Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt

Please someone tell me where to post this new video I found on Bitchute

It APPEARS to show shots fired from FIRST FLOOR window. Muzzle flashes timed with sound of shots fired

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I examined this blurry protrusion above the ridge line and I believe you are correct. This is Crooks’ head looking over the ridge cap but there is no rifle. He is not taking aim. He’s probably wondering what’s going on.
In the first photo, we see that Crooks’ body was found in the third channel from the edge of the connector hallway between the two buildings. The blood trail is visible.
The second view is Google Earth with a red line indicating the third channel projects to just to the left of that window.
The third view is your screenshot showing that position lines up perfectly with what is Crooks’ head.
The next screenshot is the police headcam video showing the ridge cap and that there is no way a rifle barrel could have been poked under it.
Crooks does not have his rifle aiming above the ridge cap at the time of the first three shots.
The last screenshot is at about the 13 second mark of your video. I lined up the edge of the window with what is quite blurry but does seem to be Crooks’ head still above the ridge line, no rifle is visible.
THEREFORE the obvious conclusion is that Crooks did not take those first three shots.

I need more opinions on this. I have been reviewing the JD Stew video.

The following is a picture of one of the AGR building 6 windows from the “He’s got a gun” video. The window glass surface is easy to see and the reflection is very clear. The window just looks normal to me.

When I view the JD Stew video frame by frame using VLC media player, it looks weird. The windows do not have proper reflections. The edge of the glass is difficult to see. When I zoom in, the windows look like they have been painted / photoshopped. I am not a video forensic expert but I have done a lot of image alterations with, GIMP and other programs, so I am fairly familiar with how it looks when I alter something.

To make it easier, I have labeled the windows 1 through 5 as seen in these images.


This is window 1. It just doesn’t look right. It looks like somebody painted and darkened the window. There is no reflection.

This is window 2. It looks painted and blurred also.

Window 3 look really weird. It looks like the inner frame was drawn by hand but at the wrong angle, not matching the angle of corrugated metal outside. It looks darkened and blurred also.

This is window 4. The bottom looks blurred. I am still debating whether the upper blinds were painted also.

This is window 5. It looks different at different time stamps:

This is another window 5 after the shooting:

Are we sure we got the raw, unaltered video on this? I am really starting to have suspicions after a frame by frame review. If the video was altered, was the sound altered also? I would appreciate help from anyone on this forum that has used computer paint programs before.

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More video from Mike Adams, claims to see a muzzle flash from one of the windows.

Photos not video. These are screenshots from the body cam. The cam was blurred but there were some moments that the blur wasn’t applied fully. I have more but as a non-member I’m limited to only post one at a time. WARNING: Gore
Head face 4

This video from someone who was at the rally shows that there was a 3rd [Secret Service?] sniper team in the grandstand next to what may be a tractor-pull track west of the lake, who may have had a better line-of-sight on Crooks and may be the team that took either shot #9 or #10 (or your mystery shot #11?). John Cullen has been talking about this team in the context of taking out a shooter on the water tower, including a photo from the gun position of this team. I think Cullen is wrong about a water-tower shooter, but it’s important that he somehow identified the location of this 3rd law-enforcement sniper team.

The guy that took the video says that he was arrested and roughed up a bit and that his phone was taken from him for a few days but was returned to him. So alteration of the video is a possibility.
One fact that I believe is now in the green bucket is that Crooks did not take those first three shots.
See my comments to a screenshot that is of a video taken by someone else farther away from Building 6. JD is apparently the guy in the red shirt seen running across the frame of the video.
In any case, this video is probably untampered with since it did not get into the hands of the authorities.
There is a blur just over the ridge cap that coordinates exactly where Crooks’ body was found and there is no rifle visible. Being a black rifle we would expect at least a few dark pixels.
I also show the ridge cap and there is no way a rifle could be poked under it as some have proposed.

This is another view of window 5 later in the JD Stew video. It is clearly photoshopped in my opinion. Just zoom in on the window and you can see the very sloppy painting done, especially the upper right corner.

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Yes, I noticed it today myself:
YouTube Video from @realDJStew724 starts at 12:41

Is the shooter who shot out of the window looking for the bullet casings in the dark with his head lamp on? I put all images into one GIF so you can see better what going on. Super, super suspicious. Start sharing this gif, it should go viral!


This shows him zip-tied and blood on his right hand. In other photos the left hand is clean. I assume when he was shot he used his right hand to try and stem the blood flow. In another picture it shows a gunshot wound to his neck.

If the mods are able grant me a free membership I can upload the lot. I can only load one pic at a time every hour or two and I’m not going to bother doing that.

Here is a new video. I wasn’t able to find an original not on Instagram. Will keep looking but you have another one will have good angle.

Hello, forgive me if I’m not posting correctly. This is my first time on this platform and I’m not familiar with the functions.

This video captures LEO headcam counts, out loud, he sees 5 casings and stops at 5. (7:57 time stamp)
SENSITIVE CONTENT: Full Bodycam Footage Obtained by Grassley from Beaver Co. Emergency Services Unit (

This video captures the two story building, near Crooks, with view of windows.
The Truth Always Comes Out Eventually (

Another headcam video of LEO counting 5 casings on rooftop (time stamp 4:54)
Bodycam Footage from Moments After Trump Assassination Attempt (

Aerial footage
Aerial footage of scene after shooting at Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania (

Aerial footage
aerial footage in Pensylvannia - YouTube

drone footage of Trump rally in Butler after shooting:
Drone footage of grounds where gunman opened fire on Donald Trump at rally (

New footage released by Benny Johnson (today, 7/29/24) of LEO activity during assassination attempt by man who had their phone confiscated and arrested by LEO PA State Trooper Agent Smith:
:rotating_light:BOMBSHELL: New Trump Shooting Footage RELEASED Proves Assassin Was ALLOWED to Shoot At TRUMP! WHAT (

Thank you for considering this footage during your investigation,


Source: YouTube Video from @realDJStew724
The first photo was taken from the AGR International Inc, building 6 from Google Maps. As you can see, the windows have blinds with pull cords. Before the shooting you can see how the cord is tangled up with the window. After the shooting you can see the cord back in its normal position. Hypothesis: it looks as if the shooter opened the window and shot 3 shots can closed it again and the cord got untangled. Super, super suspicious

Completely clean back of t-shirt

Look at the blood splatter. As shown in my photo earlier you can see the bullet wound in his neck, I assume when he was shot some blood squirted out before he used his right hand to cover the wound. This explains his bloodied right hand. The fact the wound is on the right hand side of his neck may give more credence to the theory the second shooter from the window was the killer shot, however it’s odd that there is no splatter coming from an exit wound. Another possibility is the shot was from one of the barns that was to Crooks’ 2 o’clock and the bullet lodged into his body due to that angle.

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How does woodrailking on youtube have clearer individual frames than the original author, Dayve Stewart on youtube? I understand stabilization will take some of the shaking out of the video but how did woodrailking magically put reflections in the windows that were not there on the original author’s video? Did the first person that photoshopped the original video (or his replacement) have to go back and fix his mistakes? Is woodrailking video the professional photoshop replacement? I do have to give the photoshop replacement credit though, he did an excellent job this time. I like the reflections !! Is the Dayve Stewart video replaced with this one now also? Are all the images on the picture sharing websites updated now?

Update – My uploaded pics all seem to be altered to some degree now. That was fast. Oh, well
 I get the message.

You can see the person whose body cam footage this is sending pictures to someone using an app, I believe it looks like the ‘signal’ encrypted app. A subpoena for this guy would be handy.