Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

The bullet actually goes behind dark t shirt man between him and the guardrail. If you study the photo, you can see that he’s stabilizing himself with his hand on the top rail of the guard rail, and there’s a gap between him and the guard rail. He’s a little further away from the Megatron, than Mr. Dutch. In fact, Mr. Dutch is not visible here, because he is occluded by the dark T-shirt man. So if we had a view in line with the top of the bleachers, we would see Mr. Dutch on the right, and the dark T-shirt man to the left, and both within the field of fire of the spray of bullet fragments. You see that gray patchy cloud, which is the cloud of ? vaporized paint, coming off the guard rail. the shrapnel ricochets hitting Mr. Dutch, and possibly the dark T-shirt man too since he does raise his hand to his right side in the video.

This article says David Dutch was shot in the liver and chest and was put in an induced coma. He had at least 2 surgeries. He must have been hurt more than it looked on video. I am going to assume a direct hit for David Dutch. Maybe shot # 1 grazed him and shot # 2 went to the liver? That leaves shot # 3 for the hydraulic line? Shot # 4 or 5 for Copenhaver? Shot # 6 for Comperatore?


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Pic 3 - See anything in this window?

Very interesting. The supposed “muzzle flashes” do not coincide with any of the gun shots, though.

I don’t buy it. Direct hit to the chest or liver with a 5.56 round and he would be dead or at the very least, he would be carried out on a stretcher bleeding profusely. maybe those bullet fragments penetrated soft tissue, liver being on the right side of course, I suppose that’s possible. The first three shots were from the pro sniper. He’s too far away from where shot one impacted for it to be the sloppy work of a bad shooter.

More likely Something else, reflection of something…round.


They spoke on the phone soon after I posted. From the misalignments I suspect shot 9 was from the other side of the parking lot, but I’m sure a full analysis will be ready soon.

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SMS messages between law enforcement has apparently been leaked

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Local police in Butler had no communication with Secret Service until after the shooting.

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I have found new footage from different perpective, thanks to algorithm. New audio of Shootings from direction in Front of the Shooter. Sound of all 8 shots seem similar.

Hi all I found this Video on tiktok From a user called realdjstew724 It has potential evidence in it it was just posted today and the account owner says he has more video and has the source video. It shows the rally from the other side of the fence not far from the building the assailant was on and it shows a LOT of police possible military secret service and other agents . Could be good for a count … It also has dialog with a possible witness to the assailant getting shot they describe it in gruesome detail. Has swear words and needs to be stabilized. Trump rally behind fence

Video footage from fence near AGR Building 6

Dayve Stewart (@RealDJStew724) captured camera footage from the fence near the AGR Building 6 where Crooks was found — side with the 4 stack vents over to parking area and trees that occluded CS1’s line of sight — starting at 2:30 min before the first shot rang out and running after initial response from LEOs.

Secret Service guy in blue blazer, white shirt and red tie — seen on the roof of the released body cam footage a la Chuck Grassley — can be seen toward the end of this clip coming through gap in the gate (w/ yellow SecuriTies)

@RealDJStew724 says he took 60 min of footage — camera confiscated by PA State Police on 7/13/2024, then FBI confiscated it from PSP before having it returned to him on 7/19/2024.

Most relevant footage starts at 2:45 in this clip —

If you can get in touch with the owner of raw footage, perhaps it can be helpful.

Video with audio of shot approx. 15 yds from building 6

This screenshot from 0:12 in the video link must be evidence that Crooks did not fire the second shot. You don’t see any light from a gun in Crooks position (Red arrow) when the second shot is fired!

Hello Chris.
Thanks for your excellent work.

I think I have found the source of your Shot 9.
Take a look at the video with the link below.
You will find the whole video very interesting, but specifically at 5:04.

Shooter in window underneath the roof where Crooks is shooting from.
Third window from the right, which also is the window to the right of the ventilation ducts.

Window covering for this window changes during the video.
Look at how the window looks at 3:53, just to the right of the horse.

Processing: image.png…

video from Trump shooting appears to show suppressed rifle fire from FIRST floor window[quote=“AaronMcKeon, post:2, topic:40701, full:true, username:aaronmckeon”]
From Niela:

Hello, I watched your video breaking down the sounds of the shots from the Trump rally. There was a Tik Tok video you had with words on it and you made a request for better footage if anyone had any or knew where to find some. Well I found some. On the channel Redacted. Video title–Breaking! Disturbing New Details in Trump Assassination Plot Exposed. About 14:25 into video. Just thought I would let you know. Have a good day.


Video appears to show spots fired from window in FIRST FLOOR

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