to get it to you. Edit:


Thanks bud. I was able to download it from your link.

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I’ll echo Jim’s thanks. :+1::+1:

It would be nice if Chris’ team did something like this for all the sound videos.

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I have some of them on my google drive. Video Analysis - Google Drive in the reference folder.

They’re the highest quality vids I could find, but they’re not the source videos.


Thanks for posting.

This video solidly dispells any 2nd shooter up there ON THAT SECTION of the AGR#6 roof. It is likely impossible given the number of witnesses and phone videos that a 2nd shooter would have been able to fire move and escape while remaining unseen.

Close the book on theories of another shooter on AGR #6 rooftop with Crooks. It’s impossible.

Look at the links of the videos I have posted. The first video shows the further team on the south barn, Hercules 1, was looking north towards the AGR building. They repositioned and reorientated themselves in the second video, one and half minutes before shots were fired.

Edit:I have mistakenly swapped Hercules 1 and 2 names. I was talking about Hercules 1.

Yes! This!
I have yet to hear how the redhat/white shirt man falls. Aren’t the two ‘critically’ wounded spectators up in the west top corner of the bleacher?

The #2 video intrigues me. It shows a guy in white drop upon the first shot in the top row. Chris may have alluded to his reaction being the ringing of the handrail by bullet to west top corner. But he sure looks like he took a hit. Here’s another view that I saw July 14.